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Coronavirus Ebersberg live ticker: +++ Corona patient with cancer +++

Corona virus in the district of Ebersberg: infected, background reports, information – here are the most important developments regarding the crisis in the live ticker.

+++ Update +++

Vaterstetten has the most corona infected people

16:37, Ebersberg: 26 people in Vaterstetten are currently infected with the corona virus. There are no current cases in: Baiern, Egmating, Oberpframmern and Forstinning.

Corona numbers by municipality.

© LRA Ebersberg

Conversion triple sports hall near completion

16:34, Ebersberg: In the meantime, a first delivery with oxygen has arrived and a large part of the beds ordered. The processes could be run through tomorrow. Nothing will be left to chance in the event that the auxiliary hospital has to go into operation, the district office said.

After infection at the senior center in Poing: contact persons tested

4:30 p.m., Poing: In connection with the Covid-19 illness of a resident in the senior center in Poing, the health authority tested contact persons, according to the district office.

In addition to the protective and hygienic measures, in such a case, community events of any kind must be avoided in an institution. In addition, it must not be eaten in community.

Nursing homes and other facilities still face the problem that protective materials such as masks are missing. However, the district office had made provisions to the extent that the facilities could be provided with initial equipment.

How the current situation in facilities for people with disabilities or impairments is, that is the subject of an exchange between their operators and the competent department in the district office tomorrow.

144 currently infected with coronavirus

16:26, Ebersberg: In the Ebersberg district, 144 people are infected with the Corona virus. 346 people are in domestic quarantine, the district office said. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 224 people in the district have tested positive for the Corona virus. 80 of them are healthy again.

111 people were examined yesterday at the diagnostic center.

Correction of the district hospital: patient died of Convid-19 and cancer

15:35, Ebersberg: “Corona was not decisive for the death of the man,” said clinic manager Stefan Huber to our newspaper this afternoon. Huber’s presentation is incorrect.

The managing director now corrects himself: The man has died of a “combination of cancer and Convid-19”. The aftermath of the virus has contributed to the death of the man. Without Convid-19 “the man could probably have lived on,” says Stefan Huber.

For reasons of data protection, the head of the clinic could not provide further information about the course of the disease.

16 new infections in the district

15:00, Ebersberg: The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety reports a total of 224 infections. That is 16 more than yesterday. The number of infections includes – contrary to what the district office does – infected and recovered people.

20 ventilators in the Ebersberger Klinikum

13:19, Ebersberg: The situation in the district hospital is calmer than in other hospitals in the area, says clinic manager Stefan Huber. Five patients currently need ventilation.

“The corona virus is more dangerous than influenza because patients usually hang on ventilation machines for 15 to 20 days.” The problem: The machines are blocked for a long time.

The capacity in the hospital was increased from ten to 20 ventilators, said Huber. “We could serve 20 more,” he says. When the hospital gets some.

They are out of print worldwide, says the managing director. Some of them could only be delivered in August or September. However, according to the head of the clinic, the federal government and the free state should get ventilators earlier. They should be distributed soon. Stefan Huber hopes that the Ebersberger hospital will receive some.

Deceased coronavirus patient had cancer

13:00, Ebersberg: “The first patient with coronavirus died in the district clinic on Tuesday,” reported the district office on Wednesday evening. The patient did not “die because of, but with Corona,” the district authority continued. What does that mean?

Call clinic manager Stefan Huber. “Corona was not the deciding factor in the man’s death,” says Huber. He would have died without Covid-19. The under 80 year old had severe cancer, from which he died. For data protection reasons, Huber understandably can no longer say about the course of the disease. Because of the cancer, the man had been in the Ebersberg district clinic for treatment for a week. He comes from a neighboring district.

The head of the clinic does not know whether the deceased is included in the statistics as a corona death in his home country.

Online shop for the district: Like Amazon, only locally

12:00, Ebersberg: Lakhena Leng from Ebersberg founded an online shop for regional entrepreneurs. It declares war on the economic consequences of the corona crisis.

Find out more here!

Inquiries about smear results cost the district office a lot of resources

10:30, Ebersberg: 753 people have been tested since the operation of the diagnostic center. Of these, 55 findings that are older than 48 hours are pending, the district office announced last night. This corresponds to a “backlog rate” of around seven percent.

Around ten percent of all people tested received a positive result. “The probability that you will not receive a response within the intended 48 working hours and at the same time a positive test result is approximately 0.7%,” said the authority.

The laboratory commissioned by the district office would receive a complete list of all arrears every evening.

All people, whether positive or negative, are informed by telephone of the district office staff about the result.

The district office asks to refrain from inquiring about the result. These questions would take up a lot of resources. “We can assure you that you will be called as soon as we receive the finding,” said the district authority.

Books delivery service continues

April 2, 2020, 9:50 am, Oberpframmern: The community library in Oberpframmern will continue to offer the book delivery service beyond tomorrow. Next date: Friday, April 3, next week Wednesday, April 8, and every Friday after Easter.

Books delivery service continues.

© Private

Urgent staff wanted

17:44, Ebersberg: There is still an urgent search for district citizens who can support the emergency clinic in the event of commissioning. A staff pool is currently being set up, which can be accessed if necessary, according to the district office.

Those interested can find it on the homepage of the district office at www.lra-ebe.de the link to an applicant portal.

District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß (CSU): “We are trying to build up the potential of medical personnel from different areas and with different qualifications so that we can quickly get help when it is needed. Please let me know if you can help. “

Residents of an old people’s home fell ill with Covid-19

17:39, Ebersberg: In a retirement home in the north of the district, a resident has Covid-19. He is in a Munich clinic, said the district office.

“Now it is a matter of quickly identifying the closest contact persons so that, in the best case, the path of infection can be understood,” said the authority.

The health office and home supervision had started the investigation on site immediately after the smear result was known. They would work on it “with high pressure”.

A special focus would remain on all homes and facilities where people are looked after around the clock. The district office gives senior citizens and people with disabilities and impairments as an example.

District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß (CSU): “The fact that a person has contracted the corona virus in one of the senior citizens’ homes in our district was feared at some point and fills us with great concern. It is now a question of ensuring maximum security in these facilities, which has been a focus of the crisis team for some time. “

16 infected patients are treated in the district clinic

17:37, Ebersberg: Sixteen infected patients are treated in the district clinic, five of them are in the intensive care unit and require ventilation. This was announced by the district office.

There are eleven suspected cases. They are treated in hospital in isolation.

First corona patient died in the district hospital

5:30 p.m., Ebersberg: The first patient with coronavirus died in the district hospital on Tuesday. It was a citizen of just under 80 from a neighboring district, the district office announced on Wednesday evening.

The man had a very serious pre-existing condition. According to a medical statement, the patient died not because of, but with Corona.

Because it is a citizen from a neighboring district, he is not listed in the death statistics in the district of Ebersberg, but in his home district.

Current number: 134 corona infected

16:13, Ebersberg: A total of 208 people have been tested positive for the coronavirus so far. 74 people were cured, said the district office. There are currently 134 positive corona cases.

So far, most people in the community of Vaterstetten have contracted the virus: a total of 32 people. In the graphic, the Corona cases are broken down by municipality.

A total of 208 people have been tested positive for the coronavirus so far.

© District Office Ebersberg

Bavarian State Office for Health reports 16 new infections in the district

14:50, Ebersberg: The authority reports a total of 208 infections. That is 16 more than yesterday. Unlike the district office, the number includes infected and recovered people.

“Action Teddy” of the elementary school Moosach-Alxing

14:36, Moosach: Children staying at home due to school closure and limited exits were asked to put a teddy bear in the window with a greeting. The motto: “What must be, must be – but we are not alone – we can do it together,” says the elementary school.

Those who have to be outside – on the way to the doctor, for shopping or to work – see the furry ambassadors, the initiators say.

The school even edited a film of it.

EZ’s new corona service

13:58, Ebersberg: Many people need help in the current Corona crisis in the Ebersberg district. Many people want to help. We bring them together here.

Here is the map for local businesses and retailers:

More information about the cards and how to register, You will find here!

Art in Corona times

12:50, Poing: Sabrina Sturm from Poing has conjured up some color and variety in everyday corona life: the hobby artist spontaneously exhibited her pictures in the garden. Click here for the whole article.

District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß (CSU) on the current status

April 1, 2020, 10:45 am, Ebersberg: As of Tuesday, there are 128 Corona infected people in the Ebersberg district. Here is a video message from District Administrator Niedergesäß.

New corona concept for the district of Ebersberg

16:44, Ebersberg: Six Covid focal practices, relief practices and isolation ward in the old people’s home: The new medical doctor has presented a concept to ensure medical care. Click here for the whole article.

Current figures for Tuesday

16:16, Ebersberg: In the Ebersberg district, 128 people are currently infected with the Corona virus. There are 380 people in domestic quarantine. This was announced by the district office.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 192 people in the district have tested positive for the coronavirus. 64 of them are healthy again.

The district clinic treats 15 infected patients, five of whom are in the intensive care unit and need ventilation. There are 25 suspected cases. They are treated in hospital in isolation.

Women’s emergency call Ebersberg alarmed: sharp increase in domestic violence

15:18, Ebersberg: According to exit restrictions in Bavaria: Women’s emergency call Ebersberg registers an increase in cases of domestic violence. “The current situation is explosives.”

Click here for the whole article.

Corona test center in Ebersberg: This is how the tests work

14:41, Ebersberg: In the Sparkasse building: Up to 165 people are checked for corona every day in Ebersberg. A feat of strength for the employees. Read the report by EZ editor Mike Seeholzer here.

Please stand still means the marking.


New Corona ticker from the Ebersberger Zeitung

March 31, 2020, 2:35 p.m., Ebersberg: With a new format, the live ticker continues about the corona crisis in the Ebersberg district. Here you can read the most important developments of the day. Stay informed!

New medical doctor for the district

17:55, Ebersberg: District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß (CSU) has Dr. Marc Block from Zorneding appointed as medical doctor for the district. He is now participating in the crisis team meetings, according to the district office.

It is the task of the health care provider to plan and coordinate adequate provision of medical services for medical practices in the district. To this end, it bundles appropriate resources and, if necessary, also defines individual key practices or suggests them to the district administrator for decision.

The health care provider thus takes on a coordinating role for all medical practices in the district.

Work on converting the triple sports hall in Ebersberg into an auxiliary clinic is continuing, however, the first beds have already been delivered, the district office announced.

127 people infected

March 30, 2020, 5:52 pm, Ebersberg: In the Ebersberg district, 127 people are infected with the Corona virus. 404 people are in quarantine at home, the district office said.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 176 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in the district. 49 of them are healthy again. Fourteen infected patients are treated in the district clinic, five of them are in the intensive care unit and require ventilation.

There are 28 suspected cases. They are treated in hospital in isolation, according to the district office.

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