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Coronavirus: Drug Successfully Suppresses Transmission Of Coronavirus In One Day

COVID-19 :

This scientific study was carried out with ferrets. These animals have respiratory tracts similar to those of humans and can be infected with coronavirus. This virus remains a mystery in all respects, the news that arrives changes with the studies. This research uses animals and is largely theoretical, but not practical. In fact, even the form of contagion of this coronavirus is not clear, it has changed over time, if the results of preventive measures are analyzed, they could also change soon, given their lack of effectiveness. Until a 100% safe way to avoid contagion is found, which is not happening at the moment, the drug they used with the ferrets may provide some light at the end of the tunnel. .

Scientists rely on ferret study to test coronavirus drug

Given the visible ineffectiveness of preventive measures to stop the coronavirus, infections continue to increase alarmingly. People who come to the emergency room don’t know how they got infected, and the secrecy of how the virus spreads is a reality. It seems that this new coronavirus does not include schedules or masks, containment is the only way to stop it. To avoid future confinements or obligations that extend over time without being the solution to a pandemic, a team of scientists has set to work on a new drug that prevents the transmission of the coronavirus.

In the hope of power in this way and effectively eliminates the possibility of the virus spreading. The results are promising, 100% of ferrets subjected to this test succeeded in eradicating the virus. This way you can start to really protect the weakest.

This is the study that was carried out with ferrets that promises to stop the possibility of contagion of the coronavirus

Oral drug suppresses transmission of coronavirus within 24 hours

The journal Nature Microbiology was commissioned to publish this study.or that it could help effectively win the battle against the coronavirus. The whole world is trying to stop the spread of a virus that is hitting our country more than ever. The ferrets used in this recent study open the door to hope. The key to beating the coronavirus and the goal of this study is to stop widespread community transmission until vaccination.

It is taken orally so that treatment begins quickly. It inhibits the progression of patients to serious disease, which is really encouraging. It also shortens the infectious phase to lessen the emotional and socio-economic cost of prolonged patient isolation and effectively ends epidemics. As shown in this study conducted with ferrets.

The drug MK-4482 / EIDD-2801 has a good response over a broad spectrum against respiratory RNA viruses and oral treatment of animals infected with the drug. It reduces the number of disseminated viral particles by several orders of magnitude, thus reducing transmission. Ferrets do not develop the disease severely, but as young adults, mild, moderate, or asymptomatic.

Researchers infected the ferrets with coronavirus, they treated these animals with MK-4482 / EIDD-2801. Until verifying that the ferrets have started to eliminate the virus through the nose. They sent back those who had infected the rest of the ferrets and none were infected. Part of the ferrets were treated with a placebo and that yes they were infected on contact with the virus. There are many unknowns still hanging in the air, this virus is not like the others. The division of opinions on how to deal with it or the measures applied in each country gives different points of view.

What is for some scientific proof, for others it is not proven, it is just another theory. A few months ago the children were very contagious, now they hardly transmit the virus. In a few months or weeks, we may discover something more about the virus, seeing the progress in the world and the measures each country is taking on its own. There is no single reliable criterion, nor a result that invites hope, China was the only country to have stopped the virus, avoiding the second wave which is present in almost the whole world. The way it has been done can be effective, isolating the positives and avoiding contact with the rest of the population. Community transmission in the world’s largest country was quickly stopped with massive testing and full border control. This study with a drug that helps treat the virus and prevent it from spreading so quickly, by effectively cutting transmission, may be a small door to hope.

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