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Coronavirus drives the development of artificial intelligence in medicine


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MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Although the coronavirus became a real challenge for all health systems, the pandemic in general gave a strong impetus to the development of artificial intelligence technologies in medicine and its use in that field is expected to be usual in 10 years.

Sputnik spoke with the director of the Moscow Department of Health Diagnostic and Telemedicine Center, Sergey Morózov, about the use of artificial intelligence in the fight against coronavirus and advanced technologies in the diagnosis of diseases.

“There are a number of artificial intelligence technologies, including speech recognition, big data analysis, and machine vision. These automation technologies are largely able to standardize the work of medical specialists,” he said.

Morózov affirmed that “there are many functions in medicine that are done manually, for example, the doctor must write medical documents using the keyboard [del ordenador], which is very time consuming, so it is possible to use artificial intelligence, in particular voice recognition. ”

“Doctors are increasingly using that technology,” he said.

In addition, according to the specialist, artificial vision technology can be used for tomography that makes images “speak” and become the most understandable, which can be useful for specialists with little work experience.

Development boost

Morózov admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic gave a strong impetus to the development of artificial intelligence technologies.

“In epidemic conditions [de coronavirus] All these technologies are especially relevant due to the pressure that the health system is undergoing, [cuando] Quick decisions must be made and the risk of mistakes minimized, “he emphasized.

Asked about the errors of artificial intelligence, the doctor pointed out that this type of technology “at the moment does not demonstrate 100% accuracy, although voice recognition is already more than 97% accurate” and may be improved in the near future .

“If we talk about artificial vision, now the algorithms we practice in Moscow have an accuracy of more than 90%,” said the specialist, adding that to “train” these mechanisms, data sets are created with descriptions of the pathologies that help artificial intelligence to find them on CT scans.

According to Morózov, now the artificial vision technology that needs about 15 minutes to detect pathology in the tomography, is used to analyze computed tomography images of lungs.

In addition, the use of artificial intelligence technologies, particularly voice recognition that works through a computer application, headphones and microphone, allows doctors to save 22% of their time.

Use of artificial intelligence

“We have launched in Moscow a system of ‘artificial vision’ that works in more than 60 health organizations,” said the doctor, adding that across the country there are only “a couple dozen” of institutions that use the aforementioned technology.

Morózov announced plans to expand the application of artificial intelligence technologies by highlighting the need for regional specialists to use them in their work.

“It is very important that a radiological information system appears, only then can these algorithms be implemented in normal practice. At the moment we work only with state medical institutions, although private organizations also ask to share experience and show their interest,” he said.

Asked about the reaction of doctors to this type of technology, Morózov indicated that there are some who “look with caution” and others who help test and analyze new algorithms, who “are happy to have new instruments.”

Doctors who are interested in testing artificial intelligence technologies should receive corresponding training, which is an indispensable condition, emphasized the specialist.

Future for artificial intelligence

In Morózov’s opinion, even though artificial intelligence technologies sometimes seem fantastic, their use by doctors in their regular work could be a reality “within 10 years.”

The specialist added that the computer systems necessary for the implementation of such technologies “are now increasingly accessible, just as there are Russian producers, so there is no big problem here.”

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