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Coronavirus: draft 113 articles, from healthcare to families. Decree of over 20 billion – Economy

The Council of Ministers for the launch of the decree with the measures to combat the Coronavirus emergency will be held on Monday 16 March at 10.

Healthcare, families, businesses, workers. But also specific aids for tourism and boost to the Italian production of masks. The new draft of the decree that ANSA was able to view is 113 articles. The measures are worth over twenty billion. Various sources of government confirm this to ANSA. The overall value of the measure will be defined only after the final screening of the government but as of now it can be estimated that the amount used will be close to the 25 billion for which the executive has had the authorization of the Parliament.

The anti-coronavirus decree that the government is preparing to pass mobilizes funding for 350 billion eurossaid Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri. This is an “equivalent” figure as a percentage of GDP to Germany’s 550 billion. “The decree is” only the first step. The economic consequences will not disappear in a few weeks, the economy will need a very strong push for a restart “, and the situation” requires a change of pace also for Europe “, added Gualtieri.

The text is still subject to revision and therefore subject to change.

Against the coronavirus emergency, the government will be able to issue new debt up to a maximum of 25 billion. “In order to find the resources to ensure the liquidity necessary for the implementation of the interventions referred to in this decree – reads the financial provisions – the issue of government securities is authorized for an amount of up to 25,000 million euros for the 2020 “. However, the same article also refers to other hedging funds without currently indicating the amounts.

The companies most affected by the coronavirus (sports, including gyms, art and culture such as theaters and cinemas, transport, catering, education and assistance) will be able to take advantage of the suspension until May 31 of payments of withholdings, contributions, awards insurance and VAT for the next March deadline. Upon resumption of the collection, the suspended payments will be made, without penalties and interest, in a single solution or with a maximum of 5 monthly installments starting from May 2020.

Almost 5 billion come for social safety nets, granted for 9 weeks for all, to deal with Coronavirus: as announced in these days in the draft of the anti-Coronavirus decree, still subject to change, approximately 1.3 billion are expected for the ordinary CIG and to transform the Cigs into ordinary (338 million). Another 3.3 billion will be used to extend the cash notwithstanding the sectors not currently covered, including agriculture and fisheries. Housework is excluded.

Suspension of mortgage installments on the first house for those in difficulty, also extended to the self-employed, without the need to present the ISEE. This is provided by the draft of the anti-Coronavirus decree which is still susceptible to changes which extends the links of the Gasparrini Fund, currently reserved for families in difficulty due to job loss, death or non-self-sufficiency, even to self-employed workers or freelancers who present self-certification of a drop more than a third of the emergency turnover. A guarantee fund of 500 million is foreseen.

They arrive leave for parents who have children under 12 years of age forced home since school closes. Special leave will be valid from March 5th for all employees. The allowance will be a maximum of 15 days to be used between mom and dad not simultaneously, and will be equal to 50% of the salary. This is foreseen by the latest draft of the decree which is still subject to change. No age limit for disabled children. Special unpaid leave will also be granted to employees with children between 12 and 16 years of age.

A prize of 100 euros for the month of March 2020 to employees, public and privatewho continued to work in the workplace. The prize is for those who earn no more than 40 thousand euros a year and are tax-free. It is compared to the working days at the headquarters and is given automatically by the employer, if possible in the April paycheck or in any case within the year-end adjustment.

Self-employed workers will receive a one-time indemnity of 500 euros. The allowance is provided for professionals and collaborators, for seasonal workers, tourism and spa workers, agriculture and also for show business workers.

The prefect may requisition hotel facilities, or other suitable properties, to house people in health surveillance and fiduciary isolation or permanently at home. The head of the Civil Protection can also seize in use or in property, from any public or private entity, “medical and medical-surgical devices, as well as movable property of any kind”, to face the Coronavirus emergency. Compensation is foreseen.

Funds are coming for 50 million to Invitalia to be distributed to companies for the purchase of gloves and masks. The resources will be transferred from INAIL to Invitalia by 30 April. A tax credit of 50% is also provided for the expenses incurred by those who carry out business activities for the sanitation of work environments and tools, up to a maximum of 20 thousand euros.

It is allowed to produce surgical masks in derogation of the current regulations. The manufacturing companies that intend to make use of the derogation must send the ISS self-certification on the technical characteristics of the masks, respecting all safety requirements. The ISS in 2 days decides on the compliance of the masks with the current regulations. The non-repayable incentives to companies that already produce them are also confirmed.

A “fund of last resort income” for workers damaged by Coronavirus arrives. The measure provides a form of income support for employees and self-employed workers who have ceased, reduced or suspended their activity and who in 2019 had not earned more than 10,000 euros. To support them, a fund of 200 million is set up to provide an allowance in 2020. The Ministry of Labor will define the criteria.

The anti-coronavirus decree is intended 1.15 billion to finance standard national health needs and 1.5 billion to the National Emergency Fund established at the Civil Protection. This is what the first part of the draft provision for examining the preconsideration, dedicated to dealing with the health emergency, provides.

“We are doing and will do everything necessary to protect and support the country. Italy is stronger than Covid-19. These are the decisive hours for the decree to protect health, families, work and businesses. Nobody will be left alone. United we will do it. “Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri says on twitter.

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