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Coronavirus: doctors terrified by Trump’s words, Muslims violate prohibitions, Czech Republic opens borders

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Donald Trump has stirred up the U.S. medical community with a proposal to treat patients with coronavirus with disinfectant injections and ultraviolet radiation, Muslims around the world are meeting the holy month of Ramadan under severe restrictions, Swedish scientists are demanding the resignation of the chief epidemiologist amid growing statistics on deaths in the country.

According to Johns Hopkins University on Friday, more than 2.7 million people were infected in the world of Covid-19, 190.8 thousand died, 744.5 thousand infected recovered.

All the latest news about the situation with the coronavirus pandemic in the world is in the daily selection of the BBC Russian Service.

Doctors USA called Donald Trump’s advice on treating coronavirus infection dangerous. The day before, during a daily briefing at the White House, the US president proposed injecting disinfectants into Covid-19 patients and exposing them to ultraviolet radiation with powerful devices. According to Trump, studies show that ordinary bleach can kill the virus in five minutes.

Many doctors through their accounts on social networks and through the media urge Americans to not follow the president’s advice in any way.

“Drinking or injecting any kind of cleaning agent intramuscularly is irresponsible and dangerous. This is a common way people choose when they want to kill themselves,” pulmanologist Vin Gupta said on the NBC television station.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden, the most likely US presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, said Donald Trump will take advantage of the pandemic and try to delay the country’s presidential election scheduled for November of this year.

AT Of Russia 5,849 new cases of coronavirus were detected over the last day, which is almost a thousand more than on the previous day. The epidemic affected dozens of Russian regions, but the most difficult situation is observed in Moscow.

The total number of infected in Russia at the moment is 68 622 people, 555 patients have died.

Testing in Britain while stalled

A new government site has been launched in Britain on Friday where key industry workers and their families can request a coronavirus test. Key sectors include the National Health System (NHS) and all emergency services, with a total staff of about 10 million.

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The scale of testing in Britain is still far from the level indicated by the government

The UK government set a goal by the end of April to bring the scope of testing in the country to 100 thousand tests per day. At the moment, this seems unlikely, since only 20 thousand people go through testing every day. However, on the eve of the country’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Dominic Raab, acting Prime Minister in the absence of Boris Johnson, who had been ill with the coronavirus, said that everything possible was being done to achieve the goal.

According to data on Friday, in Britain Covid-19 was diagnosed in 139.2 thousand people, 18 738 people died.

What else is going on in Europe?

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Authorities Ireland they sound the alarm about the fact that almost 50% of coronavirus deaths in the country are wards of nursing homes. Since the beginning of the epidemic in Ireland, 794 people have died with a diagnosis of Covid-19, and 361 of them were in the care of special institutions. The authorities intend to check whether the necessary insulation and hygiene measures have been followed in these houses and take appropriate measures.

Country leaders The EU agreed to establish a common fund of assistance of 1 trillion euros to combat the effects of coronavirus. 540 billion of this amount will begin to be allocated for emergency expenses from June 1, the rest is planned to be invested in a long-term plan to help the economies of the most affected EU countries. EU leaders plan to discuss the details of this plan on May 6.

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In the midst of the pandemic, Sweden continued to sit in parks and cafes

Chief Epidemiologist Of Sweden Anders Tagnell defended the decision of the authorities not to introduce quarantine measures in the country. Recently, this decision has been increasingly criticized, as the statistics of infections and deaths in Sweden are much higher than those of its Scandinavian neighbors. 16 755 cases of Covid-19 were detected in the country, 2,021 people died. For comparison, in Norway, as of Friday, 194 deaths were recorded, in Denmark – 394, in Finland – 172.

However, Tegnell did not consider the Swedish statistics to be egregious and said that the decision not to impose quarantine removed the burden on the healthcare system. In addition, in his opinion, choosing the path of the so-called “herd immunity”, the country was better prepared than others for a possible second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. Leading scientists from Sweden last week demanded Tegnell’s resignation.

Czech Republic lifted restrictions on the movement of people in the streets. From this day, Czechs can leave the house whenever they want and spend time on their own. It is even allowed to gather in groups of no more than 10 people. At the same time, maintaining social distance in public places and wearing medical masks remain mandatory.

Starting Monday, citizens of the country will also be able to travel abroad, but only for a good reason. Upon return, they will be required to undergo a coronavirus test. Foreign students studying at Czech universities and business travelers are also allowed to enter the country.

A strict quarantine regime was introduced in the country on March 16.

Quarantine Ramadan

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Many Muslims in Indonesia have chosen to pray in mosques ahead of the holy month of Ramadan. Most have face masks, but social distance is not respected. Photos from April 23

For Muslims around the world, the holy month of Ramadan began on Friday. Almost all countries in the Arab world are quarantined or restrictions are imposed on mass gatherings. Authorities urge believers to pray at home. However, some countries, such as Egypt, Syria and Dubai, decided to relax restrictions – more shops will open there, and people will be allowed to stay on the street longer.

Previously some preachers Pakistan They stated that they intend on their own initiative to open their mosques for prayer, subject to all sanitary standards. In their opinion, right now it is extremely important to pray together.

AT Indonesia many mosques are also open, despite restrictive measures. Most believers cover their faces with medical masks, but no one cares about maintaining social distance – people sit in rows in a row, as in normal times.

World situation

For the first time since mid-March in South Korea over the past day not a single death from a coronavirus has been recorded. Also, over the past 24 hours, only six new infections have been detected in the country. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 10,708 people have become ill in the country, 240 patients have died.

The president The philippines Rodrigo Duterte announced an extension of quarantine for another two weeks on the largest island of the Philippine archipelago of Luzon and several other most populated islands. The previously set quarantine period expired last Thursday.

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Many Venezuelans illegally cross borders with neighboring states in search of food and medicine

In several states Venezuela protests against quarantine began. Hundreds of people took to the streets protesting against food and gas shortages. In Bolivar, a crowd broke into a supermarket, as a result of a clash with the police, one person died and several were injured.

Friday in the capital Tajikistan Dushanbe from pneumonia has died four people. This information was confirmed by the head physician of the hospital in which they were treated. All four are men over 60. According to the head physician, during his life he underwent a test for coronavirus, but the result was negative. However, Tajik media sources report that more than 100 patients with a diagnosis of pneumonia, three of them in critical condition, are currently in the same hospital.

Tajik authorities continue to claim that there is no coronavirus in the country, and the increased number of patients with respiratory problems is explained by bad weather.

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