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Coronavirus disease: “No case has been reported in Burkina”, according to the Ministry of Health

A disease called coronavirus is rampant in China and tends to spread to other countries. The Ministry of Health of Burkina, in the note below, reassures that no case has been notified in Burkina.

The Ministry of Health is informing the entire population of the outbreak in the People’s Republic of China of an epidemic of acute respiratory infection caused by a coronavirus-like virus hitherto not yet well under control in humans.

Appeared in China in December 2019, this virus has caused 17 cases of death and infected 600 people in this country. Concurrent health sources have been reported from other countries, including Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan Island, the United States and Australia.

No case has been reported in Burkina Faso. The disease manifests as flu-like signs such as fever, cough, joint pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.

It is recommended that anyone who has stayed in countries at risk and who have these signs go to the nearest health service. The disease is mild in most cases. The diagnosis of this patient is possible in Burkina Faso at the level of the national influenza reference laboratory (LNR Grippe) located in Bobo-Dioulasso.

There is no specific treatment. Treatment is therefore symptomatic.

Directives have been given to regional health directorates and hospitals to strengthen epidemiological surveillance and the application of infection prevention rules. Arrangements are also made at the main entry points, notably at Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso airports, to control passenger temperature.

Measures to prevent the spread of infection include washing your hands regularly, covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and handling and cooking meat, fish, and seafood thoroughly. close contact with anyone with symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

The ministry invites the populations to scrupulously observe the prevention measures decreed and to go to the nearest health center when signs of the disease appear. Travelers are invited to refer to the health services for advice before departure.

Ministry of Health

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