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Coronavirus – Discover the deconfinement map by departments

Taking into account the number of people currently in intensive care or intensive care and the cumulative number of deceased people, Aude and P.-O. could be among the first to break out of containment.

According to Health Guide which represent an interactive map of France, not official, certainly, but carried out however from data from Public Health France. 45 departments out of 96 (40% of French territory) are likely to be deconfigured from May 11.

Thus, and provided that protective tests and masks are made available to the population, the departments of Eastern Pyrenees and someAude could be the first to break out of containment. On April 20, they posted the best rates of decline in hospital admissions (58.11% and 28.57% respectively). The availability rate of resuscitation beds was 75% in Aude, and 79.69% in Pyrénées-Orientales. Hence the blue color of these departments on the map.

The deconfinement map of France.
                                    – Health Guide screenshot.

A deconfinement map, updated daily, and which shows the departments that could be eligible for deconfinement as of May 11 or even before (in blue). In these areas, the rate of availability of resuscitation beds is over 40%.

The departments in red are those for which the number of hospitalized patients is not decreasing enough. The availability of resuscitation beds has not returned to its pre-epidemic level. In this case, containment could be extended.

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