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Coronavirus, Denmark | The Danes see light at the end of the tunnel:

– From 3 January, we have seen that the steep curves have begun to flatten out, this applies to both hospitalizations and infections. This is in sharp contrast to what is seen in other countries, said Denmark’s Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke in the introduction.

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He further stated that there will be relief from and including Sunday 16 January.

“Colleges, evening schools, universities, outdoor activities, aquariums, Tivoli Gardens and activity centers can open,” said Heunicke.

– Although the health authorities have recommended that theaters and cinemas can have a ceiling of 350 guests, the government has chosen to set a ceiling of 500 after dialogue with the cultural industry, said Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen (S).

At the same time, Heunicke stated that the nightlife and concert organizers must have a little more ice in their stomachs, but the Minister of Health promised that relief should be considered by January. Infection rates in Denmark are still at a very high level, with the highest daily number being registered on Wednesday last week with over 28,000 cases.

At the same time, the number of inpatients has remained at a stable level. The latest figures from The National Board of Health (corresponding to the Norwegian Directorate of Health, editor’s note) shows that 24,343 people were diagnosed with the coronavirus on Tuesday 11 January, and that 751 people were admitted due to covid-19 in Danish hospitals.

Corona certificate and face mask

However, he added that there will still be requirements for corona certificates and bandages in several places. Heunicke was also of the opinion that the omikron variant is a milder variant, but that it is still too early to open up completely.

– We must do this in a controlled manner, so that we protect the most vulnerable in our society and avoid further pressure on the health service, the Minister of Health said.

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Heunicke also announced that the most vulnerable will be offered a fourth dose of the coronary vaccine at a later date. He was also clear that Denmark is completely world-class in one area.

– The whole world follows our omikron figures every time we have a press conference or present new figures, the Minister of Health emphasized.

Shelves the vaccination program

Søren Brostrøm, the Danes’ health director, said that the situation in the country is far better off than the worst-case scenarios.

– This is because we have a high vaccination coverage, and that we have had a unique program to give the third vaccine dose. It is a success that is unique in an international context, said the health director.

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He was also fully aware that omikron is a milder variant than the delta variant.

– Omikron causes less disease. The risk of serious lung disease and death is less, if you end up in hospital, Brostrøm said.

Got professional advice

Prior to the meeting, the government had received professional advice to reopen cultural life from Sunday, such as reopening cinemas, concert venues, theaters and culture houses with requirements for corona passports. At the same time, it was recommended that nightlife be kept closed.

Denmark has a bar stop from 10 pm, but not a full bar stop as in Norway. People with a valid corona passport can go out to eat and drink at a restaurant. There is also a requirement for a corona pass in swimming pools and gyms. Nightclubs and casinos are closed.

Amusement parks, amusement parks, zoos, cinemas, museums and galleries have also been closed.

– We intend to follow the recommendations, and we are aware that it is difficult for large parts of art and culture to have this closure, says Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen to Denmark’s radio.

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