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Coronavirus deaths: Italy, Spain are blowing, the worst is yet to come in the United States

Une “curve which begins its descent” in Italy, “the pressure which decreases” in Spain and the number of deaths which decreases in France: the hope of an improvement on the face of the pandemic of the coronavirus was born Sunday in Europe, as the United States plunges into crisis.


In Rome, authorities have recorded 525 deaths in the past twenty-four hours, the lowest number in more than two weeks.

“The curve has started to descend,” said the boss of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro. The drop in the death toll “is a very important fact”, in a country that paid, with a total of more than 16,000 dead, a terrible tribute to the pandemic born in December in China, before contaminating the planet.

Health Minister Roberto Speranza, however, hastened to warn that “the emergency is not over. The danger has not gone away. We still have a few difficult months ahead of us, do not spoil the sacrifices made ”.


In Madrid, the 674 deaths recorded on Sunday marked the third consecutive day of decline in the macabre statistics. By Thursday, it had reached 950 dead.

“The pressure is decreasing,” said Maria José Sierra, of the Health Alert Center, noting “a certain decline” in the number of hospitalizations and admissions in intensive care.

And Empar Loren, a nurse at Arnau de Vilanova Hospital in Lleida, Catalonia, added: “The situation is more stable. The number of patients in the intensive care unit is no longer increasing so much and we are starting to have quite a few outings. “


In France, 357 deaths were recorded Sunday, the lowest figure in a week.

The country has counted 8,078 people who have died from COVID-19 since the start of the epidemic, including 5,889 in hospitals and 2,189 in nursing homes and other medical and social establishments.

The United Kingdom

According to the latest assessment, 4,313 people died in hospitals, including a 5-year-old child and several caregivers, and 41,903 positive cases were officially recorded. Among the latter are Crown Prince Charles, who has now recovered, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson who had to be hospitalized on Sunday for further examinations.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands has announced the death of a young man in his twenties due to the coronavirus, the youngest victim in the country so far. The victim was between 25 and 29 years old and suffered from an “underlying disease”.

Of the deaths reported in the past 24 hours, three were between the ages of 25 and 50. All of them suffered from another illness. The Netherlands has 1,766 coronavirus-related deaths.


For the first time in Belgium, the number of people who left the hospital in one day is higher than the number of new admissions due to infection with the new coronavirus. In the past 24 hours, 504 people have been allowed to leave the hospital and 499 have been hospitalized, according to Sciensano’s daily epidemiological bulletin on Sunday.

The Scientific Institute of Public Health adds that a total of 5,735 hospital beds are occupied (+57), of which 1,261 are in intensive care (+16).

Belgium has 1,447 deaths, 164 more than on Saturday.

In addition, 1,260 patients tested positive for the new coronavirus, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 19,961. However, this does not reflect the exact number of people affected by Covid-19, as the entire population has not been tested.

United States

The new front line of the disease therefore seems to have moved to the United States, where the figures for contamination and the number of deaths are exploding, raising fears of a massacre in the days and weeks to come.

“Next week will be a time like Pearl Harbor, like September 11, except that it will not be localized, it will be nationwide,” warned federal public health administrator Jerome Adams.

With more than 320,000 Covid-19 cases identified, the United States crossed the threshold of 9,000 dead on Sunday, including more than 4,000 in New York alone, the epicenter of the pandemic.

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