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Coronavirus curve in Colombia today, August 22: how many cases and deaths are there?

Colombia continues to be one of the focal points of COVID-19 in Latin America, after exceeding half a million cases. In the latest report delivered by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, delivered on Saturday August 22, were confirmed 10,965 new cases, being one of the days with the most cases. In addition, 400 deaths were registered and 10,852 recovered,

Till the date, Colombia has a total of 533,103 infected, that are distributed in the 32 departments of the national territory. Regarding recovered patients, there are a total of 359,792, to date there are 16,968 deaths. 155,267 cases are still active in the country.

Colombia, one of the countries with the most quarantine, will have Mandatory Preventive Isolation until next August 31. A week before it is fulfilled the authorities will define if it should be extended once more.

Distribution of COVID-19 cases in Colombia

The country’s capital is the region most affected by the pandemic. Registers 186,041 positives. That is why the Bogotá Mayor’s Office has decided to take new measures. From this Sunday until August 30, seven towns will enter into strict quarantine. In addition, a plan for economic reactivation was also created.

After Bogotá, the areas that continue to be most affected by COVID-19 are: Antioquia, Atlántico, Valle del Cauca, Bolívar and Cundinamarca. On the other hand, Vichada is the department with the fewest cases with 21. This is the distribution of infections:

Bogota: 186.041
Antioquia: 69.615
Atlantic: 62.571
Cauca’s Valley: 42.619
Bolivar: 23.344
Cundinamarca: 18.791
Córdoba: 16.896
Santander: 12.867
Narino: 12.554
Magdalena: 11.149
Sugar: 10.246
North of Santander: 8.793
Cesar: 7.777
Meta: 6.554
Tolima: 5.431
Caquetá: 4.716
Risaralda: 4.640
La Guajira: 4.320
Cauca: 3.993
Collided: 3.594
Huila: 3.371
Boyacá: 2.899
Amazon: 2.681
Putumayo: 2.369
Caldas: 2.232
Quindio: 863
Casanare: 835
Arauca: 751
Guaviare: 218
Vaupes: 201
San Andrés and Providencia: 123
Guainia: 28
Vichada: 21

Return of productive life

One of the objectives of the National Government is to recover productive life little by little in order to overcome the economic crisis that has been generated in some sectors during mandatory preventive isolation. After announcing the opening of theaters and cinemas and the new national trips, new measures were taken to begin implementation in Colombia.

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism published a circular in which endorsed bars that comply with all biosafety protocols to go back into operation in a pilot scheme. In principle you could not sell intoxicating drinks.

“The National Government authorized the implementation of pilot plans in bars both in municipalities with little or no impact and in those of moderate and high, as long as, for their development, compliance with the protocols that the Ministry of Health adopts in matters of security, “the document states.

On the other hand, the Minister of Health gave authorization for the implementation of phases 4 and 5 of the Dimayor protocol for the return of Colombian professional soccer. SIt is estimated that the championship will restart in the first week of September.

“I have just signed the administrative act that authorizes the start of phases 4 and 5 for training and soccer competition, with the signatures of the interior and sport ministers, it will be issued today, “published Minister Fernando Ruíz.

All against the coronavirus

By following these recommendations, we prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our country: 1. Wash your hands frequently, 2. Do not greet people with kisses or handshakes, 3. If you cough, cover your mouth with a bent elbow or with a tissue, 4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and your mouth, 5. If you have a fever or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but first call line 123, 6. Follow the instructions of local and national authorities.

Likewise, the Ministry of Health developed an application for the cell phone that allows you to follow what is happening with COVID-19 in the country. CoronaApp is available for free for download on Android and iOS devices.

And remember, stay home!

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