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Coronavirus / Covid-19: Hamster purchase picture circulates on the net – remarkable detail discovered

A hamster purchase photo, allegedly related to the coronavirus, went viral on social networks. Now there are more backgrounds. And also a remarkable detail.

  • Odd photo goes viral: man with Respirator makes Hamsterkauf.
  • He is also filmed as he drives away.
  • The photo was by no means taken in Cologne, but most likely in innsbruck,

Update from February 29, 2020: There are more details on HamsterkaufPhoto taken in the wake of the corona virus virally went. So the man who claims to have shot the picture signed up futurezone.at, “The photo is real. The picture was taken yesterday at 11:03 a.m. in the Hofer in the West shopping center in Innsbruck, ”explains the photographer. dated article. Some had because of the tiles in the branch of the supermarket chain Hofer speculates whether the photo is older.

Loud heute.at is the name of the photographer Sebastian. Against this portal, he asserts: “The photo is mine – I took the picture on Monday at 11:03 am in Hofer in the West shopping center in innsbruck made. It’s definitely real. “He also adds:” He bought more – you can’t see all the toilet paper in the photo … “

A user made a special one in the picture discovery, “The best thing is that he apparently stocks up on goods out of concern for the corona virus – but of all things in packs Asian instant noodles buys. “

Other viewers are also amazed by the man: “With a mask, he looks like a living zombie.”

Incidentally, the origin of the photo is not 100 percent confirmed – others also declare their authorship and claim that it is in Graz or Vienna emerged. The hamster buyer himself has apparently not yet been exposed.

Corona Hamsterkauf? Photo goes viral – now the background is clear

Our article from February 27, 2020:

Cologne / Innsbruck – Auf Facebook and inWhatsApp groups a photo goes viral, which looks like a cheap end-time film: a man wears an oversized Respirator, Disposable gloves and a thick jacket. He was photographed in this elevator, like he was in boxes cans and large packs of bag soups onto the till belt – his shopping cart is overflowing with jam, vegetables in glasses and sweets. Everything you need to spend a few weeks quarantine to survive well! The same thing happened to actor Florian David Fitz in the supermarket.

The photo goes viral on social networks. Among other things, it shared the account “Cologne – our city love” with the hashtags #cologne and # Circle Heinsberg, the place where a new one Coronavirus infection chain broke out. And the users begin to speculate: That should not have been in Cologne, but in Geilenkirchen in the Heinsberg district. Or: isn’t the photo old? The establishment of the discounters looks old-fashioned!

Coronavirus Hamsterkauf? Research shows: Photo was probably not taken in Germany

If you take a closer look, you will see billboards in the background of the picture – and they don’t have the logo of the German one Discounters Aldi* (what the yellow floor tiles suggest), but the logo of the Austrian Discounterbruders Hofer,

And indeed: the Austrian portal Mimikama.at, which is about the enlightenment of Internet Myths tried to already know that the photo was taken in Tyrol – more precisely in Innsbruck – there are already several infected people in Austria. The man is said to have even been spotted in several supermarkets. And it supposedly came into being Video of how he tries to use a small scooter to transport several large packs of toilet paper and even land roughly on the floor – this video is on too Facebook,

Video: Do ​​I have to stock up on the corona virus now?

Coronavirus Hamsterkauf? The alleged photographer can tell more

After the man who originally wanted the photo discovered his picture on several social networks, the Austrian newspaper reached him Kurier.at, And the photographer can tell more about it: He was standing behind the man at the cash register and could see that the man was very nervous. Even his gloves are said to be torn when he loaded the cash register. Although only the hamster buyer himself could say whether the action is a Carnival joke was or not, the photographer believes the man was actually serious.

So it is almost certain thatphoto was not re-enacted and not a fake, but current and real. The connection to corona* is not officially known, but should be pretty obvious. One can only wish the buyer that he has brought his booty home safely – and that they mask* also kept tight on the scooter.

It is doubtful whether hamster purchases are already necessary in Austria or Germany at this time. But it is now clear that the corona virus consequences can also be clearly felt in German business and industry. Covid19 has a firm grip on the Dax in Frankfurt.

kat / lin

* Merkur.de is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.

In the United States, the fear of the corona virus is spreading faster than the disease itself. Some US stars are now taking drastic measures to avoid becoming infected.

The first case of the corona virus in Germany came from Stockdorf near Munich. The man who is considered the first to be infected has now spoken about the time with the disease.

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