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Coronavirus Covid-19: Doubs committee of the League against cancer calls for donations

It is a cry of alarm that can be read on the JDD website. In an article published on May 16, Axel Kahn, president of the League against cancer, is alarmed by the drop in donations.Donations don’t drop, they collapse. The League is a big house, a little proud. Like others, we would hide our weaknesses if the situation was not so bad. “

Unfortunately, this reality is the same in every committee in France. In the Doubs for example, the deficit for the year 2020 is estimated at 100,000 euros. Events such as the sale of roses, concerts, the Round of Hope, the Colored Race … are canceled. No funds will go into the coffers of the committee.

Delay in diagnosis, treatments, surgery, so we will find ourselves facing more advanced cancers

This drop in donations penalizes aid to sick people. The association carries out multiple actions to support and accompany sick people before, during and after treatment. Tomorrow she may no longer need it.

“Many ask us for food aid, they will unfortunately be impacted. And then the Covid crisis has impacted the care of patients: delay in diagnosis, in treatments, surgery, so we will find ourselves in front of more advanced cancers “, deplores Jean-François Bosset, the president of the Doubs committee.

Research is also affected

Today, the Ligue contre le cancer is the leading contractual financier of cancer research in France. No longer being able to support researchers would compromise the treatments of tomorrow. And unfortunately, this drop in donations also impacts research, as explained by Prof. Bosset. “The Doubs cancer league has recorded a drop of 300,000 to 400,000 euros just for research. One part is intended for the greater region, the other at the national level for doctoral students.”

Since 2004, women over the age of 50 can benefit from early detection with a free mammogram every two years. / © Joël Saget / AFP
Since 2004, women over the age of 50 can benefit from early detection with a free mammogram every two years. / © Joël Saget / AFP

Departmental committees in great difficulty

How to overcome this deficit? What solutions can be found? For the moment, these are the 690 delegates working in the Pontarlier and Besançon sector who have the heavy task of convincing donors during the door-to-door they carry out in nearly 170 villages in the Doubs. “Door-to-door represents 60% of our budget” reminds Prof. Jean-François Bosset, president of the Doubs committee of the League against cancer.

At the national level, we are trying to see how to set up an aid fund for these committees because they are really threatened.

The survival of part of the 103 departmental committees of the League is also threatened. In fact, 20 to 25% of these committees are loss-making. “At the national level, we are trying to see how to set up an aid fund for these committees because they are really under threat.”

The League against cancer is funded over 93% by the generosity of the French.

To send your donations (66% tax deduction):

  • The website (by bank card)
  • By check to the following address: 34 avenue Fontaine Argent – BP 9999 – 25027 Besançon Cedex

An online kitty will be available from Sunday May 31 via:

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