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Coronavirus Covid-19: Deconfinement à la carte and progressive. What will be allowed (or not) after May 11

“So this is the moment when we have to tell France how our life will resume. “ This is how the Prime Minister started his speech. Containment “Was a necessary step”, but he could “ lead to deleterious consequences “ if it was extended “Beyond the bare minimum” says Edouard Philippe.

Before the National Assembly, the Prime Minister therefore detailed the measures for a deconfinement “Progressive” starting May 11.

Tailor-made deconfinement, department by department

In a first phase which will run from May 11 to June 2, the deconfinement will be done or not in each department according to 3 criteria set by the Directorate General of Health and Public Health France:

  • The rate of new cases in the last 7 days
  • Capacities for resuscitation services
  • Capacities for testing and detecting contamination chains at the local level

As of Thursday, May 7, the Director General of Health will present a map of the departments each evening. In the green departments, the virus is not actively circulating, deconfinement will be effective. In the red departments, where the circulation of the virus will be considered active, the measures will remain stricter.

“We are preparing for May 11 by monitoring all the indicators department by department. If the approach of May 11, the indicators are not there, we will not define May 11” explains Edouard Philippe.

What may or may not be possible on May 11

It will be possible to travel within 100 kilometers without a certificate. But the derogatory certificate will be compulsory for trips more than 100 kilometers from the home

Only gatherings of less than 10 people will be allowed on public roads or in private places.

Individual physical and sporting activities will be possible outdoors only. “It will not be possible, neither to practice sport in covered places, nor team or contact sports.” Sports halls should therefore remain closed.

Parks and gardens can only open in departments where the virus is not actively circulating. The closed beaches will be open to the public until June 1.

Edouard Philippe calls on seniors to be very careful, without formal travel bans.
“They must respect rules similar to the confinement period, by protecting themselves, by limiting their contacts, and therefore their exits. (…) There will be no more control, no exit certificate , but I ask the oldest, the most fragile, to be patient. “

Travel between departments is prohibited

Interdepartmental travel remains prohibited, announced Edouard Philippe “for obvious reasons of limiting the circulation of the virus”. They are reduced to only compelling professional or family reasons. The derogatory travel certificate remains compulsory for journeys more than 100 kilometers from the home and for these reasons only.

Reservation will be required on all trains. The objective remains to “discourage travel between departments”. The Ascension weekend should not be the occasion to reunite with family asked the head of government.

Reduced transport

The objective remains to reduce the use of transport. On this issue, decisions are “particularly strenuous“recognizes the Prime Minister.” Rush hour transportation should be reserved for those who work ” warns the Prime Minister.

Wearing a mask will be made compulsory in all transport, metro and bus. Edouard Philippe asks transport companies to organize themselves to enforce barrier gestures.

School buses will be able to circulate with one seat out of 2. Wearing a mask will be compulsory for drivers and college students.

Resumption of economic life

Telework should be maintained wherever possible at least for the next three weeks. It must continue to limit the use of public transport and limit contact. Where telework is not possible, the practice of staggered working hours in companies should be encouraged.

The partial activity system, “One of the most generous in Europe” says Edouard Philippe, will remain in place until June 1. “We will have to adapt it then” warns the Prime Minister. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday with the social partners.

If the rules of physical distance cannot be guaranteed, “the wearing of the mask must be implemented”

Shops will reopen as of May 11, except cafes and restaurants. In shops, the number of people present will be limited to allow compliance with the rules of distance. The wearing of the mask will be recommended for both staff and customers. “A merchant may make access to his store conditional on wearing a mask” specifies E. Philippe.

The decision for cafes, bars and restaurants will be taken at the end of May for a possible reopening after June 2.

Markets, in which banning is the rule today, will generally be authorized, unless the mayors or prefects consider that they cannot be organized in compliance with the barrier gestures.

Large shopping centers, on the other hand, could remain closed. “The prefects may decide not to allow shopping centers larger than 40,000 square meters to open, which could encourage population movements. “

The “small” cultural places reopened on May 11

Media libraries, libraries, and small museums may reopen on May 11. On the other hand, the large museums, cinemas, theaters, concert halls will remain closed. In the same spirit, the village halls and the multi-purpose halls will remain closed until June 2.

In the longer term, major sporting and cultural events bringing together more than 5,000 people will not be able to be held before September announced the Prime Minister. The 2019-2020 season of professional sports, including football, will not resume until the summer.

Places of worship

Places of worship may remain open “But I believe it is legitimate to ask not to organize a ceremony before June 2” adds Edouard Philippe.

Funeral ceremonies will be possible up to a limit of 20 people. The cemeteries will be reopened on May 11.

The town halls are invited to propose a postponement of weddings.

The deconfinement plan should be voted by a majority

After Edouard Philippe’s speech, the plan will be the subject of a 2.5 hour debate with the deputies. 75 are physically present. Then this deconfinement plan will be put to the vote.

The presidential majority risks being alone in voting on the plan, castigated in advance by the opposition on the right as on the left who denounce a vote under pressure after having claimed in vain 24 hours of additional reflection.

The leader of the deputies LR Damien Abad affirmed Tuesday that “the right would not vote” and would abstain “massively” on this plan which according to him “is in the blur, in the uncertainty, with many contradictory injunctions “which” create anxiety and anguish in the French “. Some LR deputies “will vote against,” he said on franceinfo. This vote will remain advisory.

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