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Coronavirus Could Survive Objects Nine Days

According to a compilation of information, the Sras and Mers coronaviruses could survive up to 9 days on inanimate surfaces. This data from the work of German researchers could apply to the new coronavirus which continues to claim thousands of victims in China.

The human toll ofepidemic new coronavirus keeps getting heavier. The latest estimates bring the number of deaths in China, where the epidemic is raging, to more than 1,000. Losses similar to, if not greater than, those caused by coronavirus of severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sras) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers), which occurred in China (2002) and Saudi Arabia (2012), respectively. In order to better understand how these different coronavirus survive, scientists from the Ruhr University in Bochum (Germany) analyzed data from 22 studies referenced in the scientific literature on pathogens Sras and Mers coronaviruses.

We have reviewed the literature of all available information concerning the persistence of human and veterinary coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces as well as the strategies of inactivation with biocidal agents used for chemical disinfection, for example in healthcare establishments. “, Specify the researchers. The goal was to quickly gather all the essential information to know in order to act quickly to stem the current epidemic of Chinese coronavirus, temporarily called coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

Humidity extends life

The data collected show in particular that coronaviruses can survive on inanimate surfaces in metal, glass or plastic, especially in hospitals (handles of door, call buttons, bedside tables, bed borders, etc.). On average, these virus survive between four and five days. But, at room temperature, their duration life can extend to nine days, retaining their pathogenic character. ” Low temperature and high air humidity increase the service life “Explains Professor Günter Kampf, researcher at the Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at the University Hospital of Greifswald and co-author of the work published in The Journal of Hospital Infection.

The study also provides indications relating to elimination of these viruses to prevent their spread: tests have shown, for example, that biocidal agents such as ethanol, hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorite sodium may be effective against coronaviruses. Although the data analyzed concern other types of coronavirus than that responsible for the current epidemic in China, however, they could apply to 2019-nCoV. ” Different coronaviruses were analyzed and the results were all similar “Concludes scientist Eike Steinmann, who participated in the research.

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