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Coronavirus costs jobs at Thermen Bad Nieuweschans, petition for earlier reopening

According to the owner, these are ‘serious numbers’ if the government does not quickly come up with an emergency package.

“Everything is now about survival,” says director Fabian Dolman of Quality Wellness Resorts (QWR), the owner of the Groningen compex.

25,000 signatures

The industry is sounding the alarm now that it has been told by the cabinet that saunas must remain closed until September 1 because of the virus. Chairman Jos Keizer of the Association of Dutch Sauna and Wellness companies (VNSWB) has started a petition for earlier reopening on June 1. This has now been signed more than 25,000 times.

With the action, Dolman hopes to increase pressure on politics to reconsider the decision. His four wellness resorts (Bad Nieuwschans, Bussloo, Berendonck and Soesterberg) employ a total of 1,000 people, 220 of whom work in Bad Nieuweschans.

“This has enormous consequences for our people. It would help if the government wants to talk to us about the possibilities of opening earlier. That can save a lot of jobs and then you are not talking about tens, ‘says Dolman.

First companies bankrupt

Resorts are struggling because it is a capital-intensive industry. ‘Almost half of the turnover goes to fixed costs, such as energy costs, personnel and maintenance. If companies cannot open until 1 September, they will have been closed for almost six months. Which organization can still exist after six months of closure? That is crazy ‘, says Keizer, also former director of the former Fontana Bad Nieuweschans

The first companies have already gone bankrupt. ‘This morning I received a message from a company in the Veluwe. Companies must also close in Brabant and Gelderland. It really pains me that things are going hard in Bad Nieuweschans too, ‘says Keizer.

The 130 Dutch sauna and wellness companies have an annual turnover of 600 million euros. Dolman calls for an emergency package of 200 million euros if the opening date actually becomes 1 September. ‘It is necessary for our industry to continue to exist. If that doesn’t happen, there will be an unprecedented stream of bankruptcies. ”

Strict measures

Dolman hopes to be able to reopen the saunas on 1 July, if the sanitary facilities in recreation parks and restaurants can open up to a hundred people again. The industry has established protocols to ensure safety. For example, visitors have to book in advance and they have an intake interview with questions about health. “In this way, we hope to be able to run cost-effective again.”

According to the national government, the coronavirus is not spread through sweat. According to Keizer, a visit to the sauna is therefore safe, if everyone keeps at least a meter and a half away. Research shows that the virus dies at temperatures above 70 degrees. Saunering also contributes to good resistance, so we don’t understand why saunas should remain closed. ‘

Thermal bath may open earlier

In the meantime, Dolman is working on the reopening of the thermal bath in Bad Nieuweschans, now that swimming pools are allowed to open again. He is discussing this with the Groningen Safety Region. ‘In Bussloo I have already agreed to open part of the facilities. That gives us good hope that Groningen will also participate in this. The hotel, beauty salon and hairdresser are already open.

QWR had an investment plan of twenty million for the next five years for Thermen Bad Nieuweschans. Part of this has already been spent on the construction of three new saunas and the renovation of the entrance. Further investments have been put on hold by the corona virus:

‘We now use all the millions of the bank to pay our costs. They will have to be repaid one day. That is why we first want an accelerated opening with a good protocol and an emergency fund for cost compensation, ‘says Dolman.

Signatures to Ministry

Keizer and Dolman hope to be able to talk to State Secretary Mona Keijzer (CDA) of Economic Affairs and Climate in the near future. Then they want to hand over the signatures of the petition to her.

Also read:
– Wellness centers want to be open, with a distance in the sauna
Everything about the corona virus

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