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Coronavirus: cooking, shopping, television… 8 effects of confinement on French behavior

Posted on Apr. 25, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.

During confinement, the French occupy themselves as they can, sometimes find new passions or, simply, evolve in their way of life. Here’s what the numbers say about these behavioral changes.

> They make bread and cakes

Whether pastry or bakery, the French have put their hands in the dough. According to the Nielsen law firm, sales of flour and yeast have, since the start of containment, exploded by 168% and 204% respectively compared to last year. The passion for desserts is inevitably reflected in the figures: + 50% for sugar, + 40% for eggs, + 35% for butter, but also + 87% for baking chocolate, + 82% for products and + 77% for desserts to prepare.

> They drink more beer, but less champagne

During the first 12 days of containment, alcohol sales generally declined, says Nielsen. Champagne is particularly concerned, with a drop of 52.5%. Beer (+ 6.9%) and rosé wine (+ 2.3%), cheaper, are doing well.

> They play money online

Since the start of containment, spending by the French has tripled on gambling sites, recently said the boss of Arjel, which regulates the sector. Poker sites are particularly taken by storm, because sports betting has stalled because of the cessation of competitions.

> They rediscover television

From March 16 to April 12, that is during the first month of confinement, the French watched much more television than usual. On average, the time spent in front of the small screen increased from 3.23 to 4.43, an increase of 35%, says Médiamétrie. This is particularly the case for young people (15-24 years old) whose consumption has increased by 73%. Television news is particularly successful: its audience share has increased from 10% to 15%.

> They wash less

The French stay at home and it shows. A survey by Ifop, published by the site 24 Matins, shows that only 67% of French respondents say they practice a “full toilet” daily during confinement, against 76% previously.

> They change the way they shop

For several weeks, Saturdays have not been privileged for shopping, says Nielsen. Overall, each day of the week is equivalent, with a slight advance for Friday.


Their way of shopping has also changed. According to another study, this time from Kantar, 7% of French people have tested the drive for the first time and 2% intend to perpetuate the experience.

> They play more video games

From March 16 to 22, video game downloads exploded all over Europe, according to the specialized site Games Industry. France is no exception to the rule, with an increase of 180%. It is therefore very logical that the practice increased by 38% the following week, this time according to Nielsen Games.

> They put money aside

The climate of uncertainty, combined with an overall drop in consumption, pushes the French towards savings. The opportunity to realize that the booklet A is, again and always, the preferred investment of the population, despite an extremely low interest rate (0.5%). In March, 2.71 billion euros were thus placed there.

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