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Coronavirus, cases increase throughout Europe. In France 13,500 infections in 24 hours – La Stampa

Europe is rediscovered besieged by the coronavirus. Many countries in the Old Continent have witnessed the multiplication of infections in a broader context that sees the trend of infections rise again. Still alarming numbers in France, where for the second consecutive day the threshold of 13 thousand infections was exceeded. Specifically, there were 13,498 cases in one day, almost 300 more than in the previous budget.

In Germany there have been almost 2,300 new cases in the last 24 hours, according to the Robert Koch Institut, for a total of 270,000 infections. This is the highest number since April, while the highest peak reached in one day, of about 6 thousand cases, dates back to the period between late March and early April. The trend of infections, after a first setback, rose again in July and stood at around 2 thousand in August. However, behind the growing number, there would also be an increase, in parallel, in the country’s capacity to carry out tests. As for deaths, another 6 were calculated, bringing the total to 9,384.

The situation does not improve in UK: a day after Prime Minister Johnson announced a second wave, 4,422 cases have been counted in the last 24 hours (100 more than yesterday), since it hadn’t touched since 8 May. Although the figures are far from comforting, there was no shortage of protests in London, where hundreds of protesters gathered in Trafalgar Square to protest against the lockdown measures and in general the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, such as the ban on gathering in more than six people. There were moments of tension between demonstrators and police, while the police reported “pockets of hostility and outbreaks of violence against officers”.

Demonstrations also in Bucharest, where hundreds, including many families with children, took to the streets against social distancing and the mandatory use of masks in schools. Also in Romania the number of new cases has increased in the last few days, with a record of 1,713 infections at the beginning of the week and another 1,333 yesterday. At the heart of the protest was the president, Klaus Iohannis, and the prime minister, Ludovic Orban, and the conviction expressed by the participants in the march that the restrictions adopted against the pandemic are comparable to forms of repression implemented during the communist and Nazi regime.

Worrying figures have also surfaced in Poland, where 1,002 cases were reported in 24 hours, bringing the total in the country to 78,330. A positive note comes from Austria. “From the perspective we have today, it is expected that in the first half of 2021 not only will the vaccine be found but it will also be approved and used in Europe”, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, recalling that the goal remains to “prevent a second lockdown “.

The restrictions map
Denmark The restrictions so far reserved for the capital Copenhagen have been extended to the rest of the country: restaurants and bars will have to close at 10pm, the use of masks will be mandatory not only to enter the premises, but also to sit down. In principle, the measures will remain in effect until 4 October. Meetings with over 50 people cannot be overcome, with the exception of events organized in premises with very large capacities in which adequate hygiene measures have been adopted. Telework and reduction of social contacts recommended. Denmark was among the first Northern European countries to introduce restrictions on public life and contain the infection in a relatively short time, but in recent weeks the country has seen a surge in new infections, especially in the capital.
France In the Paris region, where infections are increasing, the health authorities have called for meetings of more than 10 people to be avoided. In Nice after 8 pm there will be no more aperitifs on the beach, and in the parks there will be no more than ten people and similar restrictions have also been decided in Lyon and Marseille.
Greece The Greek government has strengthened the measures especially in Athens, where cinemas have been closed again and the use of teleworking has returned.
Ireland New tightening of restrictions for pubs and restaurants in Dublin. This is the second time in a week
Iceland Reykjavik’s bars and restaurants are closed for four days
Czech Republic The country has imposed the use of masks in the classroom for students and pupils aged 11 and over. This is the state in which the number of new infections is increasing the most, with an increase of 65% per day (on average 1,300 new cases)
UK To cope with the second wave, the government continues to impose localized restrictions, and in particular for 2 million citizens in the North East, meetings between people of different families are prohibited, as well as not being able to attend, during a sort of curfew between 10 pm. and 5 in the morning, the places of leisure. In all, according to the BBC, about 15 million Britons will be involved in local partial lockdowns from next Tuesday. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has already announced the cancellation of the New Year’s Eve fireworks in the British capital.
Spain Madrid is the epicenter of the epidemic, and for this reason a part of the city faces a new closure: from Monday, 858 thousand inhabitants of the southern districts will be in “lockdown”: it is 13% of the city’s population ‘. There are exceptions for school and work, but limitations in mobility and attendance of parks. In recent weeks, the central area of ​​Spain – which has about 6.6 million inhabitants – has accounted for about one third of new cases and new deaths in Spain.

Argentina The South American country has extended the restrictions until 11 October, but the measures are less rigid in Buenos Aires thanks to the stabilization of the infections; however, the external borders remain closed.
Canada The province of Ontario has adopted restrictive measures by banning gatherings with more than 10 people indoors and more than 25 outdoors: they are now punishable with a minimum fine of 10 thousand Canadian dollars (6,400 euros) and each participant is subject to a $ 750 fine. Three quarters of the Canadian population is in favor of a possible further lockdown if the country is hit by a second wave of Covid-19, according to a survey
Israel It is the only country in the world to have decided on a second complete “lockdown”, which coincides with a series of holidays deeply felt by Jewish families. These are the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashana, the Feast of Yom Kippur (Day of Forgiveness) and that of Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles). From the beginning of the month, partial confinement had been decided in the areas of the country with the highest infection rates.

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