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Coronavirus Campania, the latest news and the bulletin with the cases of today 13 December. LIVE

The mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris: “People on the street? This is a foregone conclusion. Next week if we are in the yellow zone of people we will see three times as many. People are not greasers, they respect the rules and over 95 for one hundred wears a mask “

“People on the street? This is a foregone conclusion. Only those who are not inhabitants of the city can be amazed and I hope that we do not start the litany of the wonder of seeing the streets with people because it would seem to me to live the festival of stupidity. At least we escape. to this”. The mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris said so.

Meanwhile, today in Campania there have been 1,219 new infections. (ALL UPDATESCONTACT MAPS AND GRAPHS)

18:14 – New positives in sharp decline in the Caserta area

The ratio between swabs carried out and positive in the Caserta area drops to 7%, as had not happened for some time: in the last 24 hours 171 new infected people out of 2385 tests processed. There are also many healed: there are 543, since it brings down the number of people currently positive in the province of Caserta, which today are 8224. The daily report of the ASL of Caserta also certifies the presence of three new victims, for a total of pandemic of 330 people died due to Coronavirus. In the individual municipalities, the numbers improve significantly: the situation of the most populous cities is emblematic, with Aversa falling below 600 current positives (585), Caserta below 500 (464).

17:50 – In Naples crowds in the shopping streets

Thanks to the beautiful sunny day but above all the approach of the Christmas holidays even today in Naples many have walked the shopping streets. Rivers of citizens poured into the streets for Christmas shopping. From the center to the districts of ‘Napoli bene’, from via Foria to the central via Toledo and via Chiaia up to Vomero, the images are everywhere the same: families, children, older people for a walk. There are those who went out just to enjoy the sun and enjoy a coffee, even if only to take away, but many crowded the shops to buy Christmas gifts. Long queues were registered especially outside department stores and international clothing chains and sporting goods stores. But also in front of perfumeries, bijouterie and household items. There are several shops that offer discounts of up to 30 percent. However, it must be noted that not all shops measure the temperature before allowing entry as well as in some shops the entrance is not filtered to limit gatherings inside, thus violating the anti-covid rules.

16:50 – In Campania 1,219 new infections on 17,319 swabs

The descent of the contagion curve in Campania continues, the number of deaths continues to be high but there is a good number of recovered. In the last 24 hours, according to what is announced by the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, there have been 1,219 positive cases – 92 symptomatic – out of 17,319 swabs examined. The positive-swab percentage is 7.03%, yesterday it was 7.19%. There are 35 dead (15 in the last 48 hours and 20 previously died but recorded yesterday). The healed are 2,013. This is the report on regional beds: intensive care beds available: 656 (employed, 134); hospital beds available: 3,160 (Covid and private offer); hospital beds occupied: 1,804.

16:12 – Policlinico Vanvitelli activates another 16 places

The Luigi Vanvitelli Polyclinic has increased the number of beds allocated to the covid following a reorganization and conversion work in progress of the building 17 in via Pansini in Naples: from today another 16 beds are available, of which 6 have already been occupied. The reorganization was arranged by the director general of the university hospital Luigi Vanvitelli, Antonio Giordano, in agreement with the University and the directors of the Departments concerned. With the provision of these new beds, the availability of dedicated beds increases, in addition to the 50 already activated in building 3.

15:34 – Naples, around even if positive: reported

Citizens without a mask, overcrowded businesses or without temperature scanners, but also a covid-positive man who went for a walk in the streets. There are about 50 fines imposed yesterday by the Municipal Police of Naples, commanded by General Ciro Esposito, engaged in controlling the first Saturday with the shops open and without rain, and therefore with crowded streets in all the shopping points in different districts. Intense activity in Vomero with fines for a citizen walking around without valid reason after 10 pm in Via Morghen, 4 minutes for alcohol consumption in the street after 6 pm in Via Alvino, since after that time it is not possible to drink in the street and not just close to the clubs. But also a fine to a bar that served drinks inside the club and to other bars for customers who consumed right in front of the club. In the center 4 minutes for non-use of the mask in Via Toledo, Via Carducci, Piazza Trieste and Trento and Piazza Vittoria, but also 4 fines to the owners of public establishments that allowed customers to consume outside their own premises.

13:40 – Controls in Naples, 2 bars closed and fines for 19 people

Two bars were closed for 5 days in Naples in the old town area by the police during anti-gathering checks. The agents sanctioned the owners of the two shops in Piazzetta Nilo and in via Mezzocannone with a 400 euro fine in addition to the closure for non-compliance with the anti-Covid measures because they were surprised to sell drinks ready for immediate consumption outside the venue. The agents of the Decumani Commissioner also identified 19 people, sanctioning 3 for non-compliance with the anti Covid measures because they were on the street beyond the allowed time.

8:19 – Luigi de Magistris: “People on the street? Wonder is a festival of stupidity”

“People on the street? This is a foregone conclusion. Only those who are not inhabitants of the city can be amazed and I hope that we do not start the litany of the wonder of seeing the streets with people because it would seem to me to live the festival of stupidity. At least we escape. to this”. The mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris said so. “Next week if we are in the yellow zone of people we will also see triple. People are not smearers, they respect the rules and more than 95 percent wear masks. If in the Dpcm it says that in the orange zone people can go out, then they go out and if anyone is surprised it is a person who does not have a particularly oxygenated amount of brain. ” The mayor also highlighted that ” there are no gatherings and if there are, there are the police. People walk as they do in Bologna, Florence, Venice, Palermo, Bari, Verona and Berlin. As happens in all places in the world “.

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