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Coronavirus.- Brazil adds 1,050 new deaths from coronavirus pending approval of the vaccine

01/07/2021 Coronavac vaccine box manufactured at the Butantan Institute in Brazil POLITICA PAULO LOPES / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO


Brazil has added 1,050 new deaths from coronavirus while waiting for the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) to issue authorization for the emergency use of vaccines after its meeting this Sunday.

In the last 24 hours, 61,567 new infections have been detected, bringing the total number of cases to 8,455,069.

Likewise, a total of 209,296 people have lost their lives, while there are another 2,720 deaths that are under suspicion.

There are currently 856,979 active cases and the situation is extremely serious in the city of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, to which the government is making an effort to transfer oxygen cylinders that have been in short supply for days.


Anvisa will meet this Sunday at 10:00 am in Brasilia (2:00 pm peninsular hours) to discuss the emergency authorization of the vaccine in a meeting that will be broadcast and is expected to last five hours, according to Agencia Brasil.

The Coronavac project, which is manufactured locally by the Butanan Institute and of which there are six million doses, and the Fiocruz project, the local production of the AstraZeneca and Oxford vaccine, of which two million doses have been purchased, will be evaluated.

Previously, Anvisa rejected this Saturday the request for the emergency use of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine because the documents delivered did not meet “the minimum requirements for its shipment and analysis,” according to the UOL portal.

In the event that at least one of the vaccines is approved, the vaccination will begin with health workers, the elderly and indigenous people, although the date is not known, only that both President Jair Bolsonaro and the Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, assured that it would be before end of the month.

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