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Coronavirus | Bolivia extends quarantine for another month due to the increase in cases of COVID-19

Quarantine in Bolivia it is extended one more month, to all July, given the increase in cases of COVID-19 in the country, which exceeds 29,400 with more than 900 deaths among its eleven million inhabitants.

The interim government of Bolivia published last night a decree extending this measure “faced with the increase in community contagion and an increase in positive cases”.

Quarantine is “conditioned and dynamic”, with restrictions that can be relaxed or tightened depending on how it evolves the illness, than total 29 423 cases and 934 deaths, according to the last official report.

However, it maintains the closure of borders, the suspension of international flights, of face-to-face classes at all educational levels and of public events, whether cultural, sports, including gyms, holidays, religious, political and all kinds of meetings that generate crowding of people.

The Bolivian Football Federation, sectors such as art and gyms, among others, however, they claim that they can resume their activity, paralyzed since the last restrictions on the quarantine.

The suspension includes political acts, while the electoral calendar establishes that on July 24 the campaign for the elections of September 6 resumes.

The prohibition of movement of people and vehicles It operates from Monday to Friday between 18:00 and 05:00 local time, throughout the day on Saturdays and Sundays for traffic, except for services such as citizen security and health, and always with preventive measures such as the distance of one and a half meters between people, the use of a chinstrap, disinfection with alcohol and permanent hand washing.

The decree allows the return to the country of Bolivians and residents, in addition to the entry of international freight transport, with biosafety protocols, as exceptions to the closure of borders and airspace. (EFE)

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