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Coronavirus barometer in Ile-de-France: update as of October 12

How and how fast is the coronavirus spread and what is its medical impact? 94 Citoyens takes stock in 15 graphs on the evolution and trends in the number of clusters, people detected positive for the coronavirus, Covid-19 patients hospitalized and in intensive care, and deaths by age and by department of Ile-de-France -of France.

Barometer updated every week. Data source: Public Health France. Infographic 94 Citizens with Tableau Public
Last update: Monday, October 12, 2020

More than 6,000 tested positive every day in Ile-de-France

The number of people who test positive every day in Ile-de-France is increasing rapidly. From less than 3,000 per day at the end of September, the number rose to more than 6,000 in early October.

The week of September 21, 19,151 people tested positive in Ile-de-France. By the week of September 28, they were close to 24,000. And just on the first 4 days of the week of October 5 (the last column of the graph below represents the numbers from 5 to 8), the number rose to 25,710.

The positivity rate reaches 13%

Around 3.5% during deconfinement, the test positivity rate had fallen below 1% at the beginning of July before gradually rising. It crossed 5% in early September, 6-7% in mid-September, reached 10% in early October and now 13%.

The weekly number of tests has started to increase again

Note that the number of tests performed each week in Ile-de-France has resumed its progression with the opening of new centers.

(Below, the week of October 5 is not complete and only takes into account the numbers from October 5 to 8)

Read also:
Screening for Covid-19 in Ile-de-France instructions for use

The elderly remain in the minority in new cases of Covid but the proportion of those over 40 is increasing

In terms of age group, the positive cases detected still mainly concern young people. The 20-29 age group represented 25.79% in the week of October 5, declining since the end of August, when it had climbed to 37%. The proportion of people over 40 continues to increase. For example, the 40-49 age group represented 11.20% in mid-August and 15.42% the week of October 5. The over-60s remain very much in the minority (less than 15% of all those tested positive) while they represented almost half during the first wave.

Below is the evolution of the proportion per week, since the start of deconfinement.

The incidence rate is logically increasing

The virus incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants also continues to increase, remaining higher in Paris and in the inner suburbs.

149 active clusters in Ile-de-France

As of October 8, 2020, the balance sheet (excluding nursing homes and restricted family environments) amounted to 575 clusters included since May 8 in the Île-de-France region (versus 498 on October 1), of which 149 are active (25.9%) . 61 clusters were reported in week 40 (September 28) but these data are not yet consolidated.

Extract from the epidemiological bulletin of Public Health France dated October 8, 2020

“The region’s clusters mainly affect schools and universities (27%), private and public companies (24.9%) and health establishments (17.9%). “Note that the share of the latter increases compared to last week (17.9% on October 8 versus 14.3% on October 1). The share of high-criticality clusters continues to increase to reach 21.4% of all clusters (versus 19% in W39). The level of criticality of clusters in schools, universities or in the workplace is explained primarily by the number of cases associated with them. On the other hand, the criticality of clusters in health, medico-social (ESMS) or prison establishments is mainly attributable to the vulnerability of their population ”, details Public Health France in its weekly epidemiological bulletin.

Extract from the epidemiological bulletin of Public Health France dated October 8, 2020

Download the latest Public Health France bulletin on cluster surveillance in Ile-de-France.

The number of newly hospitalized people continues to increase but more slowly than in the 1st wave

After having jumped the week of September 14 and decreased the week of September 21, the number of people entering hospital due to Covid-19 resumed its progression slightly in the week of September 28 and in a slightly more sustained manner the week of October 5 but much slower than during the first wave.

The number of hospital discharges is also increasing

The total number of people hospitalized increases slightly

The large number of discharges makes it possible to control the total number of people hospitalized. Below is the evolution of the total number of people hospitalized in Ile-de-France

Below is the curve of people discharged from hospital, cumulative since mid-March. This shows a slight acceleration since mid-September.

The number of people in intensive care continues to increase

The number of people entered into intensive care or intensive care due to Covid-19 in Ile-de-France continues to increase week on week, with around 300 new entries this week /

The total number of people in intensive care for Covid-19 in Ile-de-France reaches 40% of the number of places available

As of October 4, the number of people in intensive care due to Covid-19 in Ile-de-France was 470, representing nearly 40% of the total number of intensive care places in Ile-de-France (1,200 ). Last week, the Regional Health Agency launched the white plan to adapt the capacity of hospitals to this second wave. Since September 23, the total number of people in intensive care in Ile-de-France has exceeded that of the start of confinement. It was 294 on March 18. Compared to the first wave, the increase in the number of day-to-day sheave patients remains much lower, however. See the comparison below.

As a reminder, the peak of the first wave was reached on April 8, with 2,668 patients in intensive care in Ile-de-France.

8,264 people died in the Covid-19 hospital on October 4

The number of people newly deceased from Covid-19 in hospital reached 8,264 on Sunday, October 4. It was 8,138 on Sunday, October 4, an additional 126 people compared to 103 people the previous week and 84 the previous week.

(In the diagram below, the large number of patients who died in Essonne the week of September 14 corresponds to a catch-up in the transmission of files from one of the hospitals in this department).

The peak in the number of people who died from the coronavirus was reached in mid-April. On April 7 alone, 276 people had died from Covid-19 in the region.

Observatory of Covid-19 hospital data per week in Ile-de-France

The graph below represents new hospitalizations, admissions to intensive care, discharges from hospital and hospital deaths linked to the coronavirus in Ile-de-France, by department. The different filters allow you to select the perimeter or type of information of your choice.

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