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Coronavirus: Barcelona will open 70 parks from Friday and Madrid, none until May 9 | Society

Starting Saturday Adults They can walk with a person with whom they live, for an hour and a maximum of 1 kilometer away. The athletes They can also go out to practice without a limit of distance or time but as long as it is within the municipality. Barcelona and Madrid have adopted very different mobility measures for this new stage.

Barcelona: 44 streets and 70 open parks closed to traffic

Barcelona City Council will close 44 streets to traffic and open 70 parks and green areas from the city as of this Friday to expand the space reserved for pedestrians and facilitate that safety distances can be respected during deconfusion. The Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Mobility and Ecology, Janet Sanz, explained this Thursday at a telematic press conference with the Councilor for Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, Eloi Badia, who warned that children’s play areas may not be used.

These 44 streets, to be closed from 9 to 21 hours, they are not part of the basic circulation network and buses do not pass, and they join the pacification of Gran Via and Diagonal avenue, as well as the actions in Via Laietana and Consell de Cent, Rocafort and Girona streets, among others.

Madrid: parks closed until May 9

The Madrid City Council will not reopen its parks before May 9 as it considers that until then, when the current alarm period ends, there will not be a change of status quo and keeps them closed for prudence.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, explained on Thursday at a press conference that the capital will wait to see the conditions of “the next extension of the state of alarm” before saying open its green areas. “It seems to us coherent not to open them, we are taking small steps forward, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but we cannot let our guard down”, explained the councilor, who has appeared accompanied by the deputy mayor, Begoña Villacís and the municipal spokeswoman, Inmaculada Sanz.

The municipal government considers that the parks can cause crowds and that keeping them closed “facilitates control” by the Municipal Police so that the conditions set by the government for adult outings are met, which will be known this Thursday and will have strips hours.

“We would have to go to the next stage, let’s see what happens from May 9, in which scenario of de-escalation are you to make a decision about the parks, “stressed Almeida.

The Mayor of Madrid has also pointed out that unknown why infections are increasing but that the increase induces not to lower the guard, since the priority is to preserve health.

Pedestrian organizations and opposition groups such as More Madrid demand to reopen parks, keeping children’s areas closed, to expand the space in which to walk before the departure of children and adults as of Saturday, May 2.

Waiting for what the Government says, the City Council recommends the elderly to walk between ten and 12 in the morning, when there will be less people; and confirms that the municipal swimming pools will not open on May 15 but do not rule out doing so later.

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