Home » today » News » Coronavirus: Bannink employees in Coevorden are anxiously awaiting a virus test result – Drenthe

Coronavirus: Bannink employees in Coevorden are anxiously awaiting a virus test result – Drenthe

A part of the employees of Bannink Corrugated Cardboard in Coevorden is eagerly awaiting the results of the corona test at home. GGD Drenthe reports that this will take longer due to crowds at laboratories.

On Wednesday evening the GGD announced that a third employee of Bannink is infected with the corona virus. It’s about a man from Coevorden. “He was already at home this week as a precaution,” says Henk Tingen, financial manager of the company. “He had already been tested, but apparently it will take longer before the result is known.”

Other employees also have to deal with the waiting time at laboratories. The company does not want to indicate how many people are at home with complaints that indicate the corona virus. Earlier, Tingen indicated that it would be more than a few.

Carnival in Tilburg

The corona virus was diagnosed on Sunday at the first Drent, also a Bannink employee. He returned from the carnival in Tilburg with flu-like symptoms. The wife of this Dalenaar is also infected, it became clear a day later. According to RTV Oost, she works at the Engie energy company in Zwolle. That sent the roughly twenty colleagues from her department home.

“Of course the unrest only increases”

Bannink does not intend to do that, although Wednesday, in addition to the Coevordenaar, an employee who lives in Germany was tested positive. ,, We are still on the advice of the GGD. He called all employees on Wednesday to take stock of complaints and concerns. Colleagues who doubt about their health stay at home as a precaution. Of course, the unrest only increases with new infections. But there is absolutely no reason to lock the company, the GGD also tells us. The production therefore continues as normal. It is business as usual, orders just go out the door, “says Tingen.

On Monday, according to Tingen, the GGD expressed the expectation that the first infected employee – the man from Dalen – most likely had not infected others in the company. There would have been sufficient time between the moment the virus was contracted and the actual transfer. With the third contamination within the company, that theory does not seem to hold.

The GGD will provide an explanation about this later today.

Home insulation

The three infected employees of Bannink are all in home insulation. The GGD maps all contacts of the three corona patients from Drenthe. That also happens with the Bannink employee who lives in Germany.

Sixty people work at the Coevorder company, also known as Bannink Packaging.

New coronavirus infection in Coevorden: again employee of Drenthe company

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