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Coronavirus Austria: First death reported – Kurz takes rigorous measures

An Instagram post from Austria is currently going viral. A Viennese woman’s letter to her neighbors inspires people to show more solidarity.

  • Austria extends its measures in the fight against the novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2* out.
  • The government took action against the government on Tuesday Covid-19 epidemic announced.
  • On the night of Thursday is the first person in Austria died of corona virus.

Update at 2:04 p.m .: Even before Austria on Thursday morning the first corona death The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz tightened the measures in the fight against the virus. Starting next week all schools nationwide closed stay reported n-tv.de. Many theaters and museums are also already closed. There is also a debate in Germany about whether corona vacations would make sense nationwide.

Coronavirus in Austria: First death – hospital visits to Vienna prohibited

Update at 11.17 a.m .: In Austria there was in the night of Thursday first coronavirus death. As reported by the German press agency, citing the medical crisis team in Vienna, this is one 69-year-old returnee to Italy with previous illnesses. He died in the night at the Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital in the Austrian capital Vienna.

As of Thursday, 8 a.m. in Austria a total of 302 confirmed coronavirus infections registered. The medical crisis team also announced on Thursday that in Visits to Viennese hospitals for the time being prohibited become. “In order to enforce this measure, entrance controls are carried out in all houses,” it said in the message. The Austrian Ministry of the Interior also confirmed to the APA news agency that all 25,000 police officers in the country are not allowed to go on vacation until the end of April.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz once again made it clear that there will be further steps, especially in the school system. “There will also have to be measures at school,” said the head of government. The streets and squares as well as the public transport in Vienna were significantly empty than usual.

In the meantime, the fourth coronavirus death was reported in Germany on Thursday morning. It is a 67-year-old man with previous illnesses. He is also the first corona dead in Baden-Württemberg.

Update from March 12, 2020, 9:28 a.m .: The Corona virus causes turmoil worldwide, but can also highlight the good in people. So goes in Austria for example the hashtag # Neighborhood challenge rum.

The action is designed to encourage society to help people who are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19 are. This mainly includes older people and those with severe previous illnesses.

Coronavirus: Wienerin shows solidarity towards her fellow human beings

A particularly beautiful example was provided by Instagram-User “@frederikaaa”, who wrote an open letter to her neighbors and offered her help. “If you are over 65 or have an immune disease or a weakened immune system, we (Fredi and Andi – door 12) would like to support you to stay healthy. We are not part of the risk group and can therefore help if necessary, ”says the Viennese.

If there are things to do (“Shopping and other public activities”), the two residents would be happy to help. One should only report. “Vienna is also going through a pandemic together.”

Coronavirus: Instagram post from Wienerin quickly goes viral

After just 19 hours, the post collected over 1,600 likes on Instagram and inspired some other users: “Respect #multi-humanity” and “Super cool idea. Will be copied immediately ”are just two of many comments below the post.

The author of the article is happy about the positive reception of her post and wrote in the description: “Very nice that it is so steep. We make it”. There’s nothing to add to that.

Coronavirus in Austria: Vacationers have to walk across the border

Update from March 11, 2020, 5.15 p.m.: Travelers from Italy feel the measures from Austria on the border with Italy. At the Brenner, tourists had to cross the border crossing on foot. On the way back to Germany and other countries, the tourists had to confirm in writing that they were not planning to stop in Austria. The personal data of the transit travelers were recorded and the ID cards were also photographed. There were longer waiting times.

People had to carry their luggage from the Brenner station on the Italian side to the border crossing* run, reports the derstandard.at. Many therefore only wanted to continue to Germany. A coach is to take the stranded vacationers directly to Munich train station.

On its website, Deutsche Bahn points out impairments in long-distance transport to and from Italy: The EC trains Munich – Kufstein – Innsbruck – Verona therefore end or begin in Innsbruck Hbf (Austria). The ÖBB Nightjet connections Munich – Rosenheim – Salzburg – Villach – Venice / Milan / Rome end or start in Villach Hbf (Austria), it says.

Corona virus in Austria: start border controls

Update from March 11, 2020, 3:24 pm: The checks on the border between Austria and Italy started at 12 noon. In Carinthia need a medical certificate for people entering Italy*. Austrians are then allowed to enter quarantine for 14 days. In Tyrol, seamless border controls are replacing health checks, reports ORF.at. For this purpose, border management was started up specifically on the Brenner. Tourists are allowed to cross the country on their journey, but they cannot make a stop. Train traffic and air traffic to and from Italy have been completely discontinued. School closures are also being prepared, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Wednesday.

Austria stops train traffic from Italy

Update from March 11, 2020, 10.30 a.m .: Austria is now taking more drastic measures against the corona virus. With regard to the still controversial situation in Italy, Austria Passenger train traffic to and from Italy across the Austrian border. This reports n-tv.de. “We follow the instructions of the authorities,” said a spokesman for the Austrian Federal Railways. Freight transport is not affected by this. As the last train for the time being, a Eurocity from Italy crossed the border in the direction of Innsbruck and Munich in the morning.

Coronavirus in Austria – controls on the border with Italy should start on Wednesday

The controls on car traffic on the border with Italy announced in the fight against the corona virus should begin on Wednesday. They ran in the morning “Elaborate preparations”said police spokesman Stefan Eder of the German press agency. “Structural measures” are required for the controls, including the need to remove guardrails. In addition, it should be clarified where the vehicles are headed to and how exactly expected traffic jams are handled. He did not give an exact start time for the controls.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 10,150 people in Italy have been shown to be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In Austria, this number currently amounts to 206 cases (as of March 11, 2020, 10 a.m.).

Coronavirus: Austria uses emergency plan – no more entries from Italy

First report from March 10, 2020

Vienna – Austria wants to largely stop entry from Italy in the fight against the new corona virus. Exceptions are only with medical certificate possible, announced Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on Tuesday in Vienna. The primary goal is to prevent the exchange and thus that “Introducing the disease into our society”, Kurz said with regard to the situation in Italy. How ORF.at reports, the homecoming should be organized by Austrians – but they have to be isolated for two weeks, Kurz said. A travel warning has been in force for all of Italy since early Tuesday. All direct flights from Austria to Milan and Bologna have been suspended since Monday.

Passing through Tourists from Germany, for example should remain possible provided that they did not stop in Austria. You can do this, among other things, before entering Fuel gaugee are checked, it said. Also Germany is trying to spread the corona virus* to prevent or at least slow down.

Corona virus: control on the burner.

© dpa / Matthias Balk

Coronavirus in Austria – Events with 100 or more participants affected

To the Spread of the corona virus contain in Austria Events can be canceled: outdoor events with over 500 participants and indoor events like concerts and theater with over 100 participants are affected by it. Football games should take place without an audience.

Coronavirus: Universities in Austria closed

Courses at the University of Innsbruck will initially be suspended. The state of Tyrol has been tight since Tuesday, the state of Tyrol announced in a press release. It was switched to distance learning, it said. In Vienna too, teaching and teaching, including university operations in hospitals, will be massively reduced OFR.at.

According to Kurz, schools and kindergartens will remain open for the time being. However, further measures are not excluded.

In Austria, 157 coronavirus cases have been officially confirmed (as of March 10, 8 a.m.), and 5062 tests for SARS-CoV-2 have been carried out so far.

  • Lower Austria (39)
  • Vienna (43)
  • Styria (17)
  • Tyrol (27)
  • Upper Austria (13)
  • Salzburg (10)
  • Burgenland (4)
  • Vorarlberg (3)
  • Carinthia (1).

“We still have this small number of cases, but it’s about reducing the spread or the pace of spread,” said Kurz. For a few weeks it was now necessary to reduce social life.

The first suspected coronavirus cases in Austria occurred in Innsbruck. Austria had previously responded to two Germans with drastic measures after suspected coronavirus. Trains from Italy on the way to Munich were stopped at the Brenner. Train traffic was slow for hours, like Merkur.de* reported.

But not only those responsible in Austria react with far-reaching measures. US President Donald Trump has also already issued travel bans and has now announced measures to dampen the economic consequences. But Wall Street stockbrokers distrust him.

With the spread of the corona virus, more and more people are trying to protect themselves from viruses, but they mostly overlook the largest virus trap.

Read more about Corona virus development in Freistatt in the ticker on Merkur.de*.

ml / dpa

* Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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