Home » today » News » Coronavirus August 23. Mexico reaches 560 thousand cases of Covid-19; there are 60,480 deaths

Coronavirus August 23. Mexico reaches 560 thousand cases of Covid-19; there are 60,480 deaths

At the court on August 23, the Health Secretary accounted for 226 new deaths from Covid-19, which is why 60,480 people have died in the country from this disease.

Ricardo Cortes, Director General of Health Promotion, reported in the press conference this afternoon that, in addition, in week 33 of the pandemic, 560,164 confirmed cases of Covid-19 were registered.

The official explained that the statistics presented this afternoon are weekly and the cutoff is to week 33, the same that ended on August 15.

He explained that Mexico has had a total of 618 thousand 779 negative results in the tests applied to detect Covid-19 and that 1 million 259 thousand 141 people have been studied, so the positivity rate is 43%.

Estimated 80 thousand 198 cases and 41 thousand 563 active cases remain as suspects, that is, they are people who were infected 14 days ago and can still infect others.

“Pandemic is already subsiding”

Despite the fact that 60,000 deaths were registered yesterday by Covid-19, a “catastrophic figure”, as Undersecretary Hugo López-Gatell had called it, this afternoon President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He assured that the pandemic – which he described as “unfortunate” – is giving way and that according to data in his possession, the coronavirus is losing strength, so there are fewer infections and “most importantly, fewer deaths.”

In a video, the president reiterated that with one hand his administration is fighting corruption and with the other, the health and economic crisis.

Continue reading: “Pandemic is already giving way,” says AMLO despite 60 thousand deaths

* See here the full broadcast of the conference on coronavirus cases in Mexico, from the National Palace:


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