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Coronavirus attacks Europe

Coronavirus attacks the World Health Organization. The head of the who quarantined after talking with an infected employee. More and more countries, meanwhile, are forced to impose the most severe restrictions. Iran has banned entry and exit from the 25 largest cities today. And Europe is returning to the practice of lockdowns. On measures to combat COVID-19 in the Old World.

The regiment of European lockdowns has arrived… After much deliberation, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that quarantine would be introduced in England on November 5 – for a period of one month. If everything goes according to the plan of the British government, then the English cities should be empty, as it was this spring. The only difference is that schools and universities will remain open.

Quarantine statements have sparked chaos. The British rushed to the shops and lined up lines at the airports – during the lockdown period it will be prohibited without an urgent need to leave the country. Domestic flights will be subject to the same restrictions.

As in the spring, it will not be possible to just go out and meet friends. Pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential stores will be closed. All these measures must still be approved by the parliament. The opposition has already announced that it supports them, not missing the opportunity to kick the government.

“I suggested doing all this three weeks ago. But the government then refused, and only now announces the same thing. Losing time will cost us dearly. The quarantine will be longer, harder. How many lives can we lose!” Starmer.

If earlier in the government there was still talk about a possible rescue from the virus by Christmas, now there is a noticeable decrease in optimism. The ministers do not exclude that the quarantine will have to be extended.

The virus is very dangerous and spreads so quicklythat it would be foolish to predict what will happen in four weeks, “says Conservative Party member Michael Gove.

In Germany, where the so-called partial lockdown came into effect that night, the day before, there was a rush to taste the joys of communication in bars and restaurants that are closed for a month.

“I understand everything, it is clear that crowds can be dangerous. But how can all this be combined, for example, with the human right to go to church? Or with the fact that the owners of restaurants and other establishments are on the verge of survival?”

In addition to misunderstanding, there is also aggression. In Frankfurt am Main, several hundred young people decided to take out the accumulated anger on the police, throwing stones and bottles at them.

Clashes with police were staged by protesters against restrictive measures in Madrid. In the Spanish city of Logroño, a youth demonstration ended in the looting of shops.

European leaders do not see any alternative to restrictions yet. They are preparing for a partial lockdown this week in Austria.

“The situation is simple. If we do nothing, our intensive care wards will be clogged just like in other countries,” said Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella, after several days of protests in the country, laid a wreath at a cemetery in Lombardy in memory of the victims of coronavirus infection and called on the country’s population to unite in the fight against the pandemic.

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