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Coronavirus April 21. Mexico reaches phase 3 of Covid-19 with more than 9 thousand infections and 857 deaths

Upon reaching Phase 3 of the coronavirus, Mexico reported this Tuesday, April 21, 9 thousand 501 infections, as well as 857 deaths.

The general director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, José Luis Alomía Zegarra, reported that there are also 3,185 cases in the active contagion stage.

At the nightly conference on the daily report on the health emergency situation in Mexico, Alomía Zegarra presented the new number of cases in the active stage, once phase three of the pandemic was declared on Tuesday morning.

The 3,185 cases in the active stage, according to laboratory tests carried out on all suspected cases, represent about 4% of the total, according to Alomia.

The specialist also presented a graph in which a national active incidence rate of 2.49 was recorded, which represents that the coronavirus is in its active stage among the country’s infections.

Among Covid-19 deaths, the majority remain men, 69%, while women who have lost their lives to the virus represent 31% of the total.

Alomía Zegarra indicated that the virus has a 33% positive rate, compared to other respiratory viruses, that is, a third of all suspected cases are turning out to be Covid-19.

“In the following days, this trend could continue, or could increase,” he said, among the 8,262 suspects, awaiting diagnosis.

The Ministry of Health reported that as part of the campaign to spread healthy distance, now “it will be possible to send a WhatsApp to Susana Distancia”, the character created to teach children about social distancing.

Follow here the live broadcast of the daily press conference on the coronavirus in Mexico addressed by the Ministry of Health, from the National Palace:

The last 24 hours on the coronavirus in Mexico

Until yesterday, the Health Secretary had confirmed 8,772 cases, 9,653 suspects and 712 deaths from Covid-19.

This morning, the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, announced that the country has already entered Phase 3, reason why he warned that in this period there will be more contagions. In addition, the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) He confirmed that until June 1 the entire country will return to face-to-face classes.

Also, within the framework of the entrance to phase 3 of the health emergency due to the pandemic of the Covid-19, the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) released measures to support the financial system for 750 billion pesos.

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