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Coronavirus April 11. Breaking news

The number of deaths from covid-19 in Mexico amounts to 233, Health authorities reported during the daily press conference to talk about the situation in the country facing the coronavir pandemicus. Likewise, the head of the National Commission against Addictions (Conadic), Gady Zabicky Sirot, called not to increase the consumption of alcoholic beverages, since could raise levels of distress and stress in the face of uncertainty.

Still on MILLENNIUM minute-by-minute coverage with breaking news on the coronavirus in Mexico today Saturday April 11.

Coronavirus cases by state

Map of deaths by state


Raise 273 people killed by covid-19 – 19:10

In Mexico 273 people have died from the coronavirus and so far there are 4 thousand 219 confirmed cases, authorities from the Ministry of Health reported this Saturday.

According to the general director of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, Mexico City is the one with the highest burden of infections from covid-19.

17 dead and 199 cases of covid-19 reported in Quintana Roo – 18:30

Alejandra Aguirre, Health Secretary of Quintana Roo, reported that there are 216 cases of coronavirus in the state, as well as 17 deaths.

“As of 6:00 pm on April 11, 661 negative cases have been reported, 187 under study, 216 positive, 17 deaths and 42 people recovered from covid-19,” he reported.

Five people die from covid-19 in Chihuahua – 17:56

The medical director of the Ministry of Health in the North Zone, Arturo Valenzuela Zorrilla, reported the death of five people who became infected with covid-19 in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, so the number of deaths from this cause is 16 in the entity.

“The five patients who lost their lives were hospitalized in nosocomios in Ciudad Juárez, bringing the death toll to 14 on this border, one in Chihuahua and one in Cuauhtémoc. 69 percent of these deaths are men, “he said.

They call to forgive, reduce or defer rent payments in Yucatan – 17:18

The Governor of Yucatan, Mauricio Villa, called on the owners of all types of real estate that rent their properties to defer, forgive or reduce the cost of the rents.

“In these times of adversity we have to work society and government always united, as one,” said the governor.

López-Gatell meets with Insabi for covid-19 – 17:10

The Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion met with members of Insabi to analyze the hospital capacity of the states of the Republic.

“I met with members of the Insabi in the offices of the Ministry of Health to analyze the hospital capacity of the states of the Republic and prepare them for the covid-19 health emergency,” he said.

AMLO thanks Mexicans for staying at their homes – 16:01

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thanked Mexicans for staying at their homes in the face of the emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country.

On social networks, the President also commented that he spoke with the Governor of Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo, who told him that Acapulco’s beaches are empty due to the contingency.

20 thousand face masks donated to the Merida City Council – 15:55

An endowment of 20 thousand mouth masks for police and public medical institutions were donated by the Chinese Association, Yucatan Peninsula, so that the Mérida police and other municipal authorities can continue their work during the contingency.

The director of the Municipal Police, Mario Arturo Romero Escalante, recognized this support as an act of solidarity and goodwill on the part of the Chinese community, with which there is a twinning bond.

Nuevo León reports 192 cases and 6 deaths from covid-19 – 15:26

The government of Nuevo León reported in a press conference that the number of coronavirus cases in the state increased to 192, and that in the last 24 hours there was one death.

Deputy asks that official times are to report on covid-19- 14:50

The president of the Radio and Television Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Isabel Guerra, proposed that the official times on radio and television be used by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to inform the population about prevention and care measures of the coronavirus health emergency.

40 Mexicans stranded in Colombia arrive in Cancun- 14:29

Today 40 Mexicans who were stranded in Medellin, Colombia arrived in Cancun, as a management of the SRE and the Colombian embassy, ​​as well as the support of the Peruvian embassy in Mexico, since the flight will also repatriate Peruvians in Mexico.

With speakers, they ask residents of Xochimilco not to leave home- 14:01

Around 160 Xochimilco mayor officials aboard vehicles equipped with speakers and horns urged residents to stay home as part of a campaign to tighten sanitary measures against covid-19. The tours will take place every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., until further notice.

Álvaro Obregón’s streets are disinfected in the mayor’s office- 13:50

The Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office disinfected the streets from the Chimalistac, Pedregal, San Ángel, Tizapan, Plateros Housing Unit and the vicinity of the Metro Observatory station, in order to mitigate the health emergency due to the covid-19.

They reported that the formula used is composed of sodium hypochlorite, detergent and water, which is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) that does not cause harm to people.

Invea detects 67 open non-essential businesses in CdMx- 13:41

The Institute of Administrative Verification (Invea) reported that 67 non-essential businesses were detected open, as part of the surveillance operation that they maintain to supervise the closure of unnecessary establishments in the face of the health emergency due to covid-19.

There are 69 cases in Sonora- 13:26

Sonora municipal authorities approved mandatory confinement to try to contain the spread of covid-19. In addition, the Ministry of Health reported that 14 new cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, reaching a total of 69 in the entity.

So far, 546 suspected cases have been studied in Sonora, 477 were ruled out by laboratory tests, 69 were confirmed, six of them were cured and eight died due to complications from chronic diseases that they already suffered from.

IMSS detects a thousand suspicious cases by telephone attention- 13:10

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) announced that during Phase 2 of the health emergency due to covid-19 has received 20,103 telephone medical guidance calls toll free 800-2222-668, of which only 1,071 beneficiaries were suspected of the disease from March 1 to April 6.

More than 2,000 Mexicans remain stranded in the world- 12:58

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard reported in his daily report that so far they remain stranded abroad 2 thousand 842 Mexicans, while 8,880 have already been repatriated, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Coahuila adds 162 infections- 12:40

The Coahuila Health Secretariat released seven new cases of people infected by covid-19 in Monclova, Piedras Negras and Frontera, with whom The number of confirmed cases in the state amounts to 162. In its report, the agency detailed that in Piedras Negras there is a 44-year-old man and another 39-year-old man in the municipality of Frontera.

In Monclova, the new cases correspond to a 24-year-old man, a 28-year-old woman, a 34-year-old woman, a 46-year-old woman and a 46-year-old man.

Cuautitlán prison isolated for possible outbreak of covid-19- 12:30

Elements of the Secretariat of Security of the State of Mexico maintain a security device in streets located on the perimeter of the Cuautitlán prison, where the guard device was activated due to a possible coronavirus outbreak in 23 inmates and a custodian. On the morning of this Saturday some relatives came, who, being informed of the situation, calmly retired.

Woman in Oaxaca arrested for selling snow on the street- 12:00

In the municipality of Zimatlán de Álvarez, Oaxaca, elements of the police arrested a woman who took to the streets to sell snow, after the decision of the city council to suspend non-essential activities in the face of the health emergency due to coronavirus in the state. However, after the relatives’ complaint, an appeal was filed with the Human Rights Defender of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO).

SRE will repatriate 160 Mexicans stranded in Latin America- 11:40

The Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE) announced that 160 Mexicans will be repatriated on the humanitarian flight that the Mexican government sent to Argentina and Chile with 386 foreigners stranded in the country due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Strengthen security in CdMx hospitals- 11:08

Elements of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) they watch the exterior of some capital hospitals, As the General Hospital of Mexico, after a doctor from the IMSS clinic in Azcapotzalco was attacked by family members of a person who died from covid-19.

Air Force plane flies to Argentina with foreigners stranded in Mexico- 09:40

An aircraft of the Mexican Air Force He left at 04:00 this Saturday with 161 foreigners to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the Boeing 737/800 plane with registration 3527, 123 Argentines and 38 Uruguayans who were stranded in Mexico were transferred in the midst of the coronavirus health emergency.

Fences are placed in the National Palace before covid-19- 08:50

To avoid congregations, the government of Mexico City, in coordination with the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC), placed metal fences in the National Palace to restrict access before the outbreak of covid-19 in the capital of the country, where there are already 46 deaths of infected people. In addition, for several days the same cordon is maintained at various points in the Historic Center.

[Foto: Jorge Becerril]

Quintana Roo reports 14 deaths from coronavirus- 08:20 hours

The head of the Ministry of Health of Quintana Roo, Alejandra Aguirre, reported through social networks that there are already 14 deaths from the coronavirus in the entity. As of yesterday’s report from the federal agency, there were 13 deaths. In addition, he explained that 163 positive cases and 362 negative.

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