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Coronavirus and sport: No football in England’s Premier League until April 30th – sport

NBA wants to isolate and play players

The North American professional basketball league NBA continues to focus on ending the season that was interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. In order to be able to continue offering sports to fans even in times of crisis, the NBA is also thinking of extraordinary measures. There are discussions about whether a group of players could compete for “a gigantic fundraiser”, said NBA commissioner Adam Silver at ESPN. For this there could be a protocol by which certain professionals are tested and isolated for the corona virus so that they can play. “People are stuck at home and I think they need distraction. You have to be entertained. “
The NBA had interrupted its game operations almost a week ago for “at least 30 days”. However, the US health agency CDC recently recommended that events with 50 or more people across the country be postponed or canceled in the next eight weeks.

Silver didn’t want to predict when the NBA could play regularly again. “I am naturally optimistic and I want to believe that we are able to save at least some parts of this season,” said the 57-year-old. “I have no idea how long this phase will continue.” For example, the format for the rest of the season, in which the play-offs were supposed to begin on April 18, could change. (dpa)

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