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Coronavirus: a positive patient in France from the end of December?

11:30 a.m .: Very underestimated mortality

According to a study by the European artificial ventilation research network, this Sunday, April 26, the number of deaths due to coronavirus in intensive care is 3 to 4 times higher than the official figures. What explains this difference? Many deaths are said to be missing due to logistical concerns, sources said. We explain to you.

10.54 am: The Universal Exhibition 2020 in Dubai postponed

The 2020 World Expo in Dubai will be postponed for a year, the International Exhibition Bureau (IBE) announced on Monday.

It will finally take place from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

10.47 am: Sylvain, temporary and supportive delivery man

Sylvain is an ephemeral delivery man for his parents’ village pharmacy. A solidarity initiative launched since the beginning of confinement, it is an enriching experience that he tells about Super Ordinaires.

10:41 a.m .: Domestic airlines will disappear

To travel to France, it will be better in the future to favor the train than the plane.

In the world “according to” containment, air traffic will no longer be what we have known until then. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, explained this morning that “a certain number of these connections is no longer justified.

10:23 am: Japan extends state of emergency until May 31

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced on Monday that the state of emergency would be extended nationwide until May 31.

Government officials said it was premature to lift it in the face of the growing coronavirus epidemic.

10am: A positive patient in France from the end of December?

On December 27, a man suffering from pneumonia was admitted to Jean-Verdier Hospital, in Bondy, in Seine-Saint-Denis. It could in fact be patient 0 in France.

Professor Yves Cohen, head of the intensive care unit of the hospital concerned, said on Sunday on BFMTV: “We resumed all the PCRs that had been tested in patients who had pneumonia in December and in January for which the diagnosis was negative . […] Of the 24 patients, we had one which was positive at Covid-19, on December 27, when he was hospitalized with us, at Jean Verdier “

Officially, the first case detected in France dates from January 24.

9:45 am: The United States attacks China again

Last week, President Donald Trump pointed out the possible role of the Wuhan laboratory in the birth of the coronavirus.

This Sunday, his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo went a little further: “China is known for its propensity to infect the world and to use laboratories which do not respect the standards”. In an interview with NBC, he even mentioned an intentional creation of the virus. A scenario yet rejected by the American security services …

9:33 a.m .: Bruno Le Maire defends mass distribution

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, defended on France inter the large distribution, accused of constituting “hidden stocks” of masks: “I note that the large distribution since the beginning of the health crisis has played the game perfectly notably to guarantee the security of the French food supply. […] I really think it’s a bad controversy. “

9:05 a.m .: The Paris Stock Exchange opens sharply lower

This Monday morning, the Paris Stock Exchange opened sharply down 3.48% to 4,413.14 points

8:53 am: Immunity for mayors?

Several local elected officials have claimed criminal immunity for mayors. The senators LR assured that they would seize the constitutional council on this question: “At a meeting, on April 21, Emmanuel Macron made a commitment with Gérard Larcher to deal with the question of the responsibility of the local elected officials. But it is absent from the text [sur le déconfinement]”Said Bruno Retailleau.

This immunity could be added by the LREM group to the National Assembly, if we believe the deputy Aurore Bergé.

8:35 am: Brussels authorizes French aid to Air France

The European Commission authorized France on Monday to provide € 7 billion in support to Air France.

“This guarantee and this shareholder loan granted by France, in the amount of 7 billion euros, will provide Air France with the liquidity it urgently needs to resist the repercussions of the pandemic,” said the commissioner. European Competition, Margrethe Vestager.

8:12 am: The masks are arriving in supermarkets

As of this Monday, “general public” masks (often made of fabric) are available for sale in large retail stores. These washable masks will be sold between 2 and 3 euros. However, it will take a few days before you can buy surgical masks.

Long advised against by the government – except for caregivers and the sick – wearing a mask is now strongly recommended. It is even compulsory in public transport, where not wearing it will be liable to a fine.

7:28 am: Portugal reopens its first shops

Portugal begins Monday to loosen containment measures with the reopening of small street shops, hair salons and car dealerships, but the Portuguese will have to observe strict distancing rules.

The wearing of protective masks or visors has become compulsory in shops, public services and public transport. In public transport, breaking this rule will be punishable by a fine of up to 350 euros.

7:11 a.m .: Global coronavirus telethon

Key European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, have supported a global fundraiser organized in Brussels on Monday for research into a vaccine and treatments for the new coronavirus.

Organizer of this major online conference calling for donations, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen hopes to raise 7.5 billion euros. Governments, philanthropists, business leaders and celebrities are invited to participate.

7:05 a.m .: The deconfinement plan before the Senate

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe is due to submit to the Senate on Monday his national plan for deconfinement with outlines that are still very vague, whether it be the reopening of schools or quarantine measures from May 11. This presentation, scheduled from 2.30 p.m., must be followed by a debate and a vote.

Later that evening, the Senate is also scheduled to consider the bill extending the state of emergency for two months, until July 24.

The deconfinement of schools does not pass

The fear around the deconfinement of schools is very strong, and the pressure mounts a week before the fateful date.

The majority of nursery and primary schools will be there on May 11, continues to repeat the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, struggling to convince.

For good reason, many mayors have indicated that they will not reopen the establishments of their municipalities.

More than 300 mayors of Ile-de-France, including the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, even wrote to the Elysée, and said that this date was rushed.

“We don’t want to rush anyone. Volunteering of parents, volunteering of municipalities if they are not able to ensure health security. Mayors must be given time to prepare”, replied the Elysée to the Parisian.

The President of the Republic is expected to visit a school in Yvelines on Tuesday.

6:44 am: In Algeria, businesses forced to lower the curtain

In Algeria; many businesses, reopened last week, had to close again this weekend in several regions, including Algiers.

The authorities blame them for not respecting hygiene rules and social distancing.

6:39 am: In Brazil, 100,000 cases and one petition

Brazil crossed the 100,000 confirmed case of Covid-19 on Sunday, which claimed 7,025 lives in that country.

In addition, the famous photographer Sebastiao Salgado launched on Sunday an online petition signed by stars like Brad Pitt, Madonna or Paul McCartney, demanding “urgent measures” of the public authorities to protect the natives from the coronavirus, to which they are particularly vulnerable.

6:26 a.m .: Over 3.5 million cases worldwide

The figure is underestimated, so many countries only test the most serious cases, but it gives an idea of ​​the scale of the epidemic: the bar of 3.5 million cases declared worldwide has been crossed. Over three-quarters are in Europe (1.54 million) and the United States (1.15 million).

There are also officially 246,893 deaths.

6:17 am: 1,450 new deaths in the United States

The coronavirus has killed 1,450 people in the United States in the past 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University announced on Sunday. A figure stable compared to the previous day which brings the total American balance sheet to more than 67,600 deaths.

The United States is by far the country with the highest number of deaths from the pandemic. According to this referencing count, the country had registered more than 1.15 million cases of infection.

6:15 am: Trump hopes for a vaccine by the end of the year

US President Donald Trump estimated Sunday that a vaccine against the new coronavirus would be available by the end of 2020.

“We think we will have a vaccine by the end of this year,” said Donald Trump on a Fox News special at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington.

Photo Mandel NGAN / AFP

6:10 am: Hello everyone, follow us with the evolution of the situation on the front of the Covid-19 pandemic in France and in the world.

Update at 6 o’clock

– In France, the pressure on resuscitation services continues to diminish, with 8 patients with Covid-19 less in the past 24 hours. The virus caused 135 deaths in 24 hours, for a total of 24,895 deaths since March 1.

– The government announced on Saturday the extension of the state of health emergency until July 24. Since this can only be authorized by law, the text will be examined from Monday in the Senate and the next day in the National Assembly.

– The government released Sunday the health protocol for the reopening of schools and businesses.

France will not impose quarantine “Anyone, regardless of nationality, from the EU, the Schengen area or the United Kingdom,” announced the Elysee Palace on Sunday.

– Europe is gradually starting to deconfinement of its populations, like Italy, cloistered for two months by the pandemic and which awaits with feverishness the partial lifting of the restrictions this Monday.

– The pandemic has made at least 245,576 deaths worldwide since its appearance in December in China.

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