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Coronavirus: a cake to encourage caregivers in Sarcelles

Comfort is welcome. The Annivoeux association offered a cake, this Wednesday afternoon, to the nursing staff of the resuscitation service of the private northern Paris hospital in Sarcelles.

“We discovered that they were overwhelmed by the number of patients and in difficulty in terms of staff. We wanted to support them, says Samirra Abdouni, the president. There is solidarity for large hospitals, like Gonesse, let’s not forget the smallest! “

The cake, where Marvel superheroes and a doctor with a mask are represented with the inscription “Force à vous et courage”, was produced by one of the sixty-three volunteer pastry chefs from the association’s network. “I did not hesitate for a second, says the person concerned. I myself am a nurse on parental leave. It is a way of supporting my colleagues at the front. “

“I hope this will create a chain”

Normally, Annivoeux organizes birthdays in hospitals for children with cancer. “We cannot carry out our activities at the moment, but we wish to continue to show our solidarity, insists Samirra Abdouni. Above all, I hope this will create a chain. That individuals provide help to caregivers in the PNH through small gestures like this one. “

At the same time, the association manager launched the “O’Douceurs d’Annivoeux” YouTube channel aimed at confined people. “To support everyone, she supports, and that free culinary workshops are carried out by volunteers!” “

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