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Coronavirus: 8159 new infections were registered and …

He evening report from the Ministry of Health confirmed 8,159 new cases of Covid-19, a figure barely lower than record reported yesterday
and the second highest record for a single day since the beginning of the pandemic. With that number Argentina reaches the 329,043 positives.

The Health portfolio report also confirmed 214 new deaths, 50 in the morning report and 164 in this second part. The figure means an increase of 27 cases compared to those reported the day before and has the total deaths from Covid-19 to 6,730. Among all the countries of the continent, Argentina maintains one of the lowest figures for deaths per million inhabitants.

The percentage of total occupancy of beds in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) reflected a slight decrease both nationally (58%) and in the AMBA (67.1%). This morning, after the record of cases registered yesterday, the Minister of Health, Ginés González García, stressed that the public health system is “a little less pressured”
. Meanwhile, the confirmed cases of Covid-19 admitted to the ICU reached 1853, an increase of 21 cases in the last day.

The province of Buenos Aires registered 5,322 new cases and the City of Buenos Aires 1,179, both increased the number of cases compared to yesterday, although the total number was lower, but they continue to show a plateau in the maximum numbers. They also continue to show high figures for provinces such as Córdoba (182), Jujuy (250), Mendoza (212), Río Negro (137), Santa Fe (262). Entre Ríos, in particular, showed a significant jump in the last day from 51 cases to 136.

Cases of “community circulation” continue to increase and represent 61.4% of the country’s total, while 0.4% are “imported”, 25% are “close contacts” of confirmed cases and the rest are under investigation. epidemiological.

After the morning report in which 50 new deaths were reported, the evening report registered 164 new deaths. There were 94 men: 61 residents in the province of Buenos Aires; 14 residents in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA); 1 resident in the province of Córdoba; 1 resident in the province of Corrientes; 10 residents in the province of Jujuy; 1 residents in the province of Mendoza; 1 resident in the province of Salta; 5 residents in the province of Santa Fe.

The death of 70 women was also reported: 47 residents in the province of Buenos Aires; 12 residents in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA); 1 resident in the province of Córdoba; 1 resident in the province of Entre Ríos; 5 residents in the province of Jujuy; 1 resident in the province of Mendoza; 1 resident in the province of Salta; 1 resident in the province of Santa Fe and 1 in the province of Santiago del Estero.

Detail by province (No. of confirmed | No. of accumulated):

Buenos Aires 5,322 | 205,069

City of Buenos Aires 1,179 | 82,805

Catamarca -1 | 63

Chaco 55 | 4.756

Chubut 19 | 474

Córdoba 182 | 5.454

Currents 4 | 243

Entre Ríos 136 | 1,997

Formosa -1 | 79

Jujuy 250 | 5,874

La Pampa 0 | 187

La Rioja 51 | 978

Mendoza 212 | 4,252

Missions 5 | 58

Neuquén 47 | 2,067

Rio Negro 137 | 4,466

Jump 90 | 1,590

Saint John 1 | 36

Saint Louis 0 | 39

Santa Cruz 68 | 1,246

Santa Fe 262 | 4.315

Santiago del Estero 38 | 455

Tierra del Fuego 36 | 1,636

Tucuman 67 | 904

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