Home » today » News » Coronavirus: 570 deaths in nursing homes in the Grand Est, two thirds of establishments are affected by covid19

Coronavirus: 570 deaths in nursing homes in the Grand Est, two thirds of establishments are affected by covid19

The regional health agency (ARS) of Grand Est published this Wednesday, April 1, the detailed figures by department of the covid19 coronavirus pandemic in the Grand Est. As of March 31, 411 accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) were affected by covid19 out of the 620 in the region, ie 66% of the total number of establishments. In other words, two out of three facilities present cases of infected patients. A total of 570 elderly people died.

These figures are in addition to 1,126 covid19 deaths in the Grand Est region since the start of the epidemic, figure transmitted this Wednesday, April 1 by the National Public Health Agency. Here is the detail, by department, of the victims in the nursing homes of the Grand Est.

  • Haut-Rhin: 314
  • Bas-Rhin: 71
  • Moselle: 53
  • Vosges: 46
  • Haute-Marne: 32
  • Meuse: 19
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle: 16
  • Marne: 15
  • Dawn: 4
  • Ardennes: 0

On Monday March 23, the ARS du Grand Est announced that 20 residents of Le Couarôge retirement home in Cornimont in the Vosges, had lost their lives since the start of the epidemic. The image of the coffins evacuated from the establishments to the neighboring cemeteries under the control of the gendarmes had deeply shocked.

In Saint-Dizier, the director general of the hospital Jérôme Goeminne revealed during a press conference on Tuesday March 24 that sixteen elderly people were deceased at Ehpad Le Chêne in just 8 days. Forty other residents were also showing symptoms of the disease.

In the Ehpad affected by covid19, the death rate is 1.56% regionally, with disparities between departments, indicates the ARS, which ensures that “From the first days of the epidemic, preventive and protective measures were taken by the nursing home managers to preserve the health of residents: activation of their blue plans and their business continuity plans, strict application of barrier measures and hygiene measures, unauthorized visits, limitation of movement within the establishment, prohibition of collective activities and collective meals until residents are kept in their rooms according to the analysis of the situation, verification of the stock of equipment, in particular surgical masks, telemedicine for medical consultations “.

The Grand Est Regional Health Agency also explains that measures are taken when cases are proven to isolate patients or confine the professionals concerned for a minimum period of 14 days. Patients with severe and critical forms would be treated in authorized covid19 health facilities.

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