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Coronavirus, 406 new infections and four deaths in Fvg

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 406 new infections have been detected – compared to 5,573 swabs performed – and four deaths from Covid-19. It is a 94-year-old woman from Pordenone who died at the Pordenone hospital and coming from a residence for the elderly, an 84-year-old man from San Quirino who died at the Pordenone hospital, an 89-year-old man from Sacile who died in a residence for the elderly, and of an 86-year-old woman from Trieste who died in the RSA San Giusto. This was announced by the deputy governor with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi.

After three days with declining numbers, there is, therefore, a new growth, with a figure very close to the absolute peak on Saturday 24 October, when 412 cases were reported, but against a much higher number of tests processed (6,521).

The people who tested positive for the virus in the region since the beginning of the pandemic amounted to a total of 9,142, of which: 2,992 in Trieste, 3,373 in Udine, 1,767 in Pordenone and 926 in Gorizia, in addition to 84 people from outside the region.

There are 3,766 cases of infection today. The number of patients being treated in intensive care has risen to 35 and to 146 hospitalized in other wards. The deaths totaled 382, ​​with the following territorial subdivision: 204 in Trieste, 85 in Udine, 82 in Pordenone and 11 in Gorizia.

The totally healed are 4,994, the clinically healed 34 and the people in isolation 3,551.

As for the new positivity to the virus, in the sector of residences for the elderly The following cases were found: 26 guests in the “Le Betulle” retirement home in Cavasso Nuovo, five guests in the “Ada e Alfredo Arcicasa” residence in San Quirino, six older at Itis in Trieste, two in the “Monsignor Nigris” residence of Ampezzo and a guest in the Stango Rodino residence in Majano.

Regarding the health workers of the residential structures who were infected: seven in the “Le Betulle” residence, one in the “Villa San Giusto” residence in Gorizia, one in the “F.lli Stuparich” residence in Duino Aurisina, one in the Foundation structure ” Osiride Brovedani “in Gradisca d’Isonzo, two in the Itis structure in Trieste, one in the” Carducci “residence in Trieste, one in the Asp” Umberto I “in Latisana and three in the structure of the Pineta del Carso in Trieste.

On the front of the Regional health system (Ssr) the positivity to Covid-19 of four nurses, a midwife, three Oss, a rehabilitation therapist, a doctor and a radiology technician to be registered in the Friuli Centrale university health authority; in the Western Friuli health authority: two Oss, three nurses and a health assistant; in the Giuliano-Isontina University Healthcare Company: a doctor, an administrative assistant, six nurses and a health assistant; in the Irccs Burlo Garofolo: a midwife and an obs.

Finally, to report the positive cases at Covid of an educator from a kindergarten in Trieste and a PhD student from the University of Trieste.

NATIONAL DATA. In Italy, the growth trend of the curve does not stop. Today, in fact, 24,991 cases have been detected, compared to 198,952 swabs. 205, however, the deaths. The numbers in Lombardy are worrying, up 7,558 cases in the space of 24 hours; above two thousand Piedmont (2,827), Campania (2,427) and Veneto (2,143); three-digit increase for Lazio (1,963), Tuscany (1,708) and Emilia-Romagna (1,212).

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