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Coronal lockdown in Baden-Württemberg: Winfried Kretschmann wants to loosen up with tests – opposition misses strategy – Baden-Württemberg

The nationwide lockdown is valid until March 7th (symbol). Photo: dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

On the way out of the corona lockdown, Prime Minister Kretschmann now wants to proceed more courageously. The green wants to secure the easing with quick tests – despite the danger from the mutants. The opposition is pushing for a more comprehensive opening strategy.

Stuttgart – Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s (Greens) plan for a stronger relaxation of the corona lockdown with the help of rapid tests is not yet sufficient from the perspective of the opposition. In contrast, the coalition partner CDU praised the fact that the head of government had swung into the Union line.

Vice-Prime Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) told the dpa: “We have to find ways that more normality is possible again.” The CDU has been pushing for a long time that more testing is a way to get there. It is good that Kretschmann is now also following this path and no longer just using incidence as a guideline. “I’ve been saying that for a long time. We mustn’t sit in front of the virus mutations like the rabbit in front of the queue, ”emphasized the Interior Minister. “Tests can give us freedom back, more tests and faster tests can give us more freedom faster.”

SPD has been calling for a step-by-step plan for weeks

The opposition from the SPD and FDP welcomed Kretschmann’s plan in principle, but missed a more far-reaching opening strategy. SPD party and parliamentary group leader Andreas Stoch told the dpa that the paper was “finally showing the urgently needed signs of life, albeit very late”. For weeks, the SPD has been calling for a step-by-step plan of how a step-by-step exit from lockdown could look like, depending on the infection situation. By using rapid tests, a closer network can be created for faster detection and interruption of chains of infection, said Stoch.

His FDP colleague Hans-Ulrich Rülke said that quick tests could be a useful part of an opening strategy. “However, you need an overall strategy. Right now, the government is confusing people by saying that incidences are rising again, but still opening up more and more. Who should understand that? ”He announced that he would again put a comprehensive opening concept to the vote in parliament next week.

Also interesting: our video on virus mutations

In an impulse paper for the federal-state consultations on Wednesday, the State Ministry proposed by Kretschmann that areas in which the risk of infection is manageable should be gradually opened up with the help of rapid tests. This should include shops, restaurants, museums and, in the future, hotels. Dates are not mentioned in the paper. The nationwide lockdown is valid until March 7th.

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