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Corona Wuhan wishes are shaken… “Patient outbreak confirmed in Italy in November 2019”

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It was confirmed that there was an Italian woman with Corona 19 a month before Corona 19 was reported in China.

Local Italian media such as La Repubblica reported on the 11th (local time) that a 25-year-old woman living in Milan, Italy had already been identified as infected with Corona 19 on November 10, 2019.

This woman was then treated for a skin condition. At that time, no disease name or pathogenic factor was identified.

However, a research team at the University of Milan recently reanalyzed the patient’s biopsy records and concluded that it was a skin rash caused by Corona 19.

The study, conducted in collaboration with the European Oncology Research Institute (IEO), was published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

It is known that 5-10% of people infected with Corona 19 suffer from skin diseases. It is mainly seen in young patients. This woman also suffered from skin problems for 5 months without any other symptoms.

The patient had viral antibodies formed in the corona 19 serum test last June.

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It was on February 21 that the Corona 19 patient was officially confirmed in Italy. However, according to research, patients had already appeared in November, four months before this.

This is a month ahead of the patient in Wuhan, China. Corona 19 was first reported in Wuhan, China, in late December 2019.

China has constantly insisted on external origins, saying, “Corona 19 was only reported for the first time in Wuhan, and Wuhan is not the origin.” The findings of this study are likely to bolster Chinese claims.

WHO sent experts to China twice last year to investigate the origins of Corona 19, but returned without drawing any conclusions. The WHO announced on the 14th that the origin investigation team will revisit China.

However, regardless of the debate on the origin of the Corona 19, criticism that China has caused a pandemic by rushing only to curtail and conceal the Corona 19 incident seems inevitable.

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