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Corona: Willingness to vaccinate among medical staff is increasing | NDR.de – news

As of: 02/20/2021 9:12 a.m.

More and more medical professionals in MV are getting vaccinated against the coronavirus. In intensive care units, the vaccination rate among employees is sometimes around 90 percent, according to a dpa survey.

The willingness to vaccinate is particularly high in intensive care units in the country because doctors and nursing staff there come into particularly intensive contact with corona patients and therefore want to be protected from infection. On the other hand, they see every day how severe an infection with the Sars-Cov-2 virus can be if the immune system cannot fight this pathogen.

Tropical medicine: Willingness to vaccinate is increasing

Not all employees are willing to have a vaccination, but it is increasing. At the University Clinic Greifswald, only a little more than half are currently vaccinated, at the Helios Clinic in Stralsund the rate is around 75 percent. The tropical medicine specialist Emil Reisinger from the Rostock University Medical Center says that the willingness for immunization increases if the initial vaccination is well tolerated. Currently, around 600 doctors and nurses in Rostock have received at least one of two syringes, and another 300 are on the waiting list.

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 02/20/2021 | 9:00 a.m.

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