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Corona: Where curfews and restrictions apply

Berlin. The „Lockdown Light“ sounded so promising: In the run-up to Christmas you should literally grit your teeth, in return it was planned to be able to enjoy Christmas with family and friends. Tourist trips should also be possible again in December.

The calculation did not work out, because the corona numbers are increasing almost everywhere in Germany. Therefore, after the Bund-Länder meeting on Sunday, Chancellor Merkel announced that Germany would go into hard lockdown from December 16. In some countries, however, stricter ones apply beforehand Corona measures – and sometimes even Exit restrictions.

Read here:Lockdown from Wednesday – Which rules then apply

Bavaria: State-wide exit restrictions, night curfew

Given the nationwide 7-day incidence of over 200, the exit restrictions will apply across the board Bayern tightened. This was announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). The nocturnal curfew, which previously only applied in individual regions with an incidence over 200, will come across the country from Wednesday, December 16. Read more on the topic: Corona in Bavaria: These strict measures are planned

For Christmas, relaxed regulations apply: From December 23 to 26, 2020, a get-together with close family or friends is possible – but only with four other people. What applies to the holidays:New lockdown – these are the corona rules at Christmas

Brandenburg: Exit restrictions from Wednesday

From Wednesday (December 16), the people of Brandenburg are only allowed outside during the day with exceptions – to work, shop, visit schools and daycare centers, doctors and authorities and for sport alone, in pairs or with members of their own household.

Restrictions are tightened at night: from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., jogging or walking is no longer allowed. “We are thus going beyond the decision of the Prime Minister’s Conference,” stressed Woidke. On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, there are exceptions for the time from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. In addition, there is a ban on alcohol in public – so mulled wine on the street is taboo from Wednesday.

Hessen: Night curfews in nine districts and cities

The state government in Hessen has decided on a night curfew and a ban on alcohol consumption in public places for hotspots with an incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

The curfew is from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. If you don’t have a valid reason, you are not allowed to leave your house during this time. Once a region three days consecutively exceeds the seven-day incidence of 200, it is considered a hotspot. If it falls below this value for five days in a row, the restrictions are lifted again. also read: How far do the restrictions on fundamental rights go?

The stricter regulations apply in the following Hessian districts and cities: Main-Kinzig district, Offenbach district, Fulda district (all until December 20th), Groß-Gerau district, Limburg-Weilburg district, Gießen district (all until December 22nd), City of Offenbach (until December 23), Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis (until December 30), City of Hattersheim (until January 3).

Baden-Württemberg: State-wide exit restrictions, night-time ban

Because the number of new corona infections in Baden-Wuerttemberg increasing exponentially, the state government decided on December 11th all-day exit restrictions. People in Baden-Württemberg are only allowed to leave their house or apartment with a “valid reason”. “From a current incidence of 169 we have to come at least within sight of an incidence of 50”, Prime Minister Kretschmann (The Greens) justified the step.

However, the state government and municipal state associations have come to the conclusion that a harter Lockdown after Christmas until at least January 10th. “Unfortunately, the situation is alarming,” emphasized Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann.

Rhineland-Palatinate: Night curfews in Ludwigshafen and Speyer

Cities in Rhineland-Palatinate have enforced nightly curfews. In Ludwigshafen, just a bridge over the Rhine from Mannheim, the new regulation has been in effect since December 5th. Speyer followed two days later – on Monday, December 7th. Also in Frankenthal and in Rhine-Palatinate District Residents are no longer allowed to move outside their home between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

The Cathedral city In addition to the curfew, he also tightened the rules on visits to old people’s homes: visits are limited to a maximum of one person and a duration of one hour per day.

Exit restrictions in the entire state such as in Baden-Württemberg should not come in Rhineland-Palatinate, announced the chairman of the City Council in Rhineland-Palatinate, Michael Ebling, in an interview SWR an.

Saxony: curfews last longer than elsewhere

Hard exit restrictions also apply in Saxony. No surprise, because of all the federal states, Saxony is the hardest hit. In all cities and counties, the 7-day incidence is over 200 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. The only exceptions: the city of Leipzig. But the tightened anti-corona measures have also been in effect here since last Thursday.

In contrast to the exit restrictions in the other federal states, the stricter requirements apply to Saxony all day. All people who leave their apartments must have a valid reason for this – which, according to Saxony’s Corona Ordinance, also includes visits to another household and visits to their own allotment garden.

On Friday, the cabinet also passed a new protection ordinance, which should come into force on Monday: are also planned for the first time night curfews between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. “Everyone who then moves on the street can be addressed and has to explain himself,” said Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer. The way to work is excluded. There should be no night curfew on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Also on one 15-Kilometer-Radius The Saxon state government agreed on their own living environment – not only for sports and leisure, as before, but also for shopping.

Additional measures are one advancedMask requirement “Wherever people meet”, and a nationwide ban on alcohol in public, including serving and consumption.

Read about it:Why the north is doing better in the corona pandemic.

Thuringia: Measures have been tightened nationwide

On Wednesday, December 9th, new corona regulations came into effect in the Saale-Orla district and in force in the Sonneberg district. The new Corona regulation of the Saale-Orla district provides for a curfew between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., which may be interrupted for trips to work, to care for animals or in the early morning for the way to daycare centers or schools, among other things.

Prime Minister Ramelow (Die Linke) also stated that the corona measures are over Christmas and New Year’s Eve would not be relaxed.

The circle Hildburghausen, which was at times Germany’s largest hotspot, extended its restrictions beyond mid-December to December 23rd.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Several measures to contain the corona

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also tightened the corona rules significantly. In addition to the prohibition of the Alcohol serving Outside the home, Prime Minister Schwesig announced: “Where there are regional hotspots with incidences of over 200, there will be curfews.” In addition, the rules for visiting old people’s homes are being tightened so that only one relative per resident is allowed to be a guest per day. Schwesig also stated that citizens who go to Poland must then be quarantined.

Schleswig-Holstein: These measures have now been implemented

On Friday, Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) announced several tightened corona measures, including tightened ones, in the state parliament in Kiel Contact restrictions: Instead of a maximum of ten people from two households, only a maximum of five people from two households should be able to meet publicly and privately. This also applies to Christmas – only the closest family is excluded.

Holiday:New lockdown – these are the corona rules at Christmas

Hotel overnight stays for visits over Christmas are no longer allowed – professional overnight stays or overnight stays for funeral ceremonies are the exception.

Read here:Christmas in the hotel: These federal states allow it

From Monday it will be from the 8th grade no classroom teaching give more. However, the students in the lower grades are also recommended to stay at home if possible.

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