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Corona virus: volunteers become infected for mega-sum

March 16, 2020

In search of a vaccine, a London laboratory offers volunteers a large amount of money if they get infected with the virus.

“Fancy the Corona Virus?” – that or something similar could have been the announcement of a London laboratory. Researchers have called for voluntary infection with the Covid 19 virus – to be able to develop a vaccine. So far, according to RTL 10,000 people have reported. The amount of compensation for the hardships: Converted 4000 euros.

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According to RTL, the test subjects go through several blood tests and antibody tests before doctors and scientists decide whether they are at all suitable for the corona test. Whoever is selected is shielded from the outside world in the high security laboratory called “Flucamp” for 14 to 16 days under medical care Life.

As soon as the coronavirus spreads through the body, the test subjects will have to deal with cough, fever and other symptoms. But apart from the amount of money, Laura Krizman, head of the London research laboratory, praises the everyday life of the test subjects as an “interesting stay”. “You read a lot, some work or study, others play on the computer or watch TV or watch films.” Well then …

A London laboratory is looking for volunteers who can be infected with the corona virus.
Photo: iStock / narvikk

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The test series will start soon 24th Volunteers. But there are still a few hundred people to come. However, it may take some time before a suitable vaccine is developed. “It’s very difficult to develop a vaccine, we need a lot of tests to do it. We have to get to know the virus first before we can develop a vaccine“explains Dr. Andrew Catchpole. The scientist is head of the research company Hvivo, where pharmaceutical companies worldwide have drugs and vaccines tested. The top priority for a vaccine is no dangerous side effects.

The London Laboratory hopes to winter have developed a suitable vaccine.

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