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Corona virus: sun in Bavaria and Munich – police chief threatens punishments for excursionists

The corona virus paralyzes Bavaria – Prime Minister Markus Söder proclaimed the disaster. The police now made an urgent appeal to the population.

Update from 9.45pm: The Corona virus especially endangers older people over the age of 70 – extra slots for shopping in supermarkets are offered in other countries. An option also for Bavaria?

Update from 9:05 p.m .: Sad news from Landsberg: like that Augsburg General reports, Karl Margraf died in the Landsberger Klinikum on Friday night. The 92-year-old had previously tested positive for the corona virus.

Margraf was closely associated with TSV 1860 and worked as an archivist for the Munich football club. He had held this position since 1974 and continued to work until 2004. The TSV 1860 Munich sent emotional words to the late Margraf on Facebook: “We will miss you!”

Corona virus in Bavaria: Police with an urgent request

Update from 4.44 p.m .: The Munich police repeatedly calls on citizens to keep the minimum distance of one and a half meters in parks and public places. Also, despite the sunshine, you should only meet people from your own household. Under no circumstances with friends or acquaintances. For this, the police apply one Message to the press on Saturday evening.

As long as people with friends are in the parks and in the sun, they can drastic measures also show no or only too weak effect. Politically it is emphasized again and again: Does the security of the health system from the Personal responsibility of the citizens not out, the measures can probably not be relaxed for the time being.

Update from 4.20 p.m .: Born in Pähler and FC Bayern Munich star Thomas miller donated food to all heroes of everyday corona around his homeland. The police had to cancel the original plan – because of severe fears.

Update from 3:23 pm: The number of infected people in the state capital Munich continues to rise. As the city informed, today Saturday (As of 1:30 p.m.) another 235 cases of coronavirus infected confirmed. Overall are in Munich now infected 2,080 people. On Friday, 158 new cases were reported in 24 hours.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: President of the State Police with clear words

Update from 1:50 p.m .: Bavaria’s nature offers something for everyone. Only at the moment you can not use them as usual because of Corona. Bavarian State Police President Wilhelm Schmidbauer clarifies – and threatens in Mercury interview with hefty fines. *

Update from 12.20 p.m .: After the Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has now also appealed to the police to walkers, the sunny weather on Saturday not to be used for longer trips. The police in Middle Franconia posted an appeal on Facebook.

“Of course, the blanket falls on your head over time. For this reason, it is okay to go for a walk or to do sports outdoors with your life partner and the group of people who live in the same household. But please go back home afterwards so that others can use the park for a short walk, ”it says. With the current exit restrictions, it is not allowed to sit on park benches and ceilings for a long time.

There was still a lot going on at Wittelsbacher Brücke in Munich around 3 p.m. on Friday. Who will then pour everything to the Isar this Saturday? The Munich police therefore ask as a precaution to stay at home. *

Corona virus in Bavaria: Police make lonely boys smile

Update from 11.18 a.m .: Munich Airport is stuck in a bad crisis because of the corona virus.* Real recovery is likely to be a lot longer than after September 11, 2001.

Update from 9.49 a.m .: There is an exit restriction in Bavaria due to the corona virus. A lonely boy cried to the police. Officials then even made him smile. *

Coronavirus companies in crisis: Free State has already paid 115 million in aid

Update from March 28, 9.23 a.m .: Companies in Germany, especially from Bavaria, are applying in large numbers for those decided by the federal government Billions in aid due to the Corona crisis. The authorities reported that at least 360,000 requests for immediate help from self-employed and small businesses had been received within a few days, the reported image relying on a survey among the federal states. 138.5 million euros had already been ordered for payment.

As a result, the majority made up payments Bavaria out. The Free State has already gotten good through its state aids 115 million euros transferred to small business owners who do not have to pay them back.

Corona in Bavaria: State government is desperately looking for doctors

Update, 9.30 p.m .: Given the expected escalation of the Corona crisis the Bavarian government is desperately looking for doctors. Now foreign physicians without a German license to work should be able to work temporarily in Bavaria. This emerges from an appeal published on Friday (March 27) by the Ministry of Health and the State Medical Association. “At the moment it is not possible to predict how that will work Infection situation in Bavaria developed, ”said Minister Melanie Huml (CSU). That is why the state government is asking for support from all doctors who are not currently working in their profession, as well as medical students. We are also looking for “Doctors with foreign diplomas whose recognition process has not yet been completed in Germany”.

For the volunteers State Medical Association now your own Registration portal on the Internet set up. Doctors who are currently doing non-medical work should therefore remain active for the duration of their Corona insert are exempted – under wage replacement or continued payment of wages. There is also the option for doctor’s surgeries, medical care centers, health offices and operators of citizen phones to report if support is still needed. The used helper are rewarded.

The reason for the appeals is that Fears, that this Bavarian Healthcare could no longer properly treat even seriously ill corona patients.

Corona virus in Bavaria: men in Augsburg disregard exit restriction – also violation in Regensburg

Update, 7.44 p.m .: Although the Exit restrictions in Bavaria for the most part well adhered to, there are always individual exceptions. So the police in augsburg five men pulled out of traffic in a car. They were in spite of that Corona crisis current exit restrictions on the go. The men between the ages of 27 and 43 had left for a jaunt on Thursday evening (March 26), according to police. They found them in the car Officials 15 empty beer bottles. Because the men against the for Bavaria violated specified conditions, they all face an investigation. The 38-year-old driver also received one display because of drunk driving and had to hand in his driving license.

Also in regensburg there was a violation. The operator of a Gyms an ad got there because the studio despite the Exit restriction had opened. According to the police, he had darkened the windows so that the day-to-day operation was not visible from the outside. However, witnesses saw Thursday evening (March 26) how several people in sportswear entered and left the gym. The witnesses called them police, the operator and five customers Show because of a Misdemeanor granted.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Penalties laid down in the newly regulated catalog of fines

Update, 5:55 p.m .:
Bavaria fights against that Corona virus – now with clearly defined penalties. A new catalog of fines regulates how expensive violations of the exit restrictions become.

Meanwhile, it’s in that Nursing home in Wurzburgin which there was a large corona outbreak, another death occurred. This means that twelve people in the home are suffering from the consequences of Corona virus died.

Update, 16:28: The Burgis company identified with an unusual campaign Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate aware of oneself. The company established one on its factory premises Drive-in station one left over by 60,000 kilograms Dumpling dough to distribute. The dough could not Corona crisis cannot be delivered to the catering trade.

Of the Rush be enormously said a spokeswoman. Again BR reported, so many people followed Neumarktthat the police had to regulate traffic. Far before 10 a.m. all the access roads to the company were with traffic jam blocked, so the BR continue.

Motorists could choose between dough and preformed dumplings in bags of different sizes. The collectors were asked for voluntary donations. Some gave 100 or 200 euros for a bag, said the spokeswoman. The drivers put the money directly into a donation box from the window. Burgis employees packed the bags in the trunk so that contact was avoided and distance was kept.

The dumpling drive-in in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.

© dpa / Daniel Karmann

The donate go to the Diakonia in Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate. Due to the temporary closure of the restaurants due to the corona virus, the manufacturer’s storage rooms were still full of goods. “They didn’t want to put them in the biogas plant,” the spokeswoman continued. This is how the idea for the fundraiser came about. How much money came together was initially unclear.

Meanwhile, the Munich gastronomy scene a call for help to Markus Söder and Mayor Dieter Reiter*. The desperate restaurateurs want to draw attention to their situation with a petition.

Corona virus in Bavaria: cases in Munich rise again – new figures known

Update, 3:24 p.m .: The Bavarian capital Munich reports the Coronavirus case numbers for this Friday (March 27th). 158 new Infections have been confirmed. A total of 1845 cases have been reported in Munich.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: exit restrictions remain in force

Update from 2:33 p.m.: The applicable in Bavaria Exit restrictions because of the Corona crisis remain in force: The President of the Bavarian Constitutional Court declined to suspend it by interim order, the court said on Friday. The Constitutional Court, however, now has to deal with this in a normal main trial. Apart from that, decisions of the Bavarian Administrative Court regarding the exit restrictions are still pending.

A plaintiff had argued at the Constitutional Court that the exit restrictions regulation is disproportionate Civil liberties a. He had therefore raised a popular lawsuit and wants the regulation to be declared unconstitutional and void. He also called for their immediate enforcement by way of an interim order.

The President of the Constitutional Court, Peter Küspert, who makes his own decision in special urgent cases, now rejected the latter. In the event of a rough examination, it is not possible to assume that there is an obvious prospect of success, nor that the main application in the popular lawsuit will be visibly hopeless, the court said. The decision to issue an interim order must therefore be made on the basis of an impact assessment. And then Küspert stated: “In view of the paramount importance of the life and health of those who may be at risk, the reasons for overriding the contested regulation outweigh.”

Corona virus in Bavaria: final exams for trainees postponed

Update from 2.20 p.m.: Because of the corona crisis, more than 30,000 trainees in Bavaria are currently unable to take their final exams. The dates planned for this spring have been canceled nationwide, like the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) announced on Friday. In Upper Bavaria alone, this affects 11,000 trainees, according to the IHK Munich and Upper Bavaria, the catch-up dates are planned for mid-June.

In spring 2019, 37,000 young people had completed their training, and a similar size is expected this year. The foreseeable consequence is that at least those who do not want to be taken over by their companies or who want to change employers will only join later Completion certificate in search of a job can go.

Corona virus in Bavaria: scammers use pandemic with perfidious mesh

The LKA warns of current cases in Bavaria and Munich: Fraudsters use the coronavirus pandemic with a new, perfidious trick. Never open your front door.

Corona virus in Bavaria: ILS goes public with a problem

Update from 1:10 p.m .: The Corona virus continues to occupy the Free State. TheIntegrated control center (ILS) Bamberg-Forchheim now goes public with a problem. Recently, callers who make an emergency call have increasingly made no statements Suspected cases or corona symptoms – probably because they fear that they will be worse off with the emergency services. That reports nordbayern.de.

Rescue workers are put in danger because they enter the home of the person seeking help and often only then find out that an infection with the corona virus cannot be ruled out. The responsible persons therefore make it clear that a possible coronavirus infection does not lead to a worse situation in the emergency call. The information is important so that the Rescue workers can protect themselves.

Coronavirus: More than 10,000 infected people in Bavaria

Update from 12:38 p.m.: The number of confirmed corona infections in Bavaria exceeded 10,000 on Friday. Meanwhile, as of Friday morning at 10 a.m., are in the Free State 10180 people tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. This was reported by government circles, citing the latest figures from the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL). So far, 59 infected patients have died in Bavaria.

Munich: bizarre offer to help corona-afflicted citizens

Update from 10:34 a.m .: The current situation in Bavaria is a challenge for many people. Whom Exit restrictions and contact bans Hit the psyche in the Corona crisis, he could try online laugh training. Of the Laughter club at Munich’s Westpark meet now every Sunday at 11:00 in the video chat, said a spokeswoman on Friday. “I know of a lot of people who have their blankets on their heads,” she said. There are more participants every day, as reported by tz.de *.

Corona virus in the Free State: Deutsche Bahn reacts to fewer passengers

The Deutsche Bahn will further reduce regional train traffic in Bavaria due to the Corona crisis. Passenger numbers have dropped sharply.

From Monday onwards, especially the Excursion traffic, trains used by students and the clock amplifiers in commuter traffic. As a rule, the DB regional trains then run every hour. “We guarantee basic services everywhere,” said Minister of Transport Kerstin Schreyer (CSU) on Friday in Munich.

Corona crisis in Bavaria: Joachim Herrmann calls on citizens to forego trips to the mountains

Update from 9:04 a.m.: Bavaria’s interior minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) called on citizens to respond to the weekend’s coronavirus crisis trips to give up in the mountains. “It is not the point if people think that they have to drive into the mountains in excess of 50 or 100 kilometers. I strongly advise against it, ”said Herrmann on Friday in the Bavarian radio (Bayern 2“ radioWelt am Morgen ”).

Even if the weather was fine on Saturday, it should not be used as an occasion for such trips, the Minister warned. For Counties like Miesbach and Garmisch-Partenkirchen day trippers are a burden, among other things for Mountain rescue service. “It is a burden when you have to save someone who bends their feet in such a situation,” said Herrmann.

The minister moved in after the first week Exit restrictions in Bavaria a positive balance. “You can feel that the vast majority of people in our country not only consider this to be correct, but also observe the regulations,” he said.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Hubert Aiwanger with good news for the Free State

Update from March 27, 7:31 a.m .: Good news from Hubert Aiwanger. Bavaria’s Minister of Economy has materials for Protective masks organized. Now it says: “Sew masks yourself” as he does Facebook writes. Pragmatism and self-help are required. “These self-help rolls weigh 12 kg, 40 cm wide, 400m nonwoven per roll certified mask material, from which FFP 2 and FFP 3 masks are also cut. Enough for 5000 masks, ”he continues.

In addition, each district or city receives several hundred finished masks as an emergency ration, but also as a sewing template. “First a role / district, the big cities accordingly more. Replenishment is coming soon. ”He also posted a picture with the material behind it, which was enough for over a million masks Aiwanger. This material must now also arrive quickly in old people’s homes and in nursing, “before they desperately cut something out of bed linen themselves with unsuitable material. THW still delivers today. THANK YOU! To the sewing machines, who can sew! “

Corona virus in Bavaria: Prime Minister Markus Söder with haunted words

Update from 7:58 p.m .: Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has premature speculation about an end to the because of the Corona crisis warned about applicable restrictions and requirements. “If we want to be successful, and if we get out of this crisis if we want to get out, we have to continue on the path we have now taken, ”said Söder in a video message distributed on Thursday evening. “Therefore my tip: Don’t speculate ahead of time when and how activities can be relaxed. But now it’s important to get through the next time together. ”

Update from 7.17 p.m .: In the Würzburg Retirement home St. Nicholas died another inhabitant infected with the corona virus. As announced by the district office on Thursday, there are so far eleven residents Deaths came. In the meantime, all residents of the home and all nursing staff had been tested. A decision about a possible evacuation or another separation of the healthy from the sick Residents had not yet been hit.

Coronavirus: Dramatic situation in a nursing home in the Munich district

Update from 5.48 p.m .: The situation is also coming to a head in the Munich district. A resident who had the corona virus died in a nursing home. Eight caregivers and nine other residents have become infected. The district office responds. The situation will described as “dramatic”*.

Update from 5.15 p.m .: Because of the risk of infection with the Corona virus Some clinics prohibit fathers from attending the birth of their child. “Some prefer not to take the risk,” said Eduard Fuchshuber of the Bavarian Hospital Association in Munich on Thursday. “It would just be one catastrophe, if the virus were to be introduced as a result. ”How many clinics in Bavaria that will have to keep fathers, however, is unclear.

Coronavirus: Another death in the state capital of Munich

Update from 3:33 p.m .: In the state capital Munich today (as of 1.30 p.m.) another 111 new cases* from Corona virus Infected counted. Now there is also the third death. It is an 88-year-old man with previous illnesses. This means that a total of 1,687 people are officially infected in Munich.

A video from Munich recently circulated on the Internet. The recordings show repulsive acts* – as part of Corona.

All in one free State the number of infected as of today (10 a.m.) is 8,842.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Bavarian Red Cross supplies protective equipment

Update from 3:08 p.m.: 50 tons of brand new protective gear are from Bavarian Red Cross also bought and collected for other aid organizations. In one of the police Protected central warehouse of the BRK, the protective masks, gloves, protective gowns and disinfectants had been collected over weeks, the BRK announced on Thursday. Now they would go to the county associations of BRK, Malteser Hilfsdienst, ASB, DLRG and other organizations throughout Bavaria. “The material is enough for a fortnight,” said BRK regional manager Leonhard Stark. “The effort continues.”

Corona virus in Bavaria: State government supports truck drivers

With discounted meals at rest stops and clean sanitary facilities for Truck driver supports the state government with truck drivers in their important work in the corona crisis. “We do everything to ensure that the drivers have good working conditions. It is particularly important to me that the drivers can take good care of themselves, ”said Minister of Transport Kerstin Schreyer (CSU) on Thursday in Forstinning near Munich. The fact that there are still full shelves in the shops in the current pandemic is also due to the employees of the Bavarian transport companies. “At the moment we are particularly noticing how much we rely on the excellent work in the logistics industry,” emphasized Schreyer.

Update from 2:28 p.m .: In Bavaria, 8842 people are now positive for that Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 been tested. This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety in Erlangen on Thursday (at 10 a.m.) on its website. So far, 52 infected patients have died.

Corona crisis in Bavaria: Osram mixes its own disinfectant

Of the Lighting company Osram mixes his own disinfectant in the Corona crisis and also wants to supply hospitals and similar facilities. The surface and hand disinfectants are manufactured in the Schwabmünchen plant, which also has a chemical production facility, as a spokeswoman said on Thursday. Therefore there are appropriate facilities, the necessary knowledge, and the raw materials are also in stock.

“We started with a small production for our own use,” said the spokeswoman. After the quality was confirmed by an external analysis, the production was started up. In addition to supplying its own plants in Garching, Munich, Berlin and Eichstatt Osram also wants the disinfectant at cost around facilities Schwabmunchen submit. Among other things, one is in talks with the local hospital, it said.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Bad incident in Neu-Ulm

Update from 1:43 p.m .: The corona virus continues to dominate the headlines. Something has now happened to a man in Swabia that is even more uncomfortable than usual in Corona times – he was spat on the face. The perpetrator had the man from behind in Neu-Ulm Mouthguard torn down, spat on his face and then slapped in the face several times, the police said on Thursday.

The victim had to suffer several injuries, including one Broken nose, receive medical care. The man’s glasses were also damaged. The background to the fact was initially unclear. The police are investigating for assault, insult and property damage.

Corona virus in Bavaria: fraudsters want to take advantage of the crisis

In Bavaria have several Fraudsters exploited the corona crisis. The police in Bavaria reported on Thursday of attempted transfer fraud and dubious offers one Cleaning service against viruses. In Frammersbach (Main-Spessart district), three men between the ages of 23 and 46 posted flyers on cars on Wednesday with the offer to clean them with “the most special chemical cleaning agents” in order to “minimize the risk of corona viruses”.

Loud Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) can they Covid 19 viruses survive on objects for several days, depending on the condition. However, there is no known case in which a person has been infected by this route, a spokeswoman said. The cleaning offer is “strange”, an infection via a car is not very likely. Since the men did not have permission to distribute the flyers, they are now being suedViolation of the Road and Path Law determined.

In Cham a 69-year-old woman received a call saying that her house bank had to be closed due to the corona crisis. The caller pretended to be an employee of the bank and asked for their bank details. Although the 69-year-old did not fall for the attempt to defraud, the callers at the bank tried to use the phone to transfer money with the woman’s data. The bankers didn’t. The police are investigating fraud attempts.

Meanwhile, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier addressed the population in a video message, which he also sees as an opportunity in the crisis.

Corona virus in the Free State: Medical union praises Bavarian infection protection law

Update from 12.50 p.m .: The medical union Marburger Bund in Bavaria praises this Bavarian Infection Protection Act, which the state parliament decided on Wednesday. Now you can expand important capacities and better prepare for the increase in infection numbers, said the State chairman Andreas Botzlar on Thursday: “Prime Minister, Minister of Health and the state government have proven to be strong and prudent here.”

With the Infection Protection Act, the state government can declare a “health emergency”, confiscate medical material and directly access medical and nursing staff.

Corona crisis in Bavaria: Satisfaction with Söder’s work increased

In the Corona crisis, the satisfaction of the citizens of Bavaria with the work of Prime Minister Markus Söder increased significantly. According to a survey commissioned by the “Augsburger Allgemeine”, this applies to supporters of all parties.

Overall, 61 percent of the respondents attested to the head of government and CSU chairman that they were “rather satisfied” or “very satisfied” with his work. A month ago, the figure was 52 percent, a week ago it was 54 percent.

Corona virus in Bavaria: The Greens call for help for non-profit organizations

The Bavarian, comprising 40 billion euros Corona protective screen the Greens believe that the non-profit organizations in the state parliament must also help the economy. “Just like companies in the private sector, there are many institutions nonprofit organizations in the Corona crisis faced with significant problems or even before the end, “said MP Tim Pargent on Thursday in Munich. He cited youth hostels with the same problems as hotels or world shops with the same concerns as stationary retail as examples.

Corona virus in Bavaria: rumors about Oktoberfest – Munich doctor: “only have severe cases”

Article of origin from March 26, 10.15 a.m.

Munich – One has been in force in Bavaria since last week Exit restriction, about that Corona virus contain. However, some people do not adhere to the guidelines. The police in Oberstdorf have now punished several violations – mountain hikers had “close to each other” at the summit cross.

Corona virus in Bavaria: is the Oktoberfest 2020 on the brink?

The corona virus affects almost all of public life. Schools and daycare centers are closed, restaurants are only allowed to offer take-out and also food Major events have to fail. Until Oktoberfest It’s still a while in Munich, but the best decision should be made between Easter and the end of May. A cancellation or a ban on the Meadows be the more likely option right now, state government circles say how tz.de * reported.

“A final decision as to whether the Oktoberfest can take place this year must be made at the end of May or early June at the latest before the start of the construction work. We will make a responsible decision in close coordination with the Free State, taking into account the current situation, ”announced Mayor of Munich Dieter Reiter on.

Also for Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann I still have some time to make the decision, but he doesn’t want to spread great optimism either: “We have to see that the Oktoberfest poses a particular risk when it comes to infection. The virus will not be out of the world until September. ”

Corona in the Free State of Bavaria – Schwabinger chief physician reports: “We only have serious cases here”

Meanwhile Clemens Wendtner, chief physician at Schwabing Clinic zeit.de given an interview and described the current situation in Munich.* Accordingly, there is an increasing dynamic: “At the end of last week, I would have reported 13 patients in the normal ward and six in the intensive care unit. Now we have almost 50 people with us Covid-19, nine of them in the intensive care unit. “

The chief doctor also told the newspaper: “We only have serious cases here.” But Munich is well prepared for the increasing number of infections: “We currently have no problem in Munich. Here the patients can choose which center they want to go to. ”Wendtner is only concerned about the surrounding hospitals. They would have the same cases, but less material.

In Germany, the experts are now divided. A doctor’s president now demands mouth protection for all Germans.

* tz.de / Merkur.de are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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List of rubric lists: © dpa / Peter Kneffel

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