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Corona virus SARS-CoV-2: possible pandemic – how to prepare?

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The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is spreading. There is no reason to panic – nevertheless, you can make sensible preparations for a possible pandemic.

  • The Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 spreads further
  • There is no reason to panic – nevertheless you can make sensible preparations
  • How to focus on one pandemic prepared and before Coronav
    irus can protect

The Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 spreads further. So far she speaks World Health Organization (WHO) not from one pandemicbut from an “epidemic in individual countries”. Nevertheless, you can think about how to prepare for a possible pandemic. The things that can be done and considered in advance make sense even if there is no coronavirus pandemic.

Protection against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the ones it triggers is particularly important Lung disease Covid-19, The harder it is for the virus to spread, the slower it progresses. At the same time, these measures also protect you against the flu (influenza), which relieves the health system.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: interrupt the chain of infection

It is particularly important that everyone helps to interrupt the chain of infection. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is – just like the related SARS – passed on by droplet and smear infection. The virus increases in the throat and is released again by sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose. In this way, the corona virus also reaches surfaces where it can get on the hands and further on mucous membranes by smear infection. More about the symptoms and the incubation period of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

Individuals can do this to protect themselves against the coronavirus (and flu)

  • Keep a distance from the sick (one to two meters)
  • Wash hands carefully and frequently (at least 20 seconds with soap and up to the wrist)
  • Avoid shaking hands and hugs (you can replace them with the “Ebola handshake”, a kind of elbow strike)
  • Avoid touching your face if possible
  • Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose with your fingers
  • Do not sneeze and cough in your hand, but in a handkerchief or elbow
  • Dispose of used tissues quickly
  • Develop protective habits: press the elevator button with your ankles, open the door handle with your elbow, etc.
  • Avoid busy places and events (set priorities)
  • Respiratory masks, on the other hand, do not protect against infection with the corona virus, they primarily serve as external protection

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: This is how you can prepare for a possible pandemic

If there is one Coronavirus pandemic, there may be bottlenecks and restrictions, some of which can be prepared in advance. If necessary, experts should advise you to stay in your home for several weeks. You can make these preparations in advance:

  • Have a sufficient amount of important prescription medication available (monthly ration)
  • Create a stock of non-perishable food
  • Think about the protection and care of other people (especially the elderly and sick)
  • Organize early childcare options for sick children

Preparing for a possible coronavirus pandemic: having supplies at home

The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK) generally recommends having certain supplies for emergencies at home. This applies not only to a possible coronavirus pandemic, but also to situations such as heavy snow or blackouts. The BBK recommends to stock up for ten days in emergencies.

Rubric list picture: © picture alliance / Marijan Murat / dpa

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