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Corona virus: Offenbach amazes with corona campaign – “Your Mudda” in the grave

In the middle of the corona crisis: The city of Offenbach is drawing attention to itself with a curious Instagram campaign.

  • The corona virus * is rampant in Offenbach am Main
  • The city of Offenbach starts Instagram an unusual corona campaign
  • The action has a serious background

Offenbach – The Corona crisis Has Offenbach firmly under control: almost all shops are closed, pubs and hairdressers are closed, there is a ban on contact. But not everyone adheres to the strict rules. With a Coronavirus campaign on Instagram the city of Offenbach is now drawing attention to this.

Coronavirus in Offenbach: City launches curious Instagram campaign

If you click on the official profile of the city on Instagram Offenbach, alongside the usual posts and pictures, a new, colorful campaign for the coronavirus pandemic * stands out. “Nice not to see you,” it says for example. Other postings say “your party” and “your meeting”, if you click further, tombstones with the inscriptions “your mudda” and “your vadda” appear.

What’s the deal? The city’s Instagram campaign Offenbach looks strange and somewhat macabre, but has a serious background. If you click through the photos to the last picture, it becomes clear what the city wants to achieve with the campaign. “Corona can kill your loved ones,” it says warningly.

City of Offenbach with coronavirus campaign on Instagram: background is serious

Most people adhere to the ban on contact * and the strict rules around that Corona virus contain. Nevertheless, there are still some unteachable people who meet in groups or celebrate corona parties.

The disease runs in young people Covid-19by the Corona virus can be triggered, usually lightly. But: For people of an older age, the risk of getting ill is steadily increasing. The city’s urgent request Offenbachto prevent further spreading: “Stay at home. #stayhome. “

The Offenbach corona virus campaign seems to be well received by users. The “Meine Mudda” post has received almost 250 hearts. One user wrote: “Good campaign”.

Coronavirus campaign from Offenbach on Instagram: These measures are important

Not just in the social network Instagram is Offenbach active. The city usually prefers its own website for contact with citizens Offenbach.de, which also provides comprehensive information about the corona virus and protection against the pathogen.

The city Offenbach advises citizens on the following, among others Corona Code of Conduct *:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly
  • Cough and sneeze in the crook of the arm
  • Avoid shaking hands
  • Disinfect your smartphone regularly
  • Avoid crowds
  • Stop physical contact with older people if possible
  • Stay at home with cold symptoms
  • Avoid traveling and avoid public transport
  • If possible work in the home office
  • Reduce contacts (social distancing)

Corona virus in Offenbach: consequences of the crisis not yet foreseeable

The widespread corona virus and the associated measures mean a massive financial cut for Offenbach *. Offenbach could lack significant amounts of money after the Corona crisis. However, it is still unclear how the situation will develop.

There are also more and more people in the Offenbach region who develop Corona. All information on the current situation can be found in the Corona ticker for the Offenbach region.

A company from Dreieich (Offenbach district) has meanwhile programmed a corona app that warns the user when it comes into contact with an infected person.

In Offenbach, Offenbach has: Parliament leader Stephan Färber is also concerned about the future of the city. * Its chairman Stephan Färber (SPD) is concerned about this.

* op-online.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


More and more celebrities are getting Corona. Information on this can be found in the news ticker on the topic: Which stars are infected with the corona virus?

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