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Corona virus: new cases after tourism screening

In Salzburg, two other illnesses were added to the already known cases surrounding the “Covid Cluster A” that arose after a meeting of the Rotary Club. The cluster thus comprises 22 confirmed infected people. Another case from Pinzgau was reported on Sunday.

Clarification by the health authorities is ongoing. Thus, as of Sunday evening, there are 30 people in Salzburg with a confirmed Covid 19 infection.

702 corona dead in Austria

In Austria, 702 people died of Covid-19 by Sunday. According to the State Statistics Vienna (MA 23), at the peak of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 there was a temporary “slight over-mortality” among people over 65. WHO Europe Regional Director Hans Kluge congratulates Austria on the management of the pandemic to date. You would have done a “good job”, he said in an APA interview.

74 new infections in 24 hours

The current figures according to the Austrian Ministry of the Interior: So far there have been 17,654 positive test results in Austria. As of Sunday (June 28, 2020, 9:30 a.m.), 702 people across Austria died of the consequences of the Corona virus, 16,401 have recovered. 71 people were currently being treated for the corona virus and nine of them were in intensive care units.

Coronavirus: Austria in a good situation

With around ten million confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections and around 500,000 deaths worldwide, Austria is currently in a good situation. “The virus can affect us all. But the poorest and the elderly suffer the most,” said WHO Europe regional director Hans Kluge in an interview with the APA. “Congratulations to Austria. Austria and countries like Germany did a good job.”

Speed ​​underestimated

“We were warned about SARS, MERS and the influenza pandemic. But our memory is poor about bad news. What we really underestimated is the speed with which SARS-CoV-2 is spreading and the scale Desolation that wreaks it, “said Kluge. Copenhagen has been at the head of the WHO Regional Office for Europe since February, and he also worked as a doctor for many years.

“Anyone who is now a victim of SARS-CoV-2 is a tragedy,” said Kluge. However, it could already be said: “In countries where there is good primary medical care and where you have managed to protect the hospitals, Covid-19 was better managed. Because hospitals are often a multiplication factor for epidemics.”

Provision for second wave

One has to think about the future now, emphasized WHO-Europe regional director. At the moment there is still no second wave of the pandemic, but one has to take precautions: “We have to use all the vaccines that are already available.” The production capacities for influenza vaccines should be increased. “For the future, we will also need warehouses for a sufficient number of protective masks and protective clothing. Strategic stocks must be created here.” A SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, which could probably only be expected in the next year, will not be a “miracle cure”. But you are already working on a system for a fair distribution. In any case, the pandemic cannot be combated nationally, but in international cooperation.

Covid-19 ensures slight mortality

At the peak of its spread in Austria, the corona virus led to a slight over-mortality in the age group from 65 years. In calendar weeks 12, 14, 15 and 16, the number of deaths was slightly outside the expected range, the State Statistics Vienna (MA 23) calculated. “Austria has come through the crisis well so far,” MA-23 boss Klemens Himpele told APA.

In calendar week 15 (6th to 12th April 2020) there were 1,545 deaths in the “65 plus” age group in Austria. However, the expected range was calculated to be between 1,272 and 1,462 deaths, according to data from the Vienna State Statistics. As a result, the number of deaths in the age group 65 and older was 83 more than the forecast interval. The percentage of mortality in Austria cannot be determined overall, said Himpele when asked. Historically, the death rates fluctuate “extremely strongly” in the individual calendar weeks and years, the expert explained.

Also in calendar week 5 (January 27 to February 2) – before the first Covid 19 cases became known in Austria – there was a slight over-mortality in Austria according to data from MA 23. “I assume that’s the flu,” said Himpele.

(Source: APA / SALZBURG24)

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