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Corona virus live ticker: +++ 06:58 Sheriff orders production stop at Tesla plant +++

Tesla 388.70

The sheriff’s office in the Californian hometown of the Tesla car factory instructs the carmaker to stop producing. The Freemont plant had continued to produce vehicles, although the San Francisco boroughs had issued instructions the previous day to close unnecessary businesses to keep people at home. Tesla may only maintain “minimal basic operations,” the spokesman for the Alameda County sheriff told The Wall Street Journal.

The sheriff’s office had previously announced via Twitter that Tesla was by definition not a necessary operation. The order could jeopardize Tesla’s plan to increase deliveries by more than 36 percent this year. When the corona virus broke out in China, the company had to close its new plant in Shanghai.

+++ 06:40 US and Canada plan to close border +++
Canada and the United States will announce an agreement to partially close their shared borders later this day, according to a media report. The agreement is intended to continue to facilitate trade, but to prevent non-essential border crossings, the Canadian daily “Globe and Mail” reported. Canada closed its borders to all foreigners except U.S. citizens and permanent residents on Monday.

+++ 06:15 Agnelli family donates ten million euros +++
The entrepreneurial family Agnelli, whose members are headed, among others, by the Italian football record champions Juventus Turin and who hold the majority in the Fiat Chrysler group, contributed to the fight against the corona pandemic with a donation of ten million euros. The money will go to the Italian Civil Protection Agency and a social welfare organization that operates in the northern Italian region of Piedmont around Turin. After China, Italy is the country most affected by the corona virus. More than 31,500 people, mostly in the north of the country, have contracted Sars-CoV-2. The number of deaths has already exceeded 2500.

+++ 05:40 Altmaier warns of “uncontrolled recession” in the United States +++
In the Corona crisis, Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier calls for solidarity with the United States. “The world’s stock exchanges look above all at the United States. It is the largest economy in the world. Nobody can be interested in this economy slipping into an uncontrolled recession,” the CDU politician told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “The outbreak of the crisis in the United States may have been underestimated even more than in some countries in Europe. We therefore very much hope that America will be able to tackle this challenge – also in our own interest.”

At the same time, Altmaier is opposing attempts by other countries to acquire German vaccine manufacturers in the corona crisis. “We will stop takeover attempts no matter which country they come from,” he says. “Regardless, we have every reason to show solidarity with our American friends and partners.”

+++ 05:28 Ifo boss Fuest calls for direct state aid for companies +++
Given the Corona crisis, Ifo boss Clemens Fuest is in favor of direct state aid for troubled companies and also for state participation in companies. “In view of the drama and dynamics of the economic downturn, it makes sense to prepare direct aid for companies and possible state participations,” Fuest told Rheinische Post. To this end, the European Commission’s state aid control must give the green light. “All of this can significantly increase Germany’s national debt. A massive economic slump would be even more dangerous for public finances and the economy as a whole,” said the President of the Munich Ifo Institute for Economic Research.

+++ 05:18 KfW emergency loans only in “two to three weeks” +++
The KfW emergency loans announced by the federal government to mitigate the economic consequences of the corona virus can be applied for from next Monday. The house banks (savings banks, Volksbanken etc.) are currently waiting for the official application form of the state development bank KfW, which coordinates the lending, reports the “Bild”, referring to banking circles. “It is realistic that the first funds will flow in two to three weeks,” a KfW spokesman told the newspaper. The house banks would have to forward the applications quickly so that the KfW could finally review them. “You can’t just blow the loans out like that”.

In view of the drastic economic development, the German Sparkassen- und Giroverband puts pressure: “The lending processes must be faster,” said a spokeswoman for the newspaper. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz of the SPD has promised an unlimited loan program to help companies, the self-employed and freelancers through the Corona crisis.

+++ 05:10 SPD vice calls for federal aid for parents +++
Before the ministerial meeting of Labor Minister Hubertus Heil with representatives of trade unions, employers and social associations, Saarland’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Deputy SPD Federal Chair Anke Rehlinger is calling for federal help for parents who are threatened with loss of earnings as a result of their children’s Corona vacation. “The Federal Government is currently helping companies and financial markets with a great deal of money – that’s right! But then mom or dad who have to stay at home to look after their children should not be left with lost wages,” Rehlinger told the editorial network in Germany. “The workers must not be the pinched.”

FUJIFILM Holdings 47.00

+++ 04:59 rush for Fujifilm shares: drug should help corona patients +++
Japan’s Fujifilm Holdings shares are not trading at their daily high amidst a flood of buy orders. Reason for the rush: The company’s Avigan anti-flu drug appears to help coronavirus patients recover, Zhang Xinmin, a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, said at a press conference. Favipiravir was effective in helping new coronavirus patients recover without any obvious side effects. Avigan, also known as favipiravir, is manufactured by a subsidiary of Fujifilm. The drug was approved for use in Japan in 2014. Fujifilm Holdings was not immediately available for comment.

+++ 04:52 Japan cancels world championships in gymnastics from +++
The Japanese gymnastics association cancels the world championships in gymnastics in Tokyo planned for April 4th and 5th because of the outbreak of the corona virus.

+++ 04:37 energy industry implements pandemic plans +++
In the corona crisis, the energy industry is implementing pandemic plans, also to protect employees in power plants – but currently sees no risk to security of supply. In work areas such as control centers and fault clearance services, additional precautionary measures would be taken, the energy association BDEW announced on request of the German Press Agency. The energy and water industries also have a high degree of automation.

+++ 04:21 DRK warns of continued willingness to donate +++
The calls of the German Red Cross (DRK) to donate blood are having an effect: After an unusually long doldrums during the carnival season and in the days after, more people are coming to the appointments again, says Eberhard Weck, head of donation marketing at the DRK blood donation service in Baden -Wuerttemberg / Hessen, the German press agency. At the same time, he warns: “We don’t know what the future will bring.” Even in times of the corona crisis, it was important not to slacken, since the demand for blood products was still high. 19 percent of the blood products alone would be needed for the everyday care of cancer patients. Another 16 percent each needed patients with heart disease, stomach and intestinal diseases.

+++ 04:02 Haseloff wants quick help for small companies +++
Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff of the CDU announces financial aid for small businesses and the self-employed who are affected by government measures against the corona virus. “It cannot be that large corporations are helped and small entrepreneurs and the self-employed, including artists, for example, are left empty-handed. The state has a duty here,” says Haseloff of the “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung”. Quick help is needed here, “so that we don’t lose large parts of the small businesses.” Saxony-Anhalt would sort the demands by subject areas and negotiate with the federal government. In his view, the federal government must “put up a protective shield for the tourism industry.” “That will require enormous financial masses,” said Haseloff.

+++ 03:42 Japan’s foreign trade continues to collapse +++
Japan’s exports slide for the 15th consecutive month in February. According to data from the Ministry of Finance, Japan’s exports in February shrank by 1 percent compared to the previous year. Deliveries to the United States and China declined due to the outbreak of the corona virus and the slowdown in the global economy. According to refinitive data, economists expected a decline of 4.3 percent.

+++ 03:12 For the first time in 177 years: Passion Play in Mexico City without visitors +++
For the first time in 177 years, the Passion Play in Mexico City will take place without visitors in the coming Holy Week due to the corona virus. Every year between Palm Sunday and Easter, around two million people visit the poor district of Iztapalapa, where the crucifixion of Jesus is reenacted. This year, because of the global pandemic, only a reduced, symbolic version of the drama will take place in a closed room, said the mayor of the district of the Mexican capital, Clara Brugada. This would be broadcast on television and on the Internet.

The Passion Play has been taking place since 1843. Ten years earlier, numerous residents of Iztapalapa had died as a result of a cholera epidemic. By presenting Jesus’ path of suffering, the survivors wanted to thank God for sparing them.

+++ 02:56 Argentine government puts billions package on +++
With an economic package worth billions, the Argentine government is fighting the feared economic consequences of the corona pandemic. The Minister of Economy Martín Guzmán and Minister of Production Matías Kulfas have announced that the government will pump a total of around 700 billion pesos – around 10 billion euros – into the economy. The package includes investments in infrastructure, tax breaks for companies, an increase in child benefits and cheap loans. “We are taking measures to ensure economic production and protect Argentine society,” said Guzmán.

Argentina is in a severe economic and financial crisis. The government recently negotiated with its creditors about a haircut. The national currency, the peso, has depreciated significantly in recent years. The inflation rate is more than 50 percent.

Boeing 108.96

+++ 02:42 Boeing claims $ 60 billion +++
The US aircraft manufacturer Boeing is demanding a double-digit billion dollar aid package for the ailing aerospace industry after the enormous losses caused by the coronavirus epidemic. Boeing spokesman Gordon Johndroe says the battered industry needs “at least $ 60 billion in liquidity, including loan guarantees”. The long-term prospects for the industry are still good, but until global passenger traffic returns to normal, these measures would be necessary to deal with the pressure on the aviation sector and the economy as a whole, Boeing said. “This will be one of the most important opportunities for airlines, airports, suppliers and manufacturers to bridge the tense financial situation until the markets recover.” The money would benefit the existence of the entire industry as much of Boeing’s liquidity aid is for payments to suppliers to maintain the supply chain, explains Johndroe. The aircraft manufacturer declined to say what proportion of the bailout package is intended for its suppliers.

+++ 02:32 China reports 13 new infections and 11 dead +++
In China, 13 new infections are reported for Tuesday. There were 21 cases on Monday. This increases the number of illnesses to 80,894. At the end of Tuesday, the death toll from the outbreak in China was 3,237, 11 more than the previous day, according to official figures. The central province of Hubei accounts for all 11 deaths, including 10 in the provincial capital Wuhan. The number of imported cases of the virus in mainland China reached 155 on Tuesday, 12 more than the previous day.

+++ 02:14 Australia advises against traveling abroad – schools still open +++
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison advises against all trips abroad. “The travel advice for every Australian is: Don’t go abroad. Don’t travel overseas,” he says, declaring the state of emergency for the country’s biosafety. So far, Morrison wants to control the spread of the virus even without school closures. Australia currently assumes about 425 infected people. After the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut interest rates, the prime minister plans to announce further stimulus measures shortly.

+++ 01:55 US state of Kansas closes all schools +++
In the United States, the governor of Kansas, Laura Kelly, orders the closure of all public and private schools from kindergarten to twelfth grade. Because of the threat of the corona virus, this should apply nationwide for the rest of the academic year. A task force is scheduled to present a “continuous learning” plan on Wednesday to enable classes to be taught in other ways, such as online or in small groups, throughout the year. Around 500,000 students are enrolled in public schools alone.

+++ 01:41 NBA: Superstar Durant and three other Nets professionals infected +++
Superstar Kevin Durant and three other Brooklyn Nets professionals from the North American professional basketball league NBA tested positive for the corona virus. The club does not disclose the names of the professionals concerned, Durant confirms its infection on The Athletic portal. “We’ll get through there,” says Durant, two-time champion who is working on his comeback after an Achilles tendon tear. He is fine, one of the four affected athletes has symptoms, according to the club.

+++ 01:27 Hessen reports first death +++
Hessen complains of the first death from the corona virus and intensifies its measures against its further spread. The city of Wiesbaden reports that a patient died in a clinic as a result of the lung disease Covid-19. In addition, the number of infections in the country continues to increase – to 381 by Tuesday noon.

+++ 01:16 China expels a number of US journalists +++
In the midst of heightened tensions between China and the United States over the coronavirus pandemic, Beijing has identified a number of US journalists. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said journalists from the prestigious New York Time, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal should hand over their press cards. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump continues to fuel tensions by calling the corona virus the “Chinese virus”.

+++ 01:05 Guatemala no longer accepts deportees from the USA +++
Guatemala no longer accepts people deported from the United States in the coronavirus crisis. Corresponding flights have been canceled with immediate effect, said the Foreign Minister of the Central American country, Pedro Brolo. Guatemala’s then government signed a migration agreement with the United States last July.

To date, six infections with the novel corona virus and one death have been confirmed in Guatemala. President Alejandro Giammattei has declared the country’s borders closed to foreigners for 15 days. More than 4,000 infections have been identified in the United States.

+++ 00:49 Federal Government: Keep social contacts to a minimum +++
The German government once again appeals to the population to significantly reduce social contacts in order to significantly slow the spread of the coronavirus. The reduction of social contacts must now take place very quickly. The situation is serious, since the number of virus infections is rising steeply, says Chancellor Helge Braun of the CDU of the ZDF. The measures in Germany against the spread of the epidemic are similar to those in France. However, the federal government is currently not considering curfew, Braun makes clear. It could be possible to see in two weeks whether the measures were effective and the number of new cases increasing more slowly.

+++ 00:37 Von der Leyen: “Underestimated the virus” +++
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen admits that politicians have underestimated the corona virus. “I think we all, we are not the experts, initially underestimated the corona virus. But in the meantime it has also become clear that this is a virus that will keep us busy for a long time. All of these measures that sounded drastic, draconian to our ears a fortnight ago or three weeks ago – we understood that it must be now. It’s very difficult, but I think the population is doing well, “said Von der Leyen in an online broadcast of” Bild “.

+++ 00:23 Amazon fills the warehouse with popular items such as food +++
Amazon is changing its inventory in the United States and Europe in Coronavirus. Until April 5, only goods from certain product groups that are currently in particularly high demand will be accepted in the warehouses, the online retailer said. These included medical products, housewares, food,

+++ 00:04 newspaper: Formula 1 race in Zandvoort is postponed +++
The start of the season in Formula 1 apparently continues to be delayed. After the first four races in Australia, Bahrain, Vietnam and China have been officially postponed in the wake of the corona pandemic, the comeback of the Dutch Grand Prix in Zandvoort on May 3rd has at least provisionally failed, according to “De Telegraaf”. This is reported by the Dutch daily newspaper, citing a source from among the organizers.

+++ 23:52 Fed extends loan offer +++
The Federal Reserve (Fed) decides to take further steps to contain the negative economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis. The monetary watchdogs announce that they will offer short-term loans to the around two dozen primary dealers on Wall Street at favorable terms. These financial players play an important role in the bond and other asset business. The Fed plans to offer them 90-day credit injections from March 20. With this move, the central bank wants to ensure that markets continue to function.

+++ 23:39 Laschet does not exclude curfew +++
North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet from the CDU does not rule out a curfew for the future. Currently, however, it is not yet that far, he tells ZDF. “The question is: would it help in this situation now?” Everyone still has the chance to prevent a curfew by staying at home and keeping a distance from other people.

+++ 23:29 spring classic in cycling canceled +++
In cycling, all spring classics are now canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. As the organizer ASO announces, Paris-Roubaix (April 12) and Liège-Bastogne-Liège (April 26) as well as the semi-classic Flèche Wallonne (April 22) will not take place. After the Tour of Flanders (April 5) was canceled, the most important races in cycling at this time of year have been canceled. Milan-Sanremo (March 21) was previously suspended.

+++ 23:15 Turkey reports the first coronavirus death +++
Turkey reports the first death from the novel lung disease Covid-19. At the same time, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that the number of people infected with the coronavirus had more than doubled to 98. The dead person is an 89-year-old who has been infected by someone who has been in contact with China.

In Turkey, as in many other countries, public life is already severely restricted due to the corona virus crisis. 3614 Turkish nationals flown home from several European countries, including Germany, were also to be sent to a fortnightly quarantine.

+++ 23:01 G20 summit by phone next week +++
The heads of state and government of the G20 countries will be discussing how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic in a switching conference next week. The politicians would present coordinated measures to protect people and the economy, said Saudi Arabia, which is currently chairing the G20. A specific date is not given.

+++ 22:47 German handball national player infected with corona virus +++
A German national handball player is infected with the corona virus. This is announced by the German Handball Federation (DHB). The association does not name the name of the player. According to SID information, it should be Jannik Kohlbacher of the Rhein-Neckar Löwen.

The entire DHB team, which took part in the course from March 9 to 13 in Aschersleben, will go into a 14-day quarantine. “All contact persons will adhere to the recommendations of the senior team doctor, Prof. Dr. Kurt Steuer and in particular the Robert Koch Institute,” said the DHB. “Every course participant is aware of their social responsibility and will adhere to that of take measures recommended to the authorities. “

Boeing 124.14

+++ 22:38 Boeing probably wants double-digit billion aid from the state +++
According to insiders, the US aircraft manufacturer Boeing could request double-digit billions in aid from the Washington government. Credit guarantees and other forms of support are targeted, say two people familiar with the project, the Reuters news agency said.

+++ 22:27 Brussels: Russia spreads corona false reports +++
According to the Brussels Commission, a lot of misinformation about the coronavirus outbreak has been spread in the European Union in the past few weeks. They came from Russian sources, says a commission spokesman. The EU authorities have now been monitoring developments closely. Russia is repeatedly suspected by Western governments of wanting to influence public opinion with disinformation, including through fake social media accounts. Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, accuses foreign forces of spreading false reports about the pandemic in Russia and trying to stir up panic.

Note: You can read the most important developments from the previous day on the current situation relating to the global coronavirus pandemic read here.

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