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Corona Virus Increases Psychiatric Problems, Urine Color, Signs of Prostate Cancer

Suara.com – The study published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that 20 percent of patients corona virus Covid-19 received a diagnosis of psychiatric problems within 90 days. On the other hand, urine color can also identify prostate cancer you know!

News about psychiatric problems in Covid-19 patients and urine color as identification of prostate cancer are included in the list of the most popular Health channel news on Suara.com, the following Tuesday, November 10 2020 edition.

1. Oxford Researchers Call Corona Virus Increases the Risk of Psychiatric Problems

Ilustrasi virus corona, covid-19. (Pexels / Nand Anna Nandhu Kumar)

Dry cough, high fever, loss of the sense of smell and taste are the effects of the Covid-19 corona virus infection. However, new research has drawn a strong link between Covid-19 and a psychiatric diagnosis.

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Foamy Urine When Urinating, Beware of This Disease

Studies published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that 20 percent of Covid-19 corona virus patients received a diagnosis of psychiatric problems within 90 days.

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2. Your Urine Is Like This, Watch Out For Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Illustration of urinating and urinating.  (Shutterstock)
Illustration of urinating and urinating. (Shutterstock)

The color and thickness of urine when urinating or urinating are often associated with signs of dehydration. But what is not widely known is that the color of urine can also identify someone who has prostate cancer.

Reporting from Express UK, prostate cancer usually doesn’t cause any symptoms until the cancer has grown large enough to press on the duct that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra).

Also Read:
Starting from the Study of Prostate Cancer, Scientists Find A New Organ!

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3. Health Zodiac Today, Tuesday 10 November: Leo Checks Health

Illustration of Leo zodiac health check.  (Shutterstock)
Illustration of Leo zodiac health check. (Shutterstock)

A medical check-up is recommended for the zodiac Leo today, Tuesday (10/11/2020).

Want to know other health signs? Listen to the narrative quoted from Horoscope.


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