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Corona virus in NRW: criticism of drastic draft law – now Armin Laschet speaks

The corona crisis is completely changing public life in Germany – also in North Rhine-Westphalia. You can find all the news in our news ticker.

Update, 10.25 a.m .: The new bill provides far-reaching special rights for the state government in NRW. “I am happy and grateful that it will be implemented at the necessary pace,” explains Laschet at the Wednesday.

Of the Bill provides, among other things, that the person responsible Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia can order the creation of additional treatment capacity in hospitals. The competent authorities should also under certain requirements medical, nursing or sanitary material for the Patient care can seize.

In addition, the Authorities According to the draft law, people “who are authorized to practice medicine or who have completed training in nursing, rescue services or other health professions, may require the provision of services, property and work services”.

Corona in NRW: Armin Laschet provides information on the current situation

Update, 10.05 a.m .: Now informed Armin Laschet before the Landtag in Düsseldorf about the new one Bill. “The measures seem to be working, the curve flattens out,” Laschet explains at first. Accordingly, the development in Heinsberg gives hope for development throughout Germany.

But still can for Heinsberg no all-clear can be given.

Given the current crisis an amendment to the Infection Protection Act is now necessary.

Corona virus in NRW: criticism of the draft law

Update from April 1st, 9.48 a.m .: With the district of Heinsberg, NRW had a corona hotspot in its own state right from the start. Although the nationwide ban on contact is intended to curb the spread of the corona virus in the next few weeks, the NRW government apparently wants to expand its powers in the event of epidemics. The Spiegel reports.

With a new law, the state government should set up new special rights. As the bill is supposed to show, it is about rules in the event of an epidemic. However, after criticism of the planned changes, the government factions are now apparently agreed with the opposition. Around 10 a.m., the state parliament should inform about the bill.

Again mirror reported further, drastic measures should now have been decided in the final bill. In the event of such an epidemic, doctors and medical staff should be able to be made compulsory. Medical material is said to be confiscated in the meantime, the school ministry could be able to decide on graduation procedures at schools.

Corona virus: protective mask obligation also in NRW? Laschet and Spahn agree

Update from March 31, 5:56 p.m .: The very Heinsberg district severely affected by Covid-19 in North Rhine-Westphalia should now help to better understand the pandemic. Hendrik Streeck, Virologist at the University of Bonn, will study the region for one Study of the spread of the coronavirus Examine exactly – to find out what Germany can learn from the district in the west of NRW. The study should, for example, be about when restrictions on public life can be relaxed and how high number of unreported infections could be lightened.

“If politics loosens measures while the number of infections is still increasing, you cannot win with it,” said the researcher of the German Press Agency. With the help of the residents’ registration office, initially Representatively selected 500 families will. Then follow Throat swabs, blood tests and comprehensive Questionnaires. The family size varies, in the end about 1000 people should end up in the sample. Then a relatively good picture should emerge of who was infected with the novel corona virus and who was not – and why.

Update at 3:50 p.m .: The question of whether Federal Minister of Health Spahn a Protective mask requirement deemed necessary, negated Spahn. “In the current situation I see no need for a commitment, but take a great willingness to show solidarity to protect others. And that is a good signal. “

Also NRW Prime Minister Laschet said he had one Mouthguard duty current do not consider necessary. The current priority is to get more protective masks for medical personnel, said Laschet. When asked by a journalist, he also revealed that he was in talks with “well-known German companies” about the production of protective masks. However, he has not yet been able to announce anything about this, this will only happen when “the plane has landed”, ie the talks have brought results.

Corona in NRW: Spahn wants to create incentives for protective mask production for German companies

Spahn emphasized that the strong dependence of the German but also the European economy on other countries is something that “should not remain that way in the long term”. “We are talking to the Federal Minister of Finance like we are Create incentives for it can that in this country increased production of masks is coming, ”Spahn reported.

Nobody would have expected a product that cost cents so competitive on the international market would be. The Dependence especially from a single country, like in this case China, shouldn’t stay that way. Spahn demanded that greater independence should be achieved with our own production, especially when it comes to protective masks.

Later he also went to the still existing one Coronavirus at risk for the population a. “This virus, in all its brutality, hits the weakest in society: the Old people and the elderly. They therefore need special protection, ”emphasized the Minister of Health. That is why it is important that the state government in North Rhine-Westphalia introduced bans on visits to old people’s and nursing homes. “And it is important that these are observed,” he continued. This is a question of solidarity between the generations.

Update at 3:37 p.m .: Now Jens Spahn steps in front of the cameras. “We have an advantage compared to some surrounding countries,” said Spahn. Germany would have recognized the coronavirus risk relatively early and therefore started testing early.

Spahn also praised the Düsseldorf university clinic, which he visited together with Laschet before the press conference. The employees there are well prepared and prepared for the current situation. “There is no certainty that we will not get into difficult times,” said Spahn. “There’s no guarantee for that.”

Corona virus in NRW: Spahn believes that self-sewn protective masks make sense

Then Spahn spoke about the topic that is currently much discussed Protective masks to: “Yes there is two types of masks. Some are medical protective masksthat protect the wearer, that’s them FFP2 masksThey are important for medical staff, ”he said. “And then there is Masks that protect the others from the wearer, for example if he coughs or sneezes. Wearing such a mask can make a difference to protect others, ”Spahn said. He thinks it is important to make a difference with the masks.

Precisely because that Corona virus with some people too was symptom-free, but they could still infect others, it might make sense self-made protective masks also to wear in public spaces – “above all out of solidarity with others,” said Spahn. “They can be a help to slow the spread of the virus.”

Coronavirus in NRW: Laschet wants to involve opposition in the epidemic law

Update at 3:29 p.m .: Laschet also speaks at the conference what is planned in NRW Epidemic law on. “For me it is completely clear that it will be with me in this situation no law without the opposition give. In the corona situation, we need a cross-party consensus, ”he emphasized. Therefore the suggestions of the opposition parties would be taken into account.

SPD and Greens had previously constitutional concerns on the proposed law, which grants the state government comprehensive powers to act in the event of an emergency related to the Corona epidemic, such as the use of healthcare workers and the distribution of protective equipment.

Update at 3:22 p.m .: The Press conference with Laschet and Spahn has now started. “NRW did that yesterday virtual hospital in operation taken and 200 clinics in the state networked with the university clinics in Aachen and Münster, ”reports Laschet. This makes it possible to ensure the best possible nationwide coverage.

Laschet also explained that the development of the number of new infections in NRW slows more than the national average. He further emphasized that the most important thing for everyone in the healthcare system is that they are protected in the best possible way.

Coronavirus in NRW: Laschet and Spahn hold press conference on the current situation

Update at 3:11 p.m .: NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet and Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn will hold a press conference in a few minutes on the current coronavirus situation in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Update from March 31, 10:34 a.m .: As Stephan Pusch, district administrator of Heinsberg, at a press conference now explained, the district of Heinsberg moves into the focus from Researchers. Accordingly, a study is to be started immediately, which will examine infected people and cured people in the district.

Through this study should not only be a picture for the district, but also for the whole North Rhine-Westphalia and therefore maybe for whole Germany to be pulled.

This study aims to virus can be better assessed. The first could be in about two weeks Results available.

The virologist commissioned by the district was surprised at the press conference that the study was not being carried out by the Robert Koch Institute itself. After all, the study is relevant at the federal German level.

Prime Minister Laschet with a mouth guard breakdown – Bavaria is replacing NRW as a focal point

Update from March 31, 9.53 a.m .: More and more people in Germany become infected with the corona virus. Now there is an indication of a change in the distribution of people who tested positive in Germany. During North Rhine-Westphalia with the district Heinsberg Bavaria had previously been the risk area of ​​Germany with the most infected people, but Bavaria is now the new sad front-runner.

As the Robert Koch Institute clarified with the newly updated figures, up to Tuesday morning in NRW 13,225 people tested positive for Covid-19. In Bavaria, the number of officially infected people rose to 14,810. In North Rhine-Westphalia have so far succumbed to 117 people in Bavaria there have been officially 162 deaths so far.

Can a protective mask requirement in Germany reduce the number of infected people? In Austria customers are only allowed to wear face masks in supermarkets. When could the spread of the virus be controlled and thus the ban on contact and other measures lifted? There is now a forecast by scientists from the universities of Hamburg and Mainz.

Italy is considered the center of the Corona crisis. In Germany there are still no numbers in this dimension known. But why is that?

Corona in North Rhine-Westphalia: Laschet reaps mockery for a face mask breakdown – the reaction follows promptly

Update from March 30, 11:11 p.m .: Of the “Face mask faux pas” from NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet has the CDU politician too Ridicule on the Internet brought in. In Twitter posts, users were surprised that the doctors present at the Aachen University Clinic did not appear to have alerted him to the incorrect wearing.

At an appointment at the University Hospital Aachen, Armin Laschet initially only wore the respiratory protection over his mouth.

© dpa / Henning Kaiser

It also tweeted WDR-Magazine West Pole a Film scene with Benedict Cumberbatch as a doctor with a mouthguard under the note “Servicetweet” towards Laschet. The online edition of the imageNewspaper also pointed out that the Prime Minister suddenly wore the face mask correctly on official photos of the State Chancellery. Laschet himself reacted in the evening and demonstrated in a short video on Twitter how the mouthguard is correctly applied over the mouth and nose.

Coronavirus in NRW: Opposition expresses concerns about the proposed bill

Update from March 30, 2020, 6:26 p.m .: To that planned by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia Corona Spread Slowdown Act have the Opposition factions of the SPD and Greens in the local parliament constitutional concerns expressed. On Monday, both factions opposed a shortened procedure for the legislative proposal at only one party congress of the Düsseldorf state parliament. This came from statements by the SPD parliamentary group leader Thomas Kutschaty and the Greens group leaders Monika Düker forth.

The government in NRW planned law is to apply “in the event of an epidemic situation”. Among other things, the draft provides that the responsible ministry can order the creation of additional treatment capacity in hospitals. In addition, the responsible Authorities medical, nursing or sanitary Seize material for patient care under certain conditions can.

Coronavirus in NRW: Opposition politicians consider parts of the law to be unconstitutional

Kuchaty stated that he was keeping the planned one Law on several points unconstitutional. “Among other things, the state government would have far-reaching powers without it being clear now which of these should be”, he justified his attitude. For example, the Ministry of Health would be in a position at any time – not specified further – to make sure that the tasks required given the epidemic situation were fulfilled.

This is synonymous with one “Blank check” for the governmentcriticized the former NRW Minister of Justice. “We are in a health crisis and not a democracy crisis – there is simply no need for emergency legislation in this form.

First report from March 30, 2020:

Aachen – That Corona virus* meets North Rhine-Westphalia, especially Heinsberg, hard. The number of infected people continues to increase from day to day.

Corona in NRW: The current case numbers – Bavaria overtakes North Rhine-Westphalia

In North Rhine-Westphalia so far it is said to be more than 14,200 Corona infected give, which corresponds to a plus of almost 600. Only the state Bavaria* has overtaken North Rhine-Westphalia – at times – in recent days with regard to the number of infected people.

It has 125 related deaths Covid-19 given (as of March 30, 10 a.m.).

Coronavirus in NRW: Planning a far-reaching law

To spread the novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2* plans to continue slowing down in North Rhine-Westphalia State government of NRW a far-reaching law. Among other things, this should regulate the obligation of doctors, and the authorities should also be allowed to secure medical equipment. This reported focus.de. The final exams of middle and secondary schools could also be canceled.

The measures are to have an immediate effect on the spread of the Corona pandemic* have, but also give the country more options for future epidemics. In this way, hospitals can also be forced to create treatment capacities. Armin Laschet will probably inform the Landtag on Wednesday and then pass the law in an accelerated process.

Corona in NRW: Armin Laschet at an appointment at the University Hospital Aachen

Meanwhile was Prime Minister Armin Laschet on Monday at an appointment at the University Hospital Aachen. However, the Prime Minister made a small mishap that did not go undetected.

He probably wanted to set a good example. With respiratory protection on his face, he observed a treatment in a connected hospital at a press appointment at the start of the virtual hospital at the university hospital. But Laschet only wore the respiratory protection over his mouth – and not over his nose, as is actually correct.

At an appointment at the University Hospital Aachen, Armin Laschet initially only wore the respiratory protection over his mouth.

© dpa / Henning Kaiser

In a tweet from the North Rhine-Westphalian State Chancellery, the Prime Minister ultimately wore respiratory protection.

But citizens should not only be careful when using a respirator correctly. A minimum distance of one and a half to two meters from other people should also be observed. This is recommended by the Robert Koch Institute, among others. However, a US research group now wants to find out that this distance is far from sufficient to protect against corona infection. They recommend a much greater distance.

Of all things, a young man from the particularly affected district of Heinsberg kept the police busy by spitting towards an official during an operation.

* merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Federico Gambarini

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