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Corona virus in maps and graphics: This is how Sars-CoV-2 spreads

The coronavirus spreads further in Germany. In the meantime, infections have been reported from almost all federal states. The authorities are trying to isolate those affected and thus interrupt the chain of infection – but that this will be completely successful is questionable. The Federal Government has set up a crisis team led by Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU), and the authorities and institutions involved are also in close contact in the regions concerned.

In our graphic you can see how the number of infections has developed in Germany since the end of February:

The focus of the current infection was initially North Rhine-Westphalia, but now the virus Sars-CoV-2 has also been reported from many other regions. Previously, the first cases of infected Chinese returnees and those related to the auto supplier Webasto in Bavaria became known. From the end of January, a total of 14 employees or their relatives had contracted Covid-19 there. They had mild flu-like symptoms and have since been able to leave the hospital (read more about this here at stern),

Spread of the corona virus in Germany

On our map you can get an overview of the distribution of coronavirus cases in Germany Provide federal states:

It is also worldwide virus continues to advance, meanwhile all continents are affected.

On the map you can get an overview of the global infections (90,870; orange) and deaths (3112; red):

Notes: The graphic above takes into account the data from 10 a.m., exceptions are given. The status of the Germany map is from 3 March, 3 p.m .; that of the world map of March 3, 10 a.m. Only those cases proven in the laboratory that have been confirmed by official bodies such as the Robert Koch Institute, the health authorities or the World Health Organization are taken into account. In this respect, it is possible that (suspicious) cases are already reported elsewhere, but have not yet been included in the statistics on this page.

+++ Current information on the spread of the corona virus can be found here in the stern special +++

Swell: Robert Koch Institute. World Health Organization, Federal ministries of health, DPA news agency

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