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Corona virus in Germany: Bahn is preparing for an emergency – Seehofer wants to cancel event

Corona continues to spread in Germany: The railways prepare their passengers for emergencies. Seehofer wants to cancel a big event.

5.42 p.m .: Deutsche Bahn is preparing for a corona virus outbreak in Germany or wants to do everything possible to prevent it. In a current warning message, the company writes on its website that it recommends the procedure of the German Robert Koch Institute: Handkerchiefs should be disposed of quicklyn and hands are washed regularly and for at least 20 seconds. In addition, in the case of coughing and sneezing, the mouth and nose should be covered with a bent elbow or tissue.The train asks to refrain from shaking hands or touching its own face,

If a corona is suspected, the victim will be affectedTrain area blocked and professionally cleaned. Passengers are also informed that they should leave their contact details so that the authorities can contact them if necessary. The first priority is to get the sick person to the next appropriate stop rescuers to hand over and ensure medical care. There was little risk of infection for passengers who were more than a meter away from the sick person.

Ticket holders of events canceled due to coronavirus can use their Cancel tickets free of chargethe company said.

3.35 p.m .: That of the Federal Minister of the Interior Seehofer and Federal Minister of Health Spahn The crisis team launched deals with the dissemination of the coronavirus also with the international tourism fair ITB, which should start on March 4th in Berlin. At this fair you have to health and weigh economic interests against each other. In case of doubt, health protection will always be given priority, says Seehofer.

The Federal Minister of the Interior told Wirtschaftswoche “I personally believe that it should not be carried out”. However, the final decision, which should be made on Friday on the recommendation of the crisis team, rests with the State of Berlin. Which measures may be taken in a specific case regulates the Infection Protection Act.

Corona virus in Germany: Spahn and Seehofer set up crisis management team – “beginning of an epidemic”

2:11 p.m .: Federal Health MinisterJens Spahn and Federal Interior Minister Horts Seehofer have one due to the current situation corona-Crisis team set up. This has the goal of coronavirus in Germany as far as possible and to protect the population as much as possible.

Spahn identified the early identification of corona-Cases to spread the virus to slow down. The core of the new infections in Germany it would still not have been possible to find it. Already on Wednesday evening Spahn said: “We are at the beginning of one epidemic in Germany”. With this formulation he wanted to prepare the population according to his own statements.

Corona virus in Germany: Seehofer and Spahn provide information – situation in Germany has “worsened significantly”

Federal Interior Minister Seehofer also called for better controls when entering Germany. The authorities are taking away because of the increased occurrence corona-Overview of events happening when entering Germany: People who come to Germany by bus or train, for example, should fill out special “drop-out cards”, said Seehofer on Thursday in Berlin. This is to ensure that those who have come in when a corona-If can be contacted.

The situation has “worsened significantly,” said Seehofer. The interior minister stressed that it was an “incipient epidemic” and added: “There will also be a further upward trend.”

9.41 a.m .: Virologists are now also urgently warning of a further spread of the coronavirus, Jonas Schmidt chanasite, virologist at the University of Hamburg, it is unlikely that the spread of the virus can still be stopped in Germany. Across from Bild.de (behind the payment barrier) Prof. Rolf Hilgenfeld, Director of the Institute for Biochemistry at the University of Lübeck, also confirmed this assessment. According to Schmidt-Chanasit, only that is currently the case tip of the iceberg visible because probably many people carry the virus without showing any symptoms. Harvard epidemiologist Pablo Salazar told Zeit Online: “If the virus is transmitted very easily and usually goes undetected, there is probably not much we can do – even in countries that are well prepared for outbreaks.”

Coronavirus: virologist warns of spread – a pandemic could occur

Experts are concerned about the fact that countries such as Thailand or Combodia with a lot of direct contact with China have shown few infections Time online keep writing. This could be an indication that there are already more infection chains than known. Zeit Online describes three scenarios: It could become one pandemic come, in which 60 to 80 percent of the world population infect hundreds of thousands would die. The second option: that virus could eventually run away because more people overcome the disease than reinfect it. The third – and currently probably the most realistic scenario – for Gérard Krause, Head of Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, is that the virus will behave like normal flu with seasonal fluctuations.

Update from February 27, 6:38 a.m .: Health Minister Jens Spahn chose drastic words about that Coronavirus. Germany is “at the beginning of a coronavirus epidemic,” he said in Berlin on Wednesday. He called to the citizens alertness on, but warned at the same time panicmongering, “We recommend the population not to suspect a corona infection after every cough.”

Spahn, however, explicitly asked the citizens “that you should be yours family doctor Call and clarify treatment if fever, cough, or shortness of breath develop within 14 days of traveling to areas where infections have occurred – or if you have had contact with people who have been in these areas ”. Spahn got his call on Wednesday crisis meeting discussed with representatives of the medical profession, hospitals, health insurance companies, pharmacies and nursing associations. It was agreed that “it is now better to test the virus once more than once too little”.

Corona virus in Germany: Minister of Health Spahn chooses clear words

Announcement of origin from February 26th

Berlin / Düsseldorf / Stuttgart – At various press conferences, authorities swore on Wednesday that people in Germany should remain calm. The location to coronavirus* Currently under control – the infected people are isolated, possible distribution channels are analyzed and contact persons are identified and – if necessary – placed under domestic quarantine.

The big advantage is that one does not have to deal with undetected circulating infection chains, but with individual cases, the distribution of which could be traced.

But even if panic and fear are certainly not good advice, some experts paint a picture that makes you listen. So points Karl Lauterbach, health expert of the SPD, for three weak points in the German health care system:

The number of nurses, family doctors and doctors in health offices is too small for a strong outbreak of Covid-19How the corona virus is now called by experts, according to Lauterbach.

Corona virus in Germany: experts argue – Spahn becomes clear

With the strengthening of the virus in some neighboring countries, the federal government also sees a “new situation”, as government spokesman Seibert von tagesschau.de is quoted. The virus has come closer, said Seibert in Berlin.

“The corona epidemic has arrived in Germany,” said Spahn on ZDF. “And we have to count on the fact that it can also spread in Germany.” ZDF today he said that so far the propagation chains to control. But: “We may find ourselves in a different situation in the next few days and weeks.”

Then it could look completely different. The cases in Italy have shown that democratic countries are now struggling to contain the virus, writes the time,

In a press conference on Wednesday, Spahn said that Germany was “at the beginning of a Coronavirus epidemic “* stand. In a conference call, he asked the health ministers of the federal states to “activate their pandemic plans and prepare for their possible entry into force,” Spahn said in Berlin on Wednesday. “The situation has changed in the past few hours, unfortunately you have to say that,” added the minister. No pandemic has yet broken out – “but I think it’s important that we prepare for this situation”.

Against the backdrop of the new Coronavirus cases* in Germany it is “questionable” whether the previous strategy of the authorities is working – that is virus* limit and interrupt the chains of infection. It has been shown that the “infection chains are sometimes not understandable,” said Spahn. “This is the new quality.” He added: “The likelihood that this epidemic will pass Germany will not arise.”

Coronavirus: Virologist raises the alarm in daily topics

Alexander Kekulé, virologist at the university clinic in Halle, raises the alarm Tagesthemen: “If we have 100, 200, 300 cases, then the hospitals in Germany are overwhelmed”. The High infection centerswho currently still treat all patients would only have 60 places in total – across Germany.

For the staff in the normal hospitals be it a strong psychological burden to treat coronavirus patients. He has no understanding for measures such as stopping trains or sealing off borders, because there are too many distribution channels – it is a matter of quickly grasping individual cases within the country and “letting out a smoldering cigarette before it hits you Cause forest fire. “

Merkur.de is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Sebastian Schmitt

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