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Corona virus in Germany and Baden-Württemberg: pupils and working people increasingly affected by corona – Baden-Württemberg

From Jan Georg Plavec

Jan Georg Plavec (jgp)Profile

Contrary to fears of the past few days, a nationwide “second wave” is not in sight. But there are currently more young patients infected than ever.

Classes are currently taking special precautions.  Nevertheless, the proportion of schoolchildren among the corona infected is increasing.  Photo: Leif Piechowski / Leif Piechowski

Classes are currently taking special precautions. Nevertheless, the proportion of schoolchildren among the corona infected is increasing.

Photo: Leif Piechowski / Leif Piechowski

Stuttgart – In Baden-Württemberg, the proportion of schoolchildren among the newly infected people is higher than ever. This emerges from the current situation report of the state health office, which was published on Thursday evening. Therefore In calendar week 25 (June 15-21), every fifth registered newly infected person was younger than 19 years. The proportion of this age group is even higher than the values ​​from the beginning of March, when the pandemic broke out in Baden-Württemberg and the schools were open regularly.

The largest proportion of those infected, around one third each, are adults between 20 and 39 and between 40 and 59 years old – i.e. predominantly working people. The proportion of these groups among the infected was even higher in March. It then fell steadily as a result of the lockdown, but has been rising since mid-May. Over 60-year-olds contribute relatively less to the infection process relatively recently. Nevertheless, the proportion of the total population among the elderly is significantly higher than that of children, adolescents and working people.

An average of 35 new infections per day

All of these developments take place within the framework of overall fairly low infection numbers. Around 35 new infections are currently registered in Baden-Württemberg every day. That is much less than in April, although the number has risen slightly recently. The following curve visualizes the development:

If you calculate the number of infected people by age group, about seven schoolchildren and about twenty people between the ages of 20 and 60 are infected each day, the rest are older. Overall, the infection numbers in Baden-Württemberg are well below the national average (1.8 newly infected people per 100,000 inhabitants).

The following map shows where and how many new infections were last registered relative to the population:

Not only nationwide, Baden-Württemberg is currently hardly affected by corona infections. The values ​​in the urban and rural districts are also far from numbers such as in Gütersloh or Göttingen. In particular, the corona outbreak among employees of the Tönnies meat factory (Gütersloh district), according to new figures from the Robert Koch Institute, is responsible for the fluctuation of the nationwide figures.

Of course, this is only possible because the number of cases in the rest of the republic remains small, apart from a few other small outbreaks. Nationwide, an average of 3.9 new infections per 100,000 people were recorded by the Robert Koch Institute last week.

The following diagram shows the development of infections and deaths. For the past few days, the already mentioned increase in the number of infected people is evident:

Even in the overall view of the corona numbers, the recent increase is clearly visible – in the number of those currently infected with the corona virus. In the following diagram, this is the top of the three areas – it had become smaller for a long time and has recently increased again to currently more than 6300 infected people:

The data show that the nature of the corona pandemic has changed. There is currently no nationwide “second wave” of infections comparable to that of March and April. Without giving details for such a scenario, RKI President Lothar Wieler emphasized in a press conference on Tuesday that such a “second wave” could nevertheless occur in the form of numerous local outbreaks.

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