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Corona virus: “High security risk for the planet”

Speaking of certain: You yourself have vovisited Iran for a few weeks. Meanwhile, the country is next China and Italy most severely affected by Corona. Have you come out after your return Tehran acted fast enough and can be tested fast enough?

Yes, we reacted quickly and had the delegation tested after our return. All were negative. In the meantime, I had several phone calls with Foreign Minister Zarif, who is healthy. Austria has € 250,000 from the Foreign Disaster Fund for the Iran made available. With the special constitution of Austria we must never forget that there are states that are even worse off. That is why we deliberately made this gesture.

About the devastating situation in Greece and in camps like Lesvos or at the Turkish border, let alone help, nobody speaks at the moment.

The EU provided 350 million euros, Austria has over UNHCR one million euros for supplies in the camps on the border to Turkey provided. The situation has changed in that the Turkey itself has changed its policy, not least because of the Corona virus. We stick to our attitude towards Turkey.

Another country that is hardly mentioned regarding Corona is Russia.

There are many countries where very few cases are known. There are many countries where little testing is done. It is the responsibility of the experts to make a correct assessment. The whole planet was created by the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs already on 12.3. as high Security risk classified. Everyone around the world needs to understand that crowds have to be avoided. And situations and people are to be avoided that pose an increased risk of infection. Common sense commands that.

How long is the travel warning for the “Planets Earth ”apply?

It will apply as long as it is necessary.

How to protect yourself Alexander Schallenberg?

Regular hand washing and disinfection, keeping the minimum distance and the social contacts apart from my employees and my family are de facto discontinued.

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